21st Century Subterranean Slavery : Part V

A guard appeared calling out: One-eight-Six and Thirty-seven, let’s go move
it!” She got up; moving out in the hall where neck chains were connected and
wondered what was in store for them. They marched through several hallways and
then entered a small room. The guard signed their log cards, handing them to
another guard and left. The ball and neck chains were removed and short chains
were connected between their ankles and the wrists behind their backs, making it
difficult to walk.
They were then led into a very strange room. It was like a movies set from the
eighteenth century with a back drop of period house with seating for maybe
twenty-five people facing a small outdoor stage. They were led to one side of
the room along with about twenty other slaves of various racial backgrounds
including two males, one of them black she’d met before, three midgets and two
lady boys. Their neck chains were now interconnected.
“This is an eighteenth century slave market.” The guard addressing them wore a
period costume and as usual carried a riding crop. You will each be auctioned
off to the highest bidder. When the clients arrive there will be a short time
when at least some of them will do hands on inspections. You will act scared and
confused and cry or pretend to cry. You will shrink from the first groping by
each client; then if that client complains, I will apply the riding crop to your
ass. You may cry out in pain then or spit at me or the client and get another
lash, use your own judgment Clients who attends these auctions likes to be taken
back to the days when slavery was legal on the outside and will bid higher for a
slave who can make that fantasy come true. Keep in mind that even though the
auction money is not real the client is charged a accrued percentage on top of
his regular bill based on his winning bid. As always it is your obligation on
the pain of lashes or time in the pit to maximize the profits of the syndicate.”
They were then packed like sardines into a small very hot room to wait.
After about half an hour with sweat pouring off their bodies and gasping for
air, they were led back in and lined up near one wall. The clients were in their
seats waiting and some began physical inspections. A short older Asian male
headed straight for her and began to grope her tits. She gasped and shrank back,
turning away.
“Guard…this slave has insulted me,” he shouted in anger.” She got one hard lash
making her cry out loud, she then winced and shrank back again when he fingered
her cunt. “Guard this is an outrage, this chattel; a lowly semi human is defying
me… a respectable citizen!” He had become even louder as he stared at her
furiously. She got three hard lashes making real tears flow, crying pathetically
while looking at him with her best ‘innocent hurt’ face as if begging for mercy.
She cried as he groped her again without wincing but shaking with fear, tears
rolling of her cheeks. He stood back straight as a die and gave her an ‘I’m your
master look’ and then marched off taking a seat. She knew he was a bidder.
Several more clients groped her with similar results bringing her total lashes
to twelve. She was the tenth item to be led up on the stage chained to the black
male slave, the guard prodding their asses with the riding crop. She hung her
head and continued to weep not looking at the crowd as the auctioneer started.
“Look at the crowd slaves, let them see what they are bidding on.” The guard
whacked her ass and she shyly scanned the room and then hung her head again.
The auctioneer started with her: Gentlemen, this former free person, is being
sold into slavery by her seventy year old husband in accordance with the law due
to a sexual indiscretion with a common stable boy. There were general sounds of
disgust and head shaking from the audience. “Yes ladies and gentlemen this
common born wench was lucky enough in life to be selected by a high born
gentleman for holy matrimony at eighteen. She threw it all away with the colored
boy next to her.”
“Let’s string him up, someone yelled.”
“Well sir, he was already given the choice between the noose and a lifetime in
slavery. His future owner has of course the legal right to dispose of him if so
By the law of the land this female can never be freed. There is no reserve on
this shapely and full figured item; bidding will start at ten grand. Do I have
an offer? She was sold for thirty five thousand after twelve bids, to the Asian
client who had groped her first. She was left standing until the black slave was
sold. They were then taken to the opposite wall with the other auctioned slaves
to wait until the sale was over.
She was amazed by the reality of the auction; it was like one of those murder
mystery nights with audience participation.
