Medical Mischief

I am a phlebotomist at a hospital in an outpatient lab. One of my duties is
performing EKG’s. One day as I was entering an order on a patient, the name
caught my eye. It was my ex-girlfriend. My first thought was that this is going
to be weird. We had an abstinent relationship the 3 years we dated. Prior to us
dating she was a virgin and I was not.
But I had no real problem with remaining abstinent, especially since I
thought we were going to get married and she wanted to wait. We had fooled
around a little while we dated but the extent of it was rubbing her clit through
her pajama bottoms and she only let me do that for a few seconds; but she
definitely enjoyed it. We had sexual tension but she stuck firm to her guns.
One time I kissed her clit gently through her panties. I know she wanted me
to actually lick her but was very firm in her waiting til marriage. We broke up
due to her emotional distance and inability to be vulnerable with me. I’m not
talking about sex. She just seemed distant to the point I had to move on when I
realized it wasn’t getting fixed.
So here I was about to perform an EKG on my ex girlfriend whom I had never
seen naked or shirtless or hardly any skin at all. I knew I was going to have to
lift her shirt to do the EKG and it was going to be uncomfortable. I walked out
to the waiting area to call her name. When I called her, her eyes met mine with
a awkward gaze. She followed me back to the lab and I took her into the EKG
I asked her how she was and made some small talk. We hadn’t ended things real
well, but had remained civil since then. I told her, that I knew this was
uncomfortable but we were adults and could handle it. It seemed to ease the
tension a little. I asked her to lie down on the exam table. She slipped off her
shoes even though she didn’t need to. I guess she didn’t want to get the sheet
on the bed dirty even though we change them after every patient.
She was wearing these black legging pants things that were tight fitting, and
a form fitting 3 quarter length sleeve long shirt with one of those over-sized
belts that serve no purpose and are just there for looks. She looked really good
in that outfit. She was a curvy girl and a little chubby, but her body was
I started typing in her information into the EKG machine and continued the
small talk. After i finished typing it was time to place the electrodes on her.
I asked her to raise her shirt as high as she could get it. Without hesitation
she started undoing the belt and lifted her shirt up to her chin. I was slightly
taken at the site of her body. I had always visualized what she looked like but
never really saw her bare skin under her shirt.
She was wearing a sexy tannish skin colored bra with slight lace. I assumed
from Victoria Secret since that is where she always went and i had accompanied
her there on a few occasions. Her breasts were firm and juicy. I couldn’t help
but take a few extra seconds looking at her. As I looked up I realized that she
had been following my eyes and saw me looking at her. She kind of giggled and i
blushly smiled and laughed under my breath. I continued hooking her up.
As I did I bluntly told her I had missed her. She was kind of taken back by
my comment. She said she had missed me too. There was a silence. i finished the
exam and started to undo the electrodes from her body. I wanted to take my time
so to get a good look at her. When I finished I gently rubbed her skin around
her lower abdomen above her hip bones where one of the electrodes were.
I was just wiping away the gel that had been left behind. But I did it with
an erotic touch. She sat up on the edge of the bed and I went to grab her shoes
for her from under the bed. As l hunched down and came back up I realized I was
eye to eye with her crotch. i briefly paused and smiled. She smiled and reached
out for me. Her hand and fingers gently caressed my head and ran throughout my
She gave me a shy little smile and breathed out hard but slow and sighed
gently under her breath. I placed my right hand inadvertently on her inner right
thigh and looked into her eyes. I realized where my hand was and started to
remove it. She put her hand over mine and kept it place. I leaned down and
gently kissed her hand and then her inner thigh. She sighed and trembled
slightly at the contact.
She ran her fingers through the top of my hair and I began gently kissing up
and down her inner thigh. She slowly leaned back onto the bed and pulled me into
her. My face was now thrust into her crotch and I passionately started kissing
her there. She took her hands out of my hair and started pushing down her pants
and panties. I kissed her now naked stomach.
She removed one leg from her panties and wrapped her legs around my head. I
started kissing her swollen clit and then started licking her sweet pussy. She
tasted so good and i thrust my tongue into her as she shuttered and let out a
quiet but high pitched moan. Her stomach pulsated and she quivered with every
lick. She started breathing harder and faster until her breath stopped and her
body tensed.
Her face turned purple and her mouth opened in a scream but no sound came
out. Her body convulsed and quivered and she started letting out a combination
of cries and screams that were interrupted by her breath being taken, trying to
be quiet as so no one would hear. But I was the only one there being that it was
late in the day and almost closing time.
As her intense orgasm started to subside she had a satisfying pain on her
face and was moaning and crying, but in satisfaction. She sat up and put her
pants back on and stood up, gathered her things and left the room. I stood there
for a few seconds then started locking up and heading out to my car. I was
surprised as I unlocked my car and climbed in she rushed up to the passenger
door and jumped in and started unzipping my pants and thrusted my cock into her
mouth where she began sucking hard and taking quick periodic breaths to tell me
to cum for her. I did. All over her face.
She laughed and licked off what was on her lips and wiped the other off with
her hand and got out without a word and got in her car and left. We haven’t
spoken at all since except for the email she sent saying that she loved that her
first orgasm was by me licking her pussy and that she masturbates to the thought
of it all the time now.

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