Beauty fucks the Beast – Chapter One

After a young, blond cheerleader catches her boyfriend cheating, Bianca’s
devious friends devise a plan to help her get revenge. Little does she know, the
plan involves her making out with a grotesque, obese older man. The plan takes a
turn for the worse when innocent kissing leads to passionate, mind-blowing sex
as Beauty fucks the Beast.
“We’re over!” Bianca yelled, as she stormed out of the boy’s locker room.
Tears streaming down her face, Bianca Brogan threw her biology text book into
her locker, slammed the thin metal door shut, and grabbed the keys to her
brand-new Jupiter Red Mercedes. Her head was swimming–how could this possibly
be happening? How could he have cheated on her!?
Barely five minutes ago, Bianca surreptitiously snuck into the boys locker
room to wish her boyfriend, Adam Masterson, good luck for the big homecoming
game. The hallway leading into the locker room was deserted and she knew that
most, if not all, of the guys on the team would be in the weight-room,
exercising and stretching. She hoped that Adam, who had only gotten out of
detention a few minutes earlier, might still be getting dressed.
Tiptoeing into the locker room, Bianca peaked around the corner and heard a
faint whimpering coming from the other end of the room. Wondering what could
possibly be making that sound, Bianca walked forward and gasped in shock. Her
boyfriend was completely naked, his perfect brown hair uncharacteristically
disheveled, grunting like an animal. Sweat was pouring down his chiseled body,
making his impressive six-pack glisten in the soft, afternoon light. Bianca
looked down at his tight, sexy ass and then, to her horror, saw that his fully
erect, six inch cock was slamming in and out of Amber Stark’s, the school slut.

As Bianca gasped, Adam looked up and his cheeks became crimson red. “Bianca!”
He sputtered, pulling his dick out of the warm vagina in front of him. Amber,
who was bent over in doggy style, squealed in embarrassment. “What are you doing
here!?” Adam yelled, pulling up his shorts. Bianca screamed, took one last
horrified look at Amber, and ran out of the locker room, sobbing uncontrollably.

Bianca raced home and, within an hour or two, her two closest friends were
attempting to console the devastated young woman. Bianca and Adam had been a
couple ever since freshman year. Now, as seniors, it seemed like a foregone
conclusion that the two would be together forever. Bianca had high hopes of
going off to college with her dashing athletic boyfriend, graduating med school
together, and starting a family.
To say that Bianca was naive would be an understatement. But she came from a
very structured, conservative home with strong Christian values and had never
ever thought about having sex before marriage. Sure, Adam had sometimes
pressured Bianca into doing things she knew she shouldn’t do, but she had always
resisted because she knew he loved her. “I thought he loved me…” Bianca
sobbed, gladly accepting a swig of the full bottle of vodka that her friends had
happily supplied.
Had it been any other girl, Bianca might have accepted it and moved on
gracefully, but the fact that Adam was hooking up with Amber Stark, the school
slut, sent her over the edge. Amber and Bianca had been friends, once, but her
promiscuous lifestyle had caused them to grow apart. After a particularly awful
ordeal, one of the teacher’s at Roosevelt High School had conspicuously resigned
after rumors surfaced that Amber had fucked him to earn a little extra credit.
Bianca was ashamed of her former-friend and they hadn’t talked in months.
Gulping down more and more of the vodka, Bianca wished that she could give
Adam a taste of his own medicine, and getting revenge would clearly not be a
problem. At barely eighteen, Bianca Brogan was a living goddess. She had long,
silky blond hair, soft, golden tanned skin, and perfect, round breasts that
could fill up any top.
She had a tiny stomach, long smooth legs and a juicy ass that always left a
guy wanting more. To add to that, she had sexy, piercing, green eyes. She lay in
her bed, still wiping tears off of her cheek, trying to think of one of Adam’s
friends to hook-up up with. As captain of the football team, all of Adam’s
friends were relatively good-looking and would have given anything to have
Bianca all over them. Certainly she would never have sex with them–that would
be ridiculous–but she had no problem making-out with someone just to throw it
in Adam’s face.