The auctioneer had a story like hers for every slave and the audience would boo;
make cat calls showing total disgust for the petty crimes most of them had been
sentenced for. Some were thieves having stolen an item of food to save a
starving sister or sick grandparent. Some had been free servants who had dared
to deny a master his privileged right to sexual intercourse with a household
employee. Others were booty from slave raids in fictitious countries.
Her owner had also won a black midget who was auctioned off for steeling a loaf
of bread for her starving mother and he now signed some papers for his
purchases. A guard escorted them to his room and handed over the keys for the
His wife was in the room and got up bowing to her husband and then smiling
apologetically at the slaves. She led them to the bathroom for a quick shower.
After drying she brought them to her husband. He demanded to be undressed
immediately and ordered one-eight-six down on her knees slapping her face a few
times before ramming his cock in her mouth. He then slapped the midgets face
before switching his cock to her full lips. They took turns sucking him for a
His wife then ordered One-eight-six to lie on the floor with the midget on top.
He fucked the midget missionary style using One-eight-six as a mattress.
Ejaculating quickly he made them both suck his cock clean.
Next he ordered her to stand and pick up the midget who embrace her neck and
hung on her body after he ordered one-eight-six to place her hands on top of her
head. They each got six lashes in alternating order as he groped and admired his
handy work for a minute or more between each stroke.
Next they were ordered to stand by a wall with hands on top of their heads as he
drank and talked to his wife, kneeling besides him, while he watched their tears
flow with a smiling contented expression on his face. After about half an hour
he made them perform lesbian sex for his viewing pleasure.” One-eight-six
despite the pain couldn’t believe her luck; this was the same midget the Warden
had used as a mattress under her ass while fucking her. She loved her shapely
little body and climaxed three times while in seventh heaven as they took turns
snacking on each others cunts.
He then stopped them and lashed them three more times using the same method with
the midget hanging as before. Then he ordered one-eight-six to kneel and the
midget stand in front of his chair while he watched their tears flowing, smiling
with a proud arrogant expression. When the tears stopped he said something in
his language to his wife. She got up and carefully kissed their tears away,
smiling sweetly with the troubled expression of a mother caring for her crying
youngsters after scraping their knees. She held each face with both hands,
kissing their cheeks better, then after bowing to them, poured her husband
another drink and bowed deeply to him before kneeling next to him with down cast
eyes. He fucked them both after that about an hour apart and then went to sleep
on the bed with the midget half way under him.
After he fell to sleep the wife removed One-eight-six’s chains and led her into
the bathroom. She motioned for her to run a bath and then undress her. She
soaked for a while and then pointed at the soap and rubbed her body. She soaped
the woman and then dried her, after which she said, massage with a quizzical
expression. They got on the second bed and she did her best to massage the woman
which seemed to make her happy. She smiled up at her with that same madly in
love expression of her first client’s wife, maintaining intermittent eye contact
as her entire body was groped, kissed and massaged. Her eyes closed when fingers
neared her small dome shaped breasts uttering quiet gasps as gentle fingers
caressed the nipples which soon hardened to raspberries. She opened her eyes
again parting her lips and whispered something in her language while looking
down at her nipples and then up again puckering her lips making a kissing
motion. One-eight-six bent down and kissed a nipple while fingering the other.
The woman gasped and moaned as her now hardened and extremely sensitive nipples
were alternately sucked. She slowly began rocking and lifting her pelvis as if
her vagina was calling for attention.
One-eight-six made eye contact again while her fingers covered her client’s
vulva. Her eyes were half closed as her lips parted in prolonged passionate
moans. She gasped as a finger split her inner labia and gently traced the length
reaching and rotating on her tiny clit.
She watched her clients face and received the most adoringly sweet: I love you
expression while her breathing became deeper and irregular. The woman then
raised her hand to One-eight-six’s face, stroking her lips letting a finger slip
inside her mouth while looking down toward her crotch. Words couldn’t have said
it better she wanted to be loved physically as well as emotionally. She had
never experienced a moment like this either as a slave or before her abduction.
