A new career for Tony

A New Career?
Tony was glad to get the job of English Teacher at this run down local inner
city school in the North East of the country. He had qualified over a year
before, with good grades and with horrendous debts incurred during his training
period while at University in Birmingham. Living on his grant was impossible
without family support, and he had no family, so he had to take out student
loans. Their were four applicants for this particular job, and having had a tour
of the school quite quickly the other three applicants disqualified themselves
from the job before the interviewing started. Leaving Tony as the only
Tony had for some months been working in a supermarket stacking shelves at
nights, to earn some money until he could find a teaching job. The previous day,
having previously got the appointment for an interview he had left his job at
the supermarket, packed all his belongings in the boot of his battered and
ancient Morris mini car and left his lodgings owing a months rent. That night he
had slept in his car on the journey North, and despite all the problems of the
school, he was absolutely delighted to have got a job. It was a regular pay
packet and that was what he badly needed. He had taken a chance on getting the
job and it had paid off. He had some money but he had nowhere to live, but now a
regular pay packet beckoned.
On his tour of the school he saw that the walls of the school were covered with
graffiti, the litter, the dress and demeanor of the students together with the
demoralized attitude of the other teaching staff all had the combined effect of
dissuading the other applicants of proceeding with the interview. Tony himself
soon recognised that there were huge problems, but his need for cash was so
desperate, that he felt he had no option but to take the job if it was offered.

