Diskreet Practices

Shooting down the highway on the back of Chet’s new
motorcycle gave me a real rush. I shivered as
the wind invaded the legs of my
shorts and lapped at the insides of my
thighs. The continuous sensual breezy, along with the
power of the big machine vibrating
between my legs, had given me one
hell of a hardon.
At thirty-six Chet was a real
man’s man. He was six foot six and
weighted two hundred and thirty pounds – all
muscle. His hair was jet-black – long, and was usually
worn in a ponytail. His features were
distinctly masculine, hard, yet
handsome. His jade colored eyes were exceptionally
beautiful, and were so expressive they frequently
became mirrored images of his
Even though I was eighteen, I knew Chet
still thought of me as the skinny,
toe-headed kid next door, a friend and
neighbor. But he meant a great deal more to me than
any mere neighbor, my feelings for
him had never been more evident than
they were sitting there on the back of his bike
with my crotch pressed against his lower back. God, if
he would only open his eyes and see
me as the man I had become. After an hour or
so of cruising, we returned to Chet’s
place. He held the bike steady as I climbed off. There was
no way of concealing the conspicuous bulge
pushing out against the front of my
shorts. The crotch of my underwear
had become sticky with cock slime, a dime sized spot of
wetness had soaked through to moisten my
shorts. Chet’s eyes lit up as he
glanced down at my lively crotch. He said
nothing, gave no warning at all, it was as if he was
acting on impulse as he reached out
and ran his fingers over the sticky
dark stain.
“I think we’d better go inside,” I said,
quickly looking around to see if
anyone might have witness his lack of
restraint. There wasn’t.
“Christ, I’m sorry,” said
Chet. “I don’t know what the hell
came over me.
“It’s all right,” I assured
“No it’s not all right,” he said, unlocking the
door to his small bungalow.
Closing the door behind us, I said. “Yes it is. You
have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to feel
your hand on my cock.”
Surprised by my confession,
he just stood staring at me. “You’re
serious, aren’t you? You wanted this to happen?”
“I’ve wanted it more than I’ve ever wanted anything
in my life.” “But
you’re just a kid,” said Chet. I shook my head.
“Take a good look. I’m not a kid
anymore. I’m all grown up.” He nodded. “That
you are. All grown up and horny as
hell.” He had the stunned expression of a father who had
suddenly realizes his little boy had become a
“It still wouldn’t be right,” he said shaking
his head. “I’ll always think of you
as a kid.”
“Well, maybe I can change your mind about
that,” I said, pulling off my
“Shit, man, what the fuck are you doing?
Put your shirt back on and let’s have
a beer.”
Chet disappeared around the corner. I
heard him rummaging through the
refrigerator. Heard the hissing pop of
beer bottles being opened. He wasn’t fooling me. He
was tempted by what he saw, I could
see the deep seeded lust radiating
from his crystalline-green eyes. Before he could
return, I hurriedly stripped off the rest of my
Chet came through the doorway, took one
look at me and froze. He was
completely mesmerized by the male serpent
that jutted lustfully from my groin. “Do I
still look like a kid?”
“No,” said Chet, sitting
down the bottles of beer he carried.
“No you don’t.”
His eyes were all over me as I
approached him. “Touch it again,” I
pleaded. “Touch my cock now that it’s naked and
“Oh man, what are you doing
to me?” said Chet. “You’re just about
the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen, but we
can’t do this.” “Sure we can,” I
said, soothingly. “Look at how smooth
and firm my body is and tell me you don’t want it.” “I
can’t do that,” said Chet, trying to look away, but
unable to deprive himself of the pleasure he got from
the sight of me.
“Of course you can’t. Look at my cock. Oh God, it’s
so hard.” He licked his lips hungrily
as his eyes became fixed upon my
swollen rod. “You want it, Chet. You want to suck
it. You want to taste
its sticky juice. I’ll bet your
tongue is on fire. Oh yeah, burning, aching to lick me.”
He forced himself to turn away – out of sight, out
of mind, hoping the temptation would
be easier to resist. But I wasn’t
about to give up so easily. I took hold of his hand,
drew it back into my steamy crotch. “Touch me.
I need you. I want to be with you.
I’ve waited so long.”
He was a blur as he whirled
around and seized me in his arms.
Softly he whispered into my ear. “I’ll never forgive
you if you make me regret this
“fat chance of that happening,” I said,
taking his lower lip between my teeth
and gently gnawing. “I’m yours now, and
always will be, no strings attached.” Delighted
with my musky scent, Chet inhaled deeply.
“Damned if you don’t smell good enough to eat.” My
insides fluttered as his fingers
closed around the stiffness of my
elongated cock shaft. I wanted to undress him — feast my
eyes on his strong, hairy body, but it would
have to wait. I held my breath as he
dropped to his knees and lapped the
gooey pre-cum from my tingling pisshole. “Yeah, I
like that. Lick my knob.” His hot, wet tongue
slithered over my cockhead in a circular pattern
setting into motion a swirling effect
that traveled all the way up my
pisstube. My body jerked and shuddered uncontrollably as
his drooling lips closed around the
mushroomed crescent of my organ’s
pulsating summit.
Chet’s bearded cheeks puffed in
and out as he ate all seven inch of
my cock. Grunting piggishly, his tongue
slipped along the under belly of my organ as he drew me
into his throat. His oral cavity was
an inferno of lustful heat, sodden
with a perverse torrent of gooey spit. I couldn’t
take much more of this. The spew in my nuts was
“I love what your doing,” I panted, “but
if you keep it up I’m gonna
Chet spit out my lumbering dick. “Well, we can’t
have that happen. Not just yet
I ran my fingers through his hair. “Stand
up so I can undress you. I’m dying to
see you naked.”
As Chet rose to his feet I tugged
his shirt out of his pants and pulled
it over his head. His broad chest was so
densely covered with coarse, black hair that it
completely obliterated his flesh. I
palmed his flexing pecs, and twisted
his taut nipples.
My hands shook with unbridled
eagerness as I opened up the front of
his jeans. Chet took my smaller, softer hands
in his. “Are you sure you want to go this
Leaning forward, grinding my body against his, I
kissed him hard on the lips. “I’m
positive,” I whispered seductively.
“It may ease your mind some to know, you’re not
my first.”
He kissed me back.
“In that case.” He let go of my
I squatted down before him, swiftly
pulling his pants and boxer shorts
down around his knees. From a forest of
thick intertwined hair his enormous cock sprang up like
an enraged demon. I gasped with
astonishment as the velvety plumpness
of his cockhead grazed my cheek. It was sleek and
hot, slightly gummy at its rounded tip.

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