Aunt Rachael and I get a Shocking Surprise

 Well First let me explain about my Aunt Rachael, she has short blond
hair, gray eyes ,huge 36D tits(very firm ones), always wears these large hoop
ear rings, small nose and a pouty lipped cute mouth. Oh by the way at this time
she hated my guts, but then she hated all men since her husband and her two
sick/twisted sons treated her like crap and she responded in kind. I never did
anything to promote her hatred of me and I never returned that hatred since I
knew why she treated me like that. At the time of the story she was 35.
My cousins at the time were Brian(age 19) and David(age 17) who were both
sadistic bastards who hated women and were both gay, but they liked me (no not
in a sexual way, they told me that, I was glad to know) for as they put it I was
one of the victems of their Mothers hatred. They were into the wrong side of
life with drinking, heavy drugs and crime.
This all started when my Aunt Kara(remember her?) got in a accident and broke
her leg while on a ski trip in Colorado I believe. My parents went out to stay
with her till she could fly back but I was left at Aunt Rachael’s who was not
happy about it. From the moment my mother left she pointed out everything wrong
with men and then got personal, but I took it in stride and held my tongue. The
next day she recieved a call that they would be unable to make it back soon,
they got snowed in. So I looked into a week at least of hell.
Then midweek my cousins were out at a party and I was left with my aunt. It was
raining and the tv signal was bad so I got a lecture on mans stupidity and I was
thinking, as I looked at this woman who was wearing a black tee shirt that said
MEN SUCK!! on it and a pair of jean shorts, How could things get worse? Then it
did. My two cousins came in giggling from the kitchen dripping water and my Aunt
Rachael lost it.
(Rachael) “You idiots your dripping on the carpet! Get the Fuck
in the kitchen and drive off you useless shits!!”
(Brian) “Fuck you stupid.”
(David) “Yeah! Piss off!”
I sat there and tried to remain out of their notice till I saw Brians hand come
up and slap Aunt Racael across the face. I was shocked and then doubly saw when
he just smiled.
(Rachael) “You fuck!”
(David) “Shut up slut!”
David slapped her then and I started to stand but Brian pulled a small gun from
the back of his pants and pointed first at me then Racael
(Brian) “Sit Rob. Mom you say one word your wall gets decorated
with yours or his blood. you understand?”
(Rachael) /nod/
As Racael nodded I noticed David had a one of the big kitchen knives and he was
smiling so awful that a chill went up my spine. I had a feeling things were
going to get ugly fast and that if she refused or did not do things as told she
would or I would die.
(David) “Mom we are tired of your shit so we decided it was time
you learned a few lessons.”
(Brian) “Yeah. First walk in front of Rob there.”
Rachael slowly walked in front of me and Brian told her to face me and she did.
I could see the fear in her eyes and the tears rolling down her cheeks which
were red from where they had hit her. Her hands were held close to her neck and
she was trembling.
(David) “Now Mom, take off all your cloths for Rob there.”
(Rachael)”No.” she gasped out
(Brian) “Do it or I’ll shoot him.” he pointed the gun at me and I stiffened up
Rachael grabbed the bottom of the black tee and pulled it over her head
revealing a white silk bra. Her hands were shaking and her face flush with
humiliation as she then moved to the clasp behind her back and removed the silk
that encased her fantastic tits. They only dropped a fraction and it was a shock
to see she had pinkish (best I can describe the color) little circle on each and
nice thick nipples. She then moved down and onsnapped her jean shorts and slid
them and her panties off in one shot exposing a shaved clit. That got a laugh
from my cousins.
(Brian) “Looks like my shaves her muff.”
(David) “Has Mommy been letting lazzies eat her pussy out?”
Laughing Brian grabbed her hair making her hoops giggle and dragged her towards
me and pushed her to her knees.
(David) “First remove his pants and shorts then suck his cock
till he creams in your mouth.”
(Brian) “You best swallow it to slut.”
(Me) “Don’t do this.”
(Brian) “You do as told or I shoot her.”
I sighed in recognition that I was stuck. Aunt Rachael removed my pants but when
she removed my shorts even though I did not have an erection she gasped at my
large pecker and her eyes went wide.
(David) “DAMN!!”
(Brian) “Well, well, well. Deep throat as much as you can
Cunthole because I doubt you can swallow that beast.”
He shoved her forward and she took my cock rather gently in her hands and with
tears in her eyes she began to swallow my cock. At first it was very awkward and
I was feeling odd as I stiffened in her mouth. I thought she would cry more but
the increased size of my member seemed to surprise her. Her eyes stayed wide and
the sucking became more pronounced. She was actually getting into the blowjob.
She sucked in long slow movement and even though my cousins would not have known
if she just went through the motions she was actually using her tongue inside
her mouth on my cock going from one side to the next. It was great!! I had to
keep myself still because my instincts told me to fuck her face but I wanted to
let her know some how I did not approve of the forced sex.
(David) “Look at that slut suck him.”
(Brian) “Seems Mom’s a real cockhound.”
I was holding myself ridged when all of a sudden Rachael began to suck faster
and jerking up and down on my shaft and all restraint left me as a shot my wad
into the back of her throat and she gulped three times before slowly pulling
away. I sat there panting at the best blowjob I ever got while David shoved some
klenex at Rachael and somehow while I was watching my aunts head bob up and down
on my cock he went to get a bottle of JD and forced her to take a swallow.
(David) “Now she’s a drunken slut haha.”
(Brian) “Ok mom. Next suck him hard again.”
She started and it did not take long for me to be erect. I thought they were
going to force her to blow me again I was wrong.
