Dr Nooo!

Her Buick had been threatening to cut out for the last five miles, and
finally it had given up. Jennifer peered through the rain drenched windscreen as
she steered the silent vehicle to a stand still at the side of the forest road.
She’d come all this way out for a college party and now her pride and joy, her
little car had let her down.
She gave a frustrated grunt holding her hands up in disbelief.
The windscreen wipers still screeched to and fro and she could just make out a
window light not far into the trees. It was late evening and she’d seen too few
cars to think one would be coming along very soon. So she decided to make a dash
for it.
The light was deceptively distant and by the time Jennifer had reached the front
door of the white building she looked like a drowned rat. I say building because
she didn’t think it was a house, it was too big. It looked more like a county
hospital or government building; white walls, flat roof, non-descript windows
and doors.
She gave a flurry of loud knocks, the rain soaking her to the skin.
There was someone taking their time to walk down a long corridor on the other
side. Jenny shouted for them to hurry.
“Please I’m freezing out here.”
The man fumbled with some keys then opened the door.
“Oh thank heavens, I’m soaked!”
The tall man was understandably surprised; he had so few visitors, certainly
never so late at night.
In front of him was a beautiful young woman. She had long straight brunette hair
made jet black and shinny by the rain soaking. Her narrow face was pale from the
cold, ruby red lips and white teeth brilliant against her chilled features.
“Excuse me,” she said as he stood there admiring her, then she pointed a long
finger to the sky highlighting her problem, “the rain?”
He remained silent still barring the door. She was stunning; looking so sexy in
her dishevelled soaked state; firm bust and tight waist on two long perfect
waxed legs.
“Are you going to let me in or what?” Jennifer asked, a little exasperated.
The strange man finally stood aside and watched her pass him. He was dressed in
a white coat and the young brunette noticed a worn name badge as a doctor might
wear. She in turn looked ridiculous in a skin soaked summer dress, Jennifer
struggling to peel the fabric from her ample tits and curvaceous waist. He
closed the door looking at the young woman walking away from him, tracing her
thin legs down to two mud covered high heels.
She turned and looked down at her ruined shoes.
“I was at a party and my car…”
The man waved a hand, nodding in understanding.
“Do you have a phone?” She asked mouthing her words carefully, thinking maybe he
was a mute.
Once again he didn’t answer just led the way.
In his cozy study she tried over and over to get a dial tone from his ancient
hand set. The man had disappeared leaving her to dry her body against the open
crackling fire.
“Maybe the lines were down, who knows?” One thing for sure he wasn’t going to be
much more help to her.
“Oh! Er thank you!” she had almost yelped, startled by the man as he silently
appeared, thrusting a hot drink in her hand.
Once again he didn’t speak and Jennifer sat down, legs together, dress riding up
her thigh as she sipped the hot coffee. She was feeling a little nervous now.
She wished he would speak. “Maybe if…”
When she came round it was the blackness that scared her the most. She couldn’t
see anything. Could she hear? She didn’t know if there were any sounds to hear.

What was it over her face, on her body? Wait, she couldn’t open her mouth! In
fact there was something in it; a gag maybe?
She was standing; she was definite of that, her arms above her head tied
together. But tied to what and how she didn’t know. Her arms ached from the
tension, her tip toes just managing to give her some support from the floor.She
was in high heeled boots of some type. And her body; was she still dressed? Or
was it naked under a hot second skin?
She heard foot steps descending.
Then the sound of a door unbolting, making a terrifying crack.
Someone was in the room with her.
A hand touched her head and there was a scrape of Velcro and her eyes blinked in
the light.
She couldn’t speak no matter how desperate she was to. Her eyes darted left and
right in panic.
She was in a tiled clinical type room. She looked up then down. She was hanging
by a rope to the low ceiling, her feet just touching a glistening black slate
On the other side of the room was a full length mirrored wall. Her mind
“Oh my God!”
She could see herself reflected, hanging there, and behind her a table and other
strange tubular devices. The tall man was also there dressed in the same white
smock as earlier.
But it was her own predicament reflecting back, that made her wriggle and gargle
the most.
Jenny was suspended, on tip toes in a skin tight one piece leather cat suit. It
ran from heeled stiletto boots up tight clad thighs over her imprisoned bosom to
a horrid Gimp hood. She had a Velcro sealed mouth hole and only tiny mesh for
her nostrils. Her eye slit was open but the Velcro cover hung at the side ready
at any time to be put back in place. Her long brown hair had been carefully fed
through a hole in the back of the hood giving her a cute long pony tail.