“You know…” Bianca’s best friend, Madison Stewart, said. Although Bianca
had always considered her to be her very best friend, Madison regarded Bianca as
more of a “frenemy”. Sure, Bianca was sweet, and innocent, and popular. But her
innocence, to an extent, was a complete annoyance. Sure, Bianca was absolutely
gorgeous but the only reason that she was the most desirable girl at school was
because she was a virgin. Every single guy wanted to deflower the unattainable
Bianca Brogan–never mind even hooking up with her friends.
Madison knew that Bianca’s sweet, kind disposition was somewhat of an act–at
the end of the day, she was judgment and used her faith as a means of
superiority. Madison regarded her as a typical queen bee in sheep’s’ clothing
and she was sick of playing second fiddle. And suddenly, she had an idea.
“You know, Adam’s not going to give a shit if you make out with one of his
friends. He’ll just shrug it off.” Madison took the bottle of vodka in her hand,
took a swig, and passed it back to Bianca. “You’d really need to hook up with
someone he absolutely hates. Someone he loathes. Otherwise, it wont matter.”
Bianca, taking the now half empty bottle back, looked at her friend and
sighed. “Adam doesn’t hate anyone. He’s too obsessed with football and cars.
He’s never even been in an argument, that I can remember.”
“That’s not true…” Jessica said, finally piping up. “The other day, Madison
and I were walking home from school and we overheard Adam get into a really bad
argument with his father.” Madison smiled, offering Bianca another swig of
Adam and his father never got along very well. Adam was always something of a
disappointment to his father, as Adam was athletic and charismatic, while his
father was geeky and introverted. James Masterson was head of the research
department of a major electronics outlet and always hoped for a son who could
one day take his place.
But Adam was never particularly interested in academics and was always more
into relaxing and chasing girls. Adam’s mother had died in a terrible car crash
when he was very young. Mr. Masterson was the only survivor and the rumor was
that James had been drinking. Instead of bringing father and son closer, her
death only drove them father apart. Even though Bianca and Adam had been
together for almost three and a half years, she could barely remember ever
seeing Mr. Masterson. But, little did she know, he had certainly noticed her.

“What are you smiling about!?” Bianca asked, beginning to feel the effects of
the alcohol–she rarely drank and had virtually no tolerance.
“Well…” Madison began, “Adam seriously hates his father. If you make out
with his dad, and get it on tape, it would destroy him. Psychology, he’d never
get over it…”
Bianca didn’t’ notice the wicked twinkle in her friend’s—frenemies’–eyes,
mostly because the majority of the vodka was gone and the bubbly, buxom blond
was feeling the effects of the alcohol. “I don’t know…” Bianca said,
hiccupping slightly.
Madison pressed forward. “Bianca!” She implored. “Adam hurt you, didn’t it?
Didn’t it devastate you–humiliate you when you caught him fucking that little
skank!?” Madison grabbed her friends hand. “You need to do this. It’s only
Bianca nodded. “Just tell me what to do” She said, with a playful smile.
Madison grinned…Bianca was in for a wild night.
The girls realized that if Adam was going to be playing in the football game
that night, his father would probably be home alone, watching a movie or
catching up on some work. The plan, as Madison explained, was for Bianca to show
up at Mr. Masterson’s house to ask him for help with a school project. Bianca
would explain that she had to interview someone in a occupation which interested
her and record the interview on camera. Simple enough.
Bianca spent the whole afternoon getting ready. Her friends did her make-up
for an hour, careful to accentuate her stunning green eyes. She curled her long
blond hair, making herself look sexy yet sweet. She had decided to wear just
jeans and a nice top, but Madison insisted that she wear something far more
revealing. After a quick trip home, Madison returned with a small, portable Sony
Handycam, a tripod, and a black gargment bag.
“Wear this,” Madison said, putting a garment bag on Bianca’s bed.
