Adult store fun

I have had many memorable encounters over the years. I didn’t think it could
top myself until last week. I am incredibly aroused while I type this and I’m
sure that I will live my most recent encounter over and over again. Here’s my
story. It is real, which is why it is so erotic and powerful.
I was out of town on travel (again). It seems that I live in seat 2A of
american Airlines. But that is the nature of my work. Bored, I started searching
the web to see if there were any local adult stores. I discovered fleshlight a
few years ago and I wanted to see if I could pick one up for my extended stay.
It is a great companion, but not something you can pack in your luggage. It
would be extremely embarrassing to go through security and have your luggage
randomly inspected…laying out the toy for everyone to see.
So quite often, if I am on an extended stay, I will buy a flashlight and
discard it before I fly home. They don’t seem to last very long anyway. Although
I am not long, but my dick is thick and the Fleshlight always splits at the
point of entry. It is for this very reason that my most recent encounter turned
into an awesome experience.
So, I found a local adult store and walked inside. I was surprised, and
pleased, to see that a younger, good-looking, early 30’s female was working the
counter. She greeted me with a smile and a very friendly “how can I help you”.
You can imagine what my first thoughts were on how to respond, but I politely
responded, “just here to peruse, thank you.” She introduced herself as “Allie”
and said, “well if I can help, just let me know.” I wandered around looking for
the male-toys. It wasn’t a very big store, so from the front counter, Allie
could see that I was lost. So she wandered my direction and asked what I was
looking for.
With an unusual moment of confidence, I said “male masturbation toys.” Allie
smiled and said “follow me”. As I let her walk in front of me, I noticed her
sweet and tight ass – something I did not see while she was standing behind the
counter. My thoughts were running wild while I followed her to the male-toy
location in the store and I enjoyed every moment of the short walk. As it turns
out, she knew I was staring and put an extra sway in her walk.
So we made our way back to the male-toy area and she started introducing me
to the various options and asked if I had tried any of them before. I said,
“sure”, and without thinking before talking, I said “I like the fleshlights, but
don’t last very long.” Ellie, kind of chuckled and said “are you using a quality
lube? Are you using a water-based solution and using the proper cleaning
solution after you cum?” I smiled…primarily because I liked the bold talk
coming from that pretty mouth and said, “yes, yes, yes. The issue is that the
fleshlight always splits on the end, not because of any ineptitude on my part.”
That’s when it got erotic.
Ellie said, “is that because you are to big? If so, I have some other
products I can show you.” I said, “it’s not that I am that long, but I cannot
use the fleshlight while it is in its container. It’s much too tight, so I take
the liner out and use the liner-insert by itself.” Ellie said, “yes, we have a
few customers who have had the same complaint – let me show you a few other
masturbators to consider.” I was in heaven, Ellie was introducing me to a number
of “stokers” and toys – speaking with utmost authority on every single one.
After a few minutes, she said, “what do you think? By then, after listening to
her sexy voice and watching to sexy lips talk so dirty, I had a raging hard-on.
Ellie certainly noticed it and said, “you better make up your mind quick and
take care of the erection!” She giggled, I smiled and said, “I think I’ll try
the LoveHoney model because it has a wide opening and little fingers that look
very stimulating.”
As we pondered the LoveHoney, Ellie asked “how I plan to use it?” I chuckled
and said, “What do you mean, I’m going to stick it on my dick and make a mess on
the inside.” She chuckled and said, “no, no, what I mean is are going to
stimulate yourself by moving it up and down with your hand or do you want to
mount it on a table or a wall – because we have a bracket for mounting it to a
firm surface.” Again, I chucked and said, “no – thanks, I will use it in a most
conventional way.”
Next, Ellie asked, “do you have lube?” I said, “no”, so she dashed to the
front counter and came back with a small bottle of JO H2O. She squirted a little
bit on her fingers to show me how “natural” it felt. Then Ellie said, “here,
give me your hand and I’ll show you.” With that, she squirted a little bit on my
hand. I rubbed it around and unconsciously said, “yes, it feels like the real
thing – it feels like the stuff oozing out of me right now.” She smiled, looked
down at my bulge and said, “based on that wet spot in your pants, you may not
need what I have in this bottle at all!” She laughed, I laughed, and I commented
on how I would have to have a big bag to carry my purchase so I could hold it in
front of me and cover the wet spot while I traversed the parking lot and between
my car and the hotel room. What Ellie said (and did) next is where the already
erotic encounter notched upward.
Without saying a thing, Ellie started to unwrap the LoveHoney, looked at me
sternly and said, “you’re buying this, right?” I said, “right!” Then she took
some lube and started squirting it on the entry of the LoveHoney and down
inside. Then she barked, “whip that dick out, I want to use this on you.” I
jumped a little bit, stood still and waited to see what would happen next. I you
said, “are you sure we can do this here? Won’t someone see us?” Ellie said,
“whip it out, no one can see us and if someone comes in you can duck down while
I keep them busy at the front counter.” Then I said, “what about the security
cams?” Ellie responded, “do you want to do this, or not!” Not wanting to argue,
I unzipped and struggled to get my hard dick out. Ellie gently slid the
LoveHoney over my dick and started moving it out and back. I remember taking
some quick inhales as I was thoroughly enjoying the sensation.
Neither of us were saying a word. Ellie kept moving the LoveHoney back and
forth, putting a little twist in her stroke. She would gaze at my cock for
awhile, then into my eyes, then back at my cock. It was awesome, I did not want
it to end. I thought about reaching out to caress her b-size cups, but I did not
want to push it too far. Besides, I was having an awesome experience as it was.
I was completely lost in the moment, I could not believe what was happening.
Here I was, standing in the middle of a public location with a pretty girl
stroking my cock. Ellie starting asking me, “how does it feel?” and, “do you
like that?” I could not utter much more than “uh-huh” and then without much
warning, I blew my load – long and hard. As I was coming down, she handed me the
LoveHoney and said “use the bathroom in the back to clean up yourself and the
toy.” I took the toy, walked to the bathroom with my semi-hard swinging back and
forth. I found the bathroom, cleaned up and walked back to the front counter.
Ellie took the LoveHoney from me, put it back in the box and started to ring
me up as if nothing happened. She handed me the bag with my new LoveHoney and
lube and said a simple “thank you” and “stop back again.” I said, “oh, you know
I will.” We gave each other a big smile and I headed out the door.
So, that is my latest encounter. Ellie is quite the sales-person! I know I’ll
be back. Based on the first experience, I will make sure that once again, I am
the only one in the store. Who knows what will happen next.
BTW, I went back to my hotel and enjoyed my LoveHoney at least once,
sometimes twice a day. Each time, reliving my experience with Ellie. I can’t
wait until my travels take me back – and I hope Ellie is working the store when
I do!

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