See could see her own wide terrified eyes staring back from the wall size
mirror. Her mind was racing.
“Oh Jezz no! Why, why me! Ohhhhhhhh please this can’t be true!”
The strange man wheeled a rickety trolley in front of her. It was full of horrid
devices. Some she had no clue about, others looked terrifyingly obvious.
He made eye contact with her and she pleaded back with her own beautiful eyes.
The man put his finger to his mouth tapping it in thought. He admired his taut
bodied captive then began his work.
Jennifer felt the chest flap restraining her bare bosom in place come loose. She
groaned as her white soft sweaty melons sprang out at right angles forced
through the two chest holes in her tight cat suit. She had fine firm tits
slightly too big for her tiny waist frame, the nipples dark and erect from the
friction inside her suit.
The man cupped both hard breasts; squeezing tightly, feeling the weight and
texture under his fingers and thumb. Jennifer bit down on whatever was in her
mouth trying in vain to pull away from his mauling.
He moved behind her to grip them both from the rear; once again almost as if he
was guessing the weight of some hard ripe fruits.
His fingers and thumbs teased the nipples, tugging the responsive flesh,
lengthening and hardening the tips.
She gave a long frustrated murmur through her gag.
Jenny’s ability to show her disgust was severely limited. Only her blazing eyes
gave a hint of the awful indignity she felt. The girl’s fantastic slim figure
was brilliantly accentuated by the skin tight black suit. She looked like she
had been dipped naked into tar; her curves and womanly bulges given nowhere to
hide. Her perfect legs now seemed to go on forever the heels giving her an erect
tit thrusting posture.
Either side of her, hanging down were two rings on thick ropes, like an Olympic
athlete would use. He reached down to lift on of her long legs under the knee.
She kicked and it was a struggle but one at a time he fed her calves through the
waist high rings so she was held legs open wide in a frog squat her inside knees
now carrying some of her weight onto the rings and ropes rather than all through
her overhead bound hands.
Jennifer’s groin felt awfully exposed, the leather creaking as her thighs now
struggled to stretch that wide.
The man began to search on his old trolley, whistling as he went. Jennifer’s
mind was working overtime.
“Was he a crazed doctor, oh no! An escaped mental patient maybe?”
She tried to listen for sounds outside the room. “Was she in a cellar?”
The man worked slowly but methodically each action of eye popping intensity for
the innocent cute girl.
First he unfastened a flap under her crotch; this exposed two holes cut in the
tight thong leather. One hole was over her tight little ass. She bit down and
gargled as he slowly, carefully inserted a greased butt plug up inside her
shitter. She bucked in horror but was totally unable to make any real
resistance. Her anus was so tight she felt like he was inserting an arm the
bulbous head fitting snugly inside her sphincter rim so keeping her muscles
continuously stretched around the exposed shaft.
Running through the centre of the plug was a quarter inch rubber tube with
attached pipe. She didn’t realize at the time but this would make it easy to
fill her ass with warm water, piss or anything else he might mix into a slimy
He then moved to her pussy. In this spread open position she would soon find
there was no way to stop him licking and tounging her slit at his leisure, maybe
even bringing a stool down under her so he could sit and take hours at a time.
But for the moment he greased a 6 inch ribbed dildo twisting the shaft up her
tight pussy, bit by bit till her vulva almost swallowed the end. The penetrating
phallus pressed against her butt plug making her feel embarrassingly full. When
he was satisfied her pussy was gripping it deep enough he then refastened the
crotch flap, sealing it inside her.
She groaned realizing he could leave these monsters in her indefinitely.
Finally he unfastened her mouth flap and Jenny coughed and tried to speak. Her
jaw wouldn’t close. Gripped between her pearl white teeth was a thick rubber
o-ring. The hole was about an inch wide and Jennifer’s tongue darted through,
trying to form words.
She gave a belly groan of sensation her sweet sound echoing around the room.
The man examined the contraption making sure when ready she would not be able to
resist a pipe been put over her tongue so he could feed her more vile liquid
filth straight down her throat when needed.
Satisfied, he re-attached the mouth Velcro,
Jenny shook her head in frustration.
He stroked down her shiny leather clad waist, under her legs, across the groin
bump where the dildo was buried until finally he reached her ass plug, with the
tube dangling from it.