She kissed her warmly before moving into position between the slender but
shapely woman’s eagerly spreading thighs. She felt a strange impossible deep
soul-mate love for her. The woman closed her eyes and turned her head shyly when
a tongue met her vagina. This woman probably a natural lesbian trapped in a
heterosexual marriage where she properly did not belong; and one-eight-six a sex
slave who would never be allowed a permanent loving relation ship with anyone.
For the moment they were both fulfilled as a gentle experienced tongue triggered
climax after climax in her client while One-eight-six nearly climaxed herself
from the sheer pleasure of satisfying this highly emotional and lovingly sweet
After a few minutes her client pointed at the covers indicating she wanted to be
tucked in. She covered her and kissed her lips; the woman uttered a quiet thank
you and pointed at the floor before closing her eyes.
She crawled out off the bed and curled up on the carpet trying to get some
sleep. It was probably a couple of hours before the riding crop woke her. She
instantly recognized her situation and got to her knees kissing his feet. He
then prodded her to get up and pointed at the bed where the midget was lying on
her back, holding her own face in her hands. He motioned for her to lie on top
of her in the opposite direction and then prodded her with the riding crop until
the midgets lips were between her spread thighs even with her vagina. He ordered
with sign language for her to lick One-eight-six’s cunt while whacking her ass
five times and then crashed on top of them. She raised her ass away from the
midget’s mouth and eager tongue to ease penetration.
She heard the midget sucking his cock while probably fondling his balls. It
wasn’t long before she could feel her hands guiding his cock to her orifice. He
penetrated her fully and held it there while she encouraged him by churned her
ass, working her orifice moaning with pleasure. She could hear the midget
slurping on his balls until he began to move ever so slowly. He soon increased
his movements and she imagined the midget’s face and probably stretched out
tongue being slapped by his sack. They both moaned as their client fucked one
while being orally stimulated by the other. He finally groaned his climax,
filling her cunt with his cream and then just rested fully inserted on top of
the two of them catching his breath while enjoying his climax. They both moaned
quietly, One-eight six rotating her ass slightly while the midget nuzzled his
He rolled off them after while pushing One-eight-six aside, motioning for her to
cup her cunt with a hand and then eyed the midget pointing at his cock. She
sucked noisily, deftly draining the last few drops. One-eight-six knew exactly
why she was made to cup her vagina and as soon as the midget was ordered flat on
her back again with her mouth wide open she positioned her cunt on her thick
full lips and removed her hand. She felt her inner labia being spread, then two
little thumbs prying her orifice open and then an eager tongue entering sucking
hard draining her vaginal canal of semen and cunt juice.
He watched closely making eye contact with the midget and then pointed at
One-eight-six’s mouth. Nothing had to be said and as soon as she finished
sucking, holding as much as she could in her mouth, One-eight-six was quickly on
her back with her mouth wide open as her partner crawled on top of her and from
an inch away drained a mouthful mixture of cunt juice, saliva and semen. She
slurped and moaned with pleasure while maintaining eye contact with her client.
He then pointed at her mouth sticking out his tongue and they French kissed
noisily sucking hungrily on each others lips and tongues while noisily
exchanging bodily fluids.
She then noticed him closing his eyes and without further orders they maintained
mouth and tongue contact until he began to snore. The midget broke contact and
bit her ear teasingly.
“I loved that and I love you.”
One-eight-six whispered back in her ear, “I love you too and I have since I
crushed your beautiful black body while being screwed by the warden. It’s a
cruel world isn’t it?” She squeezed her curvaceous and soft little body,
clutching her bubble ass as her neck was being sucked and kissed.
“Let’s go to the bathroom I’m really horny and I want to be orally serviced by
the woman I love.”
“What if we get caught?”
“They’re both out cold and we are allowed to pee and wash up aren’t wee?” They
carefully moved off the bed and entered the bathroom. The midget put down the
seat and One-eight-six lifted her up; she leaned back spreading her thick thighs
exposing her shaven vulva. One-eight-six quickly knelt and dove in licking her
delicious cunt, clutching her ass cheeks, bringing her to a climax three times.

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