Bianca unzipped the bag to reveal a tiny, black cocktail dress. She picked it
up, and held it up to her thin five foot, seven inch frame. Looking down at the
dress, Bianca protested but Madison and Jessica insisted. Bianca squeezed into
the dress, if you could call it that. The dress hugged her every curve, covered
only half of her ass, and her big 34 C breasts almost poured out of it. Madison
had also brought along a teeny-tiny leopard print thong, and a matching push-up
bra. Bianca gazed at herself in the mirror, turning her ass to it, and realized
that she really did look unbelievable. Jessica put on a sexy, chain necklace,
completing the outfit. Bianca felt sick to her stomach and asked, “Are you sure
about this, guys?” Devilishly, Madison and Jessica grinned and smile. They both
knew that James Masterson was one lucky man tonight!
At exactly seven o’clock, Bianca rang the doorbell of Mr. Masterson’s house.
A few minutes later she heard a few loud, crashing noises and the door swung
open. Bianca gulped and was shocked by what she saw. James Masterson was
absolutely monstrous- looking. The hulking man was tall, about 6’2″, but
extremely fat–about three hundred pounds. He had sunken black eyes,
yellow-stained teeth, and adult acne covered his face! He had a few tufts of
dishelmed, black hair, but was mostly bald. He wore a ratty old white t-shirt,
which had several large stains on it and smelled faintly of body odor. Suddenly,
Bianca began rethinking her plan.
She stood at the door, wearing a light jacket around her tiny cocktail-dress.
Mr. Masterson was obviously stunned. “Ummm can I help you?” He spluttered. This
fifty-year old man was clearly in awe of the sexy, young woman in front of him.
“Yes…umm…” The vodka was starting to get to her, dulling her senses. “I’m
Bianca Brogan…I’m Adam’s girlfrie—ummm…. well Adam and I…”
“Oh, right!” Mr. Masterson said, remembering why she looked so familiar. He
had noticed few times over the past few years, always dressed in a sexy outfit.
His son was a selfish, ungrateful prick and he was lucky to be dating such a
gorgeous girl. He had never been able to get a girl half as hot as her to look
at him when he was in high school. “Can I help you with something, Brianna?”
“It’s Bianca, actually.” She said, smiling her sweetest smile. “I have to do
a school project this semester. I’m supposed to interview someone who works in
the field I plan on going into. I’ve always been so interested in … (she
gulped) research and development…” Her voice trailed off. She was starting to
feel a little lightheaded from the vodka. “Anyway, I was wondering if you would
let me interview you.”
“Ummm….alright.” Mr. Masterson said, unable to keep his eyes off of her
cleavage. “Could you come back tomorrow or something?” He asked, his eyes never
leaving her chest.
“Well, actually” Bianca began, “I sort of procrastinated and I have to get it
done tonight.” She took a step forward and put her hand on his arm. Looking
straight into his eyes she whispered, “I’d really appreciate it.”
Mr. Masterson shuttered as she touched him. Shivers running up and down his
spine, he looked into her emerald green eyes and nodded silently. He gulped and
said, “Ok. Come on in.”
Mr. Masterson moved aside and allowed Bianca to step inside the small, dark
house. Surprisingly, Bianca had never even been inside Adam’s house. Every time
they hung out, they would either go out on a date or relax at the Brogan’s
Residence. Bianca could hardly believe Adam even lived here. The house was old,
musty, and slightly creepy. She imagined that Adam would live in an upscale,
luxury condo or something–not this run down colonial.
“Why don’t you let me take your jacket for you,” he said, trying to be
gentlemen. Mr. Masterson slipped her jacket off and was clearly stunned at the
sexy dress she had on. The silky black fabric hung perfectly on her, showing off
all of her best features. Mr. Masterson led her into the living room and asked
Bianca to sit down on the couch. The entire time she was walking down the hall,
over to the closet, she could feel Mr. Masterson undressing her with his eyes,
ogling at her ass. “Would it be alright if I freshened up a bit?” He asked, his
eyes glued once again to her chest. “I want to look presentable for your
interview. Feel free to set your camera up wherever you like.”
Before she could even respond, Mr. Masterson disappeared upstairs, making the
old, wooden stairs creak. She heard him walking around upstairs, his hulking
frame moving from room to room. Bianca opened up the tripod, set up the camera,
and pulled out the interview questions Madison had prepared her with. She pulled
out a soft, linen cloth and wiped the lenses of the camera, making certain there
were no smudges.