She watched in the mirror with growing horror as he attached the tube to a
canister hanging from the wall. He twisted a valve and the canister came to
life, hissing quietly to itself. The pipe began to flex as compressed air flowed
down then up into the butt plug.
Then she felt it. The other end of the tube sticking out inside her cavity, it
was attached to a deflated limp rubber balloon. Jennifer jerked and writhed as
the rubber ball filled until rigid, like a fist inside her ass. She felt her ass
muscled squeal in vain trying to resist its growth into a fat hand size balloon.
“Ooooooooooooohhhhhh, it’s going to explode in me!” Her mind cried in terror.
Thankfully the hissing stopped as he closed the canister valve, Jennifer now
full of air filled leather balloon. This was in-turn accentuating the sensation
of the deep buried pussy dildo.
The man was finished for now. He sat, legs apart, on the chair directly in front
of her. Her eyes darted to his hand as he reached into his pocket pulling out
her car keys. He flung them into a box of bits on the floor. He’d moved her car
the silly bitch had run out of petrol. Well now it was safely hidden under a
tarpaulin in the garage just above their heads.
He stroked his groin but resisted the temptation to expose his hungry hard cock
to her. After all he had lots time.
Jenny shook her head in despair as he stood and refastened her eye flap back in
place. She was buried back into pitch darkness, her slit aching from a ribbed,
fat intruder; her ass belching and groaning from a pressurized leather balloon.
The man turned off the light plunging the room into black. He then locked the
door as he left. She didn’t know at the time but in the weeks to come she’d look
back to this time of quite captivity as a long distant piece of heaven.
It was the next morning when the police arrived at his door. The doctor spoke so
little these days he found it liberating to actually talk with someone.
No, he hadn’t seen a young woman. No not even a deserted car.
The cops had listened patiently to him. He seemed eager to talk once he had
started and eventually they had to bid him a hurried farewell. As they left they
both gave a knowing look to each other. All that time on his own, with just his
patients for company. It was definitely taking its toll on him.
“It can’t be an easy place to work.” Confessed detective Smith.
The other nodded in agreement. “Yeah I think his last nurse had a breakdown,
that’s why he’s all alone.”
Smith looked back.”Hmm,” he said as in thought.
The doctor watched them go. He hadn’t spoken for months, well not in
conversation. Now he felt liberated. He wanted to talk again. He looked to the
floor, to the hidden cellar beneath.
“Yes,” he thought in delight. “I’ll talk to her. I’ll explain what I am doing.
After all nurse Crow had understood. That’s what had made her such a good
assistant. Needing that green card she’d never really objected, well not until
just before her breakdown.”
Jennifer had slept like the dead. The silent man had returned last night and
poured a sleeping solution into her mouth. She had spluttered and swallowed her
body quickly going limp as she fell into a slumber. Now she was awake again but
still in total darkness. Her ass ached from the large inflated sphere plugging
her. She felt like she would crap it out eventually, her muscles slowly
weakening her void wanting to release. He pussy felt numb the fat dildo buried
completely in her hole. But it was he stretched thighs that made her moan the
most. She had been hanging knees inside these rings for a full night, her calves
limp, groin splayed wide the leather clad skin making her sweat heavily.
She heard him descending the steps then the door slamming open. Then he spoke.
“Oh my dear, you look delightfully uncomfortable!”
“He’d spoken!”
She made a muffled moan shaking her head still unable to see.
The Doc unfastened her eye flap and she blinked in the cold electric light. She
was limp and exhausted her tits glistening with sweat still pert round and full.
The man reached out to cup one of her tits twisting the fine fat dome.
“The cops have been looking for you. But don’t worry they’ve gone now, we won’t
be disturbed.”
“He’d spoken again!”
The doc continued to grope her tit, Jennifer biting down on the gag in disgusts.
“You are so slim and sexy my dear. My last assistant served me well, but the
poor woman ended up as one of my patients upstairs before my experiments could
be finished.”
Jennifer looked to the ceiling then back to him.
“Don’t worry,” he added with a smile.” They’re all locked up in their padded
Jennifer’s eyes widened. Now he had her full attention.
“My experiments are into sexual pleasure. Your pleasure! I have had many hours
to refine my research and I assure you even in the predicament you find yourself
in your body will respond.”
Jennifer shook her head glaring back at him. There was little else she could do
to show her contempt and refusal.
