Closing Time- Chapter 3

When we returned to their place, Paul and Jessie kept to their end of the
deal, offering their total submission to me. They also called Bobbi, their
friend and co-worker, to invite her over for a little “surprise”. She was a
small Latina with short, silky, jet-black hair. She had a slight hint of a
tomboyish nature, and had always given me the impression that she was either bi
or a lesbian. Paul was confident that the former was the case. I hoped that he
was right.
“If this doesn’t work out, I’ll find some other girl, I promise, Dan. You want 2
girls and a guy, and that you will have. I wouldn’t want you to think that I
lied just to save Paul’s masculinity. I wonder, however, if you want the 4 of us
to be exclusive or to include others now and then,” Jessamine, or “Jessie”, as
people called her, commented.
“Just the 4 of us, if this works out. I doubt that I will have the energy to be
chasing other men and women with 3 regular partners to satisfy,” I noted..
“Excuse me? What’s this about, now? I come over here, and I find that one of the
guys who frequents the bar is talking about having ‘3 regular partners to
satisfy’. What’s that supposed to mean? Paul, Jessie, and Dan, will the three of
you let me on the whole joke or whatever else is going on?” Bobbi’s rather
pleasing voice interrupted us.
“Uh, well, we have kind of a proposition for you, girl. I don’t know what you
will think of this, so if you turn it down, we’ll drop the subject and never
suggest it again. We’ll behave as if it was never even considered. We were
discussing a group arrangement with us and you. You’d be one of 2 women, living
with 2 men in a long-term relationship. This would be exclusive to others
outside of the group. It would also be D/s. That is, anyone involved in it would
have to submit to Dan here. He’s a top, a master, I believe,” Jessie explained.
“Holy cow! Where did that idea come from? Are the two of you fucking Dan?
Servicing him? Is he bisexual?” Bobbi tried to make sense of the whole,
seemingly bizarre proposal that her friend had made to her.
“Yes to all of that. He swings both ways. So does Paul. So do I, in fact. We
were hoping that you’d be interested in it. Would it work for you?” the waitress
“Well, I’m a bit stunned. I’m also very flattered. I’m not half the babe that
you are, Jessie. I don’t have your long legs and great figure. I certainly don’t
have your pretty face. To be mentioned in the sentence with you in a sexual way
is a compliment, let alone in that context. So, let me understand this
correctly: the 4 of us would be married to each other, essentially. There would
be no sex with anyone outside of the 4 way relationship. We would have regular
sex with each other, all 4 of us. Dan would be in charge of it, with the rest of
us obeying him. Is that right?” Bobbi demanded to know.
“Pretty much. Except that you might be 2nd in command. For the record, you’re
every bit as hot as Jessie. Each of you has your own sex appeal, believe me. Of
course, my fondness for Latinas doesn’t hurt your case, either. How does that
sound?” I posed the question at last. She seemed curious, but I wanted to know,
damn it!
“Well, I would not normally get into a serious relationship with a patron, but I
can’t say no this time. Something about this idea just fucking pleases me! After
all, if I agree to this, my old rule won’t be an issue. So, I suppose that I’ll
go with this plan you’ve cooked up.
“It will be an adjustment, but I have recently broken up with my lover, and I
have dreaded the single scene anyway. I haven’t dreaded the sex, but I have been
scared of a new relationship. I have always been monogamous before, so I might
get jealous now and then. Just be patient with me if I do, okay? I won’t do
anything stupid or break it off because of jealousy. If it doesn’t work out, I
will at least be able to say that I’ve tried poly. I will give it a fair
chance,” Bobbi answered, albeit rather awkwardly.
She was still rather apprehensive about the whole idea, but she also seemed
aroused by it. I was pleasantly surprised that she seemed open to giving it a
shot. The 4 of us could make it, I thought. It would be a dramatic change in our
lives, but we would be going through at the same time. I would go from a
skirt-chasing bachelor to a polygamist. Paul and Jessie would be leaving behind
their mostly exclusive relationship with occasional swinging to become part of a
plural marriage. Bobbi would deviate from her strictly monogamous past to take
on multiple partners.