The chairman of the school board who chaired the selection committee was a very
attractive lady going by the name of Miss Monica Stapleford, a lady of West
Indian origin and a City Councilor on the ruling labour parties Education
Committee. She was a lady in her mid thirties who was obviously well educated
and full of enthusiasm. Tonys spirits rose as she outlined her plans for the
future of the school, he was sure that with her at the helm things would soon
She explained to Tony that although they were located in a run down part of the
city where there was a lot of poverty. She intended to ensure that significant
improvements could be made. She explained that many of the children came from
poverty stricken one parent families existing on state benefit. But, she went on
to point out that his age and looks would make him fair game for many of the
senior girls and he would have to be on his guard. “Do not even be tempted,
think of the consequences.” She said.
“The majority of the girls are all bloody sex mad and will have your bloody
pants off in a shake if you give them half a chance.” intervened the cynical
Headmaster. Who suddenly spoke up, surprising Tony who thought he had previously
been asleep.
The Chairwoman glared at the Headmaster and he responded with “Well its bloody
true – isn’t it?” Turning back to Tony she then said. “It is a fact that we do
have a problem with many of the older girls, but we do have a number of girls
from respectable homes who do credit to the school.”
“Yes her daughter for one, and I suppose there may be one or two more but I
can’t name them.” The Headmaster said again cynically.
Eventually the interview ended with the Chairman congratulated him and saying
“Mr. Nash if you need to see me about anything that is bothering you just give
me a ring. The Headmaster will give you my telephone number. You must ring first
as I am very often out on Council Business.”
The Headmaster took him along to the staff room where Tony was introduced to a
motley number of staff. Many were near retiring age, but there were one or two
younger men and women who had been appointed in recent months. All of them
seemed to lack enthusiasm or have anything good to say about the school or the
students, which was a little demoralising,.
One of them was a slim attractive young Indian lady who introduced herself as
Miss Cindy Singh as saying “My parents came from the Punjab and I also teach
English so we will be working together on some projects, where are you living by
the way?”
“I don’t have anywhere at present.” Tony said
“Well my lodgings has a room for rent, its cheap and cheerful and I can
introduce you if you like. After school Tony was taken to the lodging house, and
it was very much as Cindy had described it. It was certainly cheap but not so
cheerful, the furniture was virtually worn out, the toilet was badly stained and
there was a pair of soiled ladies panties stuffed in the Kitchen cupboard but
the mattress on the bed seemed comfortable and the bedding seemed clean..
Cindy herself seemed quite pleasant and Tony was very pleased at the cheapness
of the room told the landlady he would move in straight away, and he paid a
months rent in advance, which left him with just enough money for food and
essentials until his first pay cheque arrived.
The landlady was quite young, and fairly attractive but looked a bit frazzled in
her appearance, and she told him in a very firm voice. “No women in your room
and no excessive drinking. If you are going to be out late after 9.30 you must
tell me, and I will give you a front door key, and no noise when you come in.”
Cindy said. “We are work colleagues so I hope you will make an exception for us
Mrs. Russell.”
“No exception deary rules are rules. But in your case it will be OK as long as
you leave the door open so that I can see if there is any monkey business.”
Cindy just pouted at Tony, and with a chuckle said. “Take no notice we will do
what we please Tony. We will just have to go somewhere else if we want to do any
monkey business.”
Afterwards Cindy who cooked a meal for him and helped him clean his room said.
“Welcome to the local doss house.” He later found that the landlady’s fifteen
year old daughter Amy was in his class at school, and seemed to be quite
actively, trying to come on to him every time they met at home. She was a pretty
young girl and Tony knew many men would be tempted.
Cindy told Tony the first evening “The landlady has numerous boyfriends, and I
have heard that she gets paid for turning a few tricks. Her old man spends all
his time at the local pub, and comes home pissed most nights. Young Amy is at
our school, and you will have to judge for yourself, she acts the young
innocent, but I should keep well away from her. ”
Tony started work the following Monday, he worked for a week and then the school
closed for half term, which was just eight weeks before the Christmas recess. He
was given the most troublesome group of girl students, who immediately made it
clear that despite a fluke of examination marking they had somehow managed to
qualify to study for their “O” levels although they had no real interest in
learning anything which did not relate to sex.. The group were almost all
sixteen and 18 years of age, and he soon found that most of them had no
intention of taking their education seriously. They all almost without
exception, ignored the schools regulation uniform, preferring to turn up for
school in tight jeans blouse or tea shirts without bra’s which made their
teenage nipples very prominent, and their faces covered with excessive make-up.
Threats of expulsion did not work – most of them would be happy to be expelled,
but as the law required that their parents were forced to send them to school,
or face the threat of eventual imprisonment, they themselves would welcome
expulsion which gave them an excuse not to attend school.
Tony soon found that a lot of them came from single parent homes and quite often
their mothers were active prostitutes, or worked in local massage parlours. The
girls themselves did not mind the idea of getting pregnant as they could leave
school, and live on state benefit, or turn to part time prostitution to earn
extra money.
Several of the girls caught his attention especially as they seemed to have the
knack of making themselves look older than they were. Amy his landlady’s
daughter was one of them, a girl called Megan Mooney plus the Chair woman’s
daughter Felicity Stapleford was also in the class and the three girls were all
quite friendly and formed a little clique of their own.
The first week went quite quickly and he soon became partially immune to a lot
of the hassle he had from students. He found that it was no good losing his
temper, or trying to discipline students who stepped over the line in their
behaviour, as the Headmaster would not back his staff up anyway. He just did his
On most days he ferried Cindy Singh and Amy to school every morning and usually
took them home after school, Cindy was a pleasant girl but he found as the days
passed she was becoming a little possessive. Quite quickly Tony was trying to
find things to do out of the house to avoid her. Most evenings she would come to
his room to have a chat, or they would watch TV together. She started to do his
washing, and his ironing , then she started cleaning his apartment and changing
his bedclothes, and Tony although he appreciated her help was beginning to get a
little worried when she started to hint about going out on dates together.
It was so noticeable that young Amy one day came out with the question on the
way to school “Are you two fucking?” But Tony quickly assured her that he was
not, nor was he having an affair with any other girl or lady. One night Cindy
complained to Tony that the Landlady’s husband had been trying to get into her
room when she was in bed, she thought he had been drinking and she asked Tony if
she could sleep in his room.
Tony refused, he knew full well that Cindy would soon be in his bed if he
allowed that to happen, but he did have a couple of wooden wedges that she could
put under the door, which would stop anyone getting into her room. But Cindy did
not give up, so much so that Tony vowed that on receiving his first pay cheque
he would seek other lodgings.
On the other hand Tony rather liked Amy, she was a pretty red head and a very
vivacious character, but also rather childish in some ways. The first Saturday
of half term Amy asked Tony to give her a lift to the Cinema where there was the
film “The Sound of Music’ being re-run. After dropping her off, he decided that
he fancied seeing the film again, so he took his car to a public car park and
went back to the Cinema. The Cinema was only half full, and so Tony took one of
the double courting couple seats in the back row and made himself comfortable.
He was so engrossed in the film that he was only vaguely aware of the fact that
someone had taken the adjoining seat. Which was strange as their were plenty of
empty seats. The smell of perfume alerted him, and he turned to find that young
Amy was sitting next to him in the vacant double seat, she just smiled up at him
sexily and she pulled his right arm round her shoulders putting them in a clinch
with her head on his shoulder. She reached up and kissed him lightly on the lips
and settled down as Tony thought to watch the film. Tony not wanting to create a
fuss went along with it, until her hand started unzipping his trousers, and she
quite boldly put her hand inside to fondle Tony’s now full size erection. She
rested her raincoat across their laps and quite boldly she took his other hand
and put it inside her blouse so that his hand could fondle her breast. Later she
moved his hand down under her skirt to fondle her naked pussy.

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