“Don’t be embarrassed my dear. Being my assistant will be such an experience for
you. Let me show you the type of eye popping sensations I have in store.”
The Doc slid his hand down her clad tummy over her aching pussy bump.
The flap was open a little and he could touch the flat end of the buried dildo.
She bucked at the slight extra pressure nudging deep inside her.
His finger touched a felt brass nut on the dildo’s base. From his pocket he
produced a long length of wire with a crocodile tooth on both ends. He quietly
explained his actions.
“The dildo buried up your hole is metal with a rubber skin. The shaft has holes
punched through the rubber to the metal and one at the tip like a man’s cock
eye. I’m going to stimulate your hot tired pussy, all along its tunnel.”
Jennifer began to shake. She could see the wire was like cable from jump leads.
She wriggled as the teeth bit onto the now exposed brass nut the wire trailing
from it as the doc attached it to a square box looking like a 30s radio.
He flicked a switch and there was a hum of electricity.
Jennifer groaned as she felt a slight tingle inside her hot aching shaft.
The man began to turn the large dial, and Jenny began to shudder.
She gargled a long agonised groan.
The rubber clad cock came alive inside her the current low but terrifyingly
real. The cock tip was pressing against her cervix and the electricity hummed at
her womb entrance.
She began to writhe as he slowly increased the voltage her hips bucking her tits
thrusting up, erect and proud.
Her clit was swollen, the slow over night friction making it tender. Now the
electricity buzzed the fleshy bud. She couldnt speak but in her head her mind
“Oohhhhhhhhhh Gooooooddddddd, noooooooooo!”
Her clit shuddering with pleasure, her thoughts wild and desperate.
“Uggggggg no more stop turnnnnnnnnnn uggggggg!”
The Doc could see her groin thrashing her limp calves now trying to kick. He
knew she was trying to plead but he’d leave her gagged her now.
He’d reached optimum setting on the dial, not enough to burn, but only just
“Poor nurse Crow had taken many hours of practice to find this ideal setting.”
He said proudly.
“But you my dear are lucky; you will only experience the perfected fruits of her
He moved back to the jerking suspended girl, once again caressing a tit pinching
her nipples feeling them arousing into hard ends.
“Good, nearly there.” He said tapping the air cylinder on the wall. “Your body
is aroused you dirty girl. Don’t fight it, let yourself come.”
Jennifer hardly heard him her clit on fire her pussy hot, her nerve endings
betraying her.
“Oooooh God I can’t hold outttt! Uuuuuuuugggg!”
She felt her ass clenching, her breasts swelling. “Oh Nooo!”
She began to convulse her pussy trying in vain to squeeze the electric cock out
of her. She tried to scream, her clit unbearably tender, exploding in orgasm.
Her ass bucked her muscles clenching harder and harder squeezing the inflated
anal ball. On the wall the cylinder made a ringing noise as a tiny bell
indicated air was been pushed back against the valve as Jennifer’s spasmed;
pumping air back out of her own ass, rather like the warning bell when a tyre is
fully inflated at a gas station.
“Ding, ding, ding.”
“Yessssss my dear, that’s it. Take it, take it!” The Doc stroked the needle
dancing pressure dial.
“Ding, ding, ding.”
He knew she was coming; he could see it and hear the bell ring as her butt
Jennifer’s thoughts were frantic and the current continued to coarse inside her.
Her orgasm was making spots before her eyes. She’d reached the point of total
explosion her clit was now tender beyond belief.
The power suddenly vanished and she hung totally limp, her ass relaxing allowing
the ball to re-inflate, her juices trickling around the warm horrid dildo.
The doc undid her pussy flap and slowly extracted the cock.
It popped from her hole the air making her open slit tingle.
She wanted to piss so bad and the Doc must have known because he held steel
bucket under her spread groan pressing on her tummy with his hand forcing the
“There, don’t be shy, empty yourself in here.”
Jennifer closed her eyes as she urinated into the tin can.
“Good,” said the Doc when she had finally finished. “Now I think you could do
with a rest.”
Jenny’s legs were giving way as he finally lowered them back to the floor. Her
arms too were exhausted and as he unhooked her bound wrists from their ceiling
rope she collapsed onto the floor, fat inflated ass pointing skyward the air
tube like a human tail.
He pulled her body upright firmly holding both hands; unfastening them, then
pulling them