“Well, I’m glad that you’re willing to experiment, Bobbi. I hope that we can
make it work, so the 4 of us can have a long, happy marriage together. Yes, I am
aware that there is more to a marriage than sex. I am also aware that we can’t
formally marry more than one person. The best solution is to have a double
wedding at some point, I think. Paul and Jessie can wed and you will legally
become my wife. Between this point and that moment, you’ll have plenty of time
to back out, if you decide that it’s not going to make you happy. The other
marital arrangements will be informal, of course.
“I am also happy to see you have no problem with the BDSM part of it. Perhaps
you’ve been in such a relationship in the past. I don’t know if that is true. I
am curious about that, but you can tell me in your own time. I also want you to
know that whether or not you have kids with me will be a mutual decision. I
won’t expect you to have them. Jessie and I are planning to have a baby or two,
but if you are going to be my 2nd-in-command, you need to have some rights that
she doesn’t have.
“There will certainly be not-so-glamorous aspects of our relationship, but that
comes with the territory. We will each have responsibilities in this house,
where we will all live together until we get a new place. I will be in charge,
as we have said. You will be next in rank, and both Paul and Jessie must obey
you the way that they would obey me when I am absent. One rule that I am
imposing is that nobody smokes in this house. Smoking is punishable by a
whipping. When I say whipping, I mean that. I don’t mean spanking. It’s a
serious offense and will not be tolerated,” I informed her.
Bobbi was a little startled at some of this information, mainly in regard to the
pregnancy idea and the smoking ban. She knew that Jessie and Paul both smoked a
bit, particularly Jessie. On the other hand, smoking during pregnancy was
dangerous. The thing was that she assumed that Paul would be the father of any
children born to Jessie. She wasn’t aware that he was sterile.
“I smoke, but I suppose that I can try giving it up. It’s not good for me
anyway, and this idea intrigues me enough to give it a shot. I never knew that
you had any interest in me, actually. Damn, I guess I was blind! I definitely
want to have a baby, so I’d have to give up smoking for that long anyway. What
about Paul, out of curiosity? I would have thought that he would be the father
of Jessie’s kids,” she inquired.
Not wanting to humiliate Paul, I offered to let him explain it to her. He seemed
ready, from the look on his face. Frankly, he was thinking with his dick, but I
don’t blame him. He had thoughts of fucking Bobbi or getting her to go down on
him, most likely.
“Uh, Bobbi, I’ve never told you the fact that I am sterile. It was a nuclear
accident aboard a sub in the Navy. I can still fuck. I just can’t have kids. I
will probably raise Jessie’s kids by Dan, while he can raise any kids he has
with you. That works for me anyway. Then again, we will all have a part in
child-rearing. I guess that is one of the ‘not-so-glamorous’ aspects of our
group marriage. Like Dan, I’m willing to take what comes with the poly thing,
including the more routine elements,” he admitted.
“Just for that, you get to be first to fuck Bobbi, if she is cool with it. I
think that I will be busy knocking your girlfriend up. When I’m done, we can
swap. However, like I said, Bobbi will be in charge of you during the sex. I
will be in charge of Jessie. You two will be a submissive couple serving a
dominant one. You will fuck her in any way that she pleases until we are ready
to swap. You and Jessie can work out who is in charge when you do each other,
just as you probably do anyway,” I announced, which pleased both Bobbi and Paul,
it seemed to me.
“All right, Paul. You heard him. Take off your pants. I want you to fuck me
‘cowgirl’ style and then eat your own cum from my cunt. I’m going to ride your
dick and make both of us cum. This way, I’ll control the act, as it is our first
time screwing each other,” Bobbi commanded Paul. He didn’t exactly protest, as
he was eager to get his cock inside her smooth pussy.
Bobbi pulled off her own pants and simply slid onto Paul’s cock. She made no
move to lube it, as she was apparently wet enough already. She also threw off
her tank top and let her small, sweaty breasts tantalize him. I had never seen
her naked before, but she was just as delectable as I had pictured her while
jacking off. Hispanic women have a certain earthy appeal that is hard to explain
to someone who isn’t into such things.

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