(Brian) “Now straddle him and take his cock in your clit and
ride him till he blows his load in you.”
(Rachael) “Brian! Please not that please.”
(Brian) “Do it or David starts cutting you ass up with
that knife. David turn the radio on and crank
it we don’t want anyone hearing her if she screams.”
David put on a rock station and Racheal straddled me and reached down and
grasped my cock. She looked into my eyes with a I’m Sorry look and since her
body was in the way I mouthed “Go slow so you don’t hurt yourself” and she
smiled weakly in return. The head of my cock touched her cunt and I was
surprised to see she was wet and then with a gasp from us both she slowly slid
down the pole with a low “OH MY GOD!!” escaping her. My whole cock was embedded
in her but she did not move. Her hands were on my shoulders, fingernails digging
in, her eyes were wide with no tears, her mouth had a 0 to it but the most
astounding part was her cunt was clenching my cock in spasmodic fury as she
rolled through orgasm after orgasm. She was frozen in that position as her body
trembled, her eyes rolled up, and I knew she was in danger if she did not move.
I hoped afterward she would understand what I did next. I slid my hand to her
perfect ass and began lifting her up and own on my cock to cheers of Brian and
David calling their Mom a whore and slut. They thought she was moving they were
so stoned but finally she began doing it and I could hear her little grunts as
she worked my cock. The pussy was tight and wet and she bounced and grinded onto
me. I looked at her face and she smiled a little and mouthed “Thank you” for she
understood why I did what I had done. She had more orgasms as she fucked me and
I was ordered to suck her tits and squeeze them. I choose to lick, suck and bite
the nipples gently and caress her tits in the same manner. She responded with
more orgasms. Finally I could not hold off any longer as I came close to climax
I started thrusting up into her. I mouthed “I’m sorry” to her she responded in
huffs “It’s ok.” Then I started coming in her and I thought I would not stop.
She must have come to because she colapsed against me. Brian and David were
drinking the JD and laughing I took our closeness to form a plan.
(Me) Are you ok?
(Racael) yes.are you?
(Me) Yes. They will make you do anal next. have you ever
done anal?
(Rachael) yes
(Me) ok. when you start go slow and take only as much as you
(Rachael) I can take all of you
(Me) Hard or easy?
(Rachael) why?
(Me) I have a plan..I want to make it look like I am into it
and when I come I want you to drop to floor and stay
(Rachael) ok. do it hard then I always liked it that way.
(Brian) “Ok slut another chore for you. Suck him hard again
then get on your hands and knees facing away from
him and then you Rob fuck her ass till you come.
She did as told. I was hard again and kneeling behind her. I slowly slid in her
tight ass and she moaned and came at the same time. Her sons laughed. I then
grabbed her tits and began ramming her ass with my full length, my balls
slapping her cunt, my fingers pinching her nipples. after about 4 orgasms on her
part I shot a little come in her ass, grasped her hips and jammed forward
causing her one huge orgasm, she fainted. The sick Bastards were laughing and
did not pay attention to me so I rushed up and punched Brian in the face
knocking him on the coffee table and kneed David in the crotch. I ran out the
kitchen door into the yard. No I was not running to save myself because I knew
them..I knew they would chase me.
My aunts house had a small bog behind her property with a small trail weaving
between to water and the quickmud(its not sand), at this one point is a curve
near a large pool of quick mud and a old low hanging willow nearby. I climbed
the willow and waited. They were not far behind and I made sure my prints went
towards the pool.
(Brian) “Ass feel in the mud.”
(David) “Good! my nuts hurt. Lets slit the bitches throat now.”
at that point I swung down hoping each foot would hit one and shove them in the
pool. I missed Brian and hit David. I remember ever detail..David spinning and
falling toward the quickmud as Brian turned to raise the gun at me…David
reached out and grabbed his brother Brians shirt and wide eyed Brian got yanked
into the quick mud and the gun went out of his hand into the same pool. I stayed
and watched them sink below the surface ignoring their plees for help. I then
turned toward the house and found Aunt Rachael cleaning up the mess. She took my
cloths to the sink ran water on then wrung them out and layed them in a pile on
the kitchen floor. Then went upstairs and returned in a dress and handed me a
robe. I put it on.
(Rachael) “I will call the police. My sons came her to kill us, you struck them
and ran outside into the bog..where are they?”
(Me) “Quickmud. They won’t be returning.”she went wide eyed then came over and
put her arms around me.
(Rachael) “Ok. they chased you and fell in and you could not do anything. you
came back I made you put on the robe and I called the police.
(Me) “Ok.”
By three in the morning it was over and I was up in the guest room when aunt
rachael came in wearing nothing but a silk robe. She sat next to me and sighed.
(Rachael) “You know thats the first sex I had in a long time.”
(Me) “I hope it was not to unpleasant?”
(Rachael) laughs “Hell no! I was enjoying it but don’t tell anyone please.
(Me) smiling “I won’t”
(Rachael)” was I any good?”
(Me)” are you kidding your a sex goddess!”
(Rachael) smiling “Thank you. maybe there is a man thats ok.”
she slid her hand under my robe as she got on her kness smiling. (Rahael)”We
have a few days for you to waste fucking this horny slut you know.”
I moved her head to my cock and she stared sucking like the whore she was…
(well I fucked my aunt rachael a few times after that but she finally found
someone and we stopped which is ok. My cousins still rest in the bog and yes
what I did to them still gives me nightmares…but I had no choice. Next time I
will tell you about a drunk aunt at a wedding from my fathers side of the family
and another aunt by relation oh boy).

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