A few moments later, Bianca heard Mr. Masterson come crashing down the stairs
and looked up as he came into the dark living room. He was wearing a relatively
clean, white button down shirt, a black bow tie, and a pair of dark brown
slacks. He was now wearing a thick pair of glasses, and his few tufts of hair
had been slicked to one side in an awful comb over. As he walked towards her,
Bianca could smell that he had put on some kind of musky, unpleasant cologne
which mixed strangely with his now obvious body odor–he hadn’t elected to
Mr. Masterson’s plopped down on the couch awkwardly and clasped his hands
together. “Well I guess I’m ready,” he said, looking up at the gorgeous young
blond in front of him. “Let’s get this thing over with.”
Bianca turned the camera on and gracefully sat down on the couch next to him,
sitting just a little bit too close. The two turned to look at each other and
Bianca crossed her legs, showing off her impressive limbs. “Ok, action.” Bianca
said, laughing softly, certainly tipsy by now.
The first few questions were relatively straight forward: How many years have
you been in researching and development, what drew you to this field, what do
you find most rewarding, ect. Mr. Masterson, who fumbled and stuttered awkwardly
through his answers, made a sincere attempt answer as best he could.
By the fourth or fifth question, Bianca could feel that her throat was
starting to become dry. “Mr. Masterson?” She said, “Do you think it would be ok
if I had a glass of water?”
“Of course!” He said, getting up and bounding off towards the kitchen. When
he returned a few moments later, Bianca was bent over adjusting the angle of the
camera, her gorgeous round ass high in the air. Mr. Masterson gasped when he saw
her–he could see the tiniest piece of leopard-print fabric and could almost
make out her young, perfect slit. He grunted awkwardly and handed Bianca a dingy
glass of water.
“Thank you” Bianca said softly, sipping on the water and sitting back down on
the couch.
The next few questions were focused on how a young person like her could get
into the field: Where do you recommend I look for internships, what colleges are
good for my major, do you have any advice for an aspirating research developer,
ect. While Mr. Masterson was in the middle of one of his answers, Bianca let out
a short, drunken little hiccup, which caused her to spill her glass of water all
over Mr. Masterson! “I’m so sorry!” She squealed, getting to her feet at once.

By now, it was safe to say that Bianca was exceedingly tipsy, perhaps even a
little drunk. If she was sober, she would never have thought to help Mr.
Masterson dry off. However, in her current state, Bianca grabbed the soft, linen
cloth she had used earlier and began rubbing Mr. Masterson’s lower stomach,
soaking up as much water as possible.
As she was rubbing the water off, Mr. Masterson sat up, clearly taken aback
by Bianca. She rubbed harder and harder and suddenly she felt something–she
wondered if it was a television remote control that had become lodged in the
couch cushion. Bianca continued to rub with the small linen cloth. Then,
suddenly, Bianca realized that Mr. Masterson was fully and completely erect.
Bent over, her ass in the air, Bianca looked down to see a huge tent in his
slacks. Her hand still on his swollen cock, Bianca looked up, straight into his
black eyes. Mr. Masterson was crimson red–the same flushed expression that Adam
had on when Bianca caught him a few hours earlier.
Bianca looked from Mr. Masterson to her camera, realizing that it was still
filming. She looked back into his eyes, gulped, and remembered what she was here
to do. Resigning herself to the fact that she was about to make out with the
monstrously fat man in front of her, Bianca closed her eyes and pushed her mouth
right up to his, her hand never leaving his rock hard cock.
Mr. Masterson gasped in shock as this gorgeous, eighteen year launched
herself at him. He opened his mouth, as if to protest, but Bianca moved her free
hand up to his head, her one hand feverishly massaging his swallow cock, the
other pulling him towards her.
Mr. Masterson’s uttered a soft groan and responded to this kiss by forcing
his tongue deep into her mouth, making her gag. He moved his rough hand around
to her cheek and slowly turned her head, so that he was looking into her deep,
green eyes.
“You’re so amazing, Bianca,” Mr. Masterson whispered. “You’re the most
amazing woman I’ve ever met in my life! I cant believe this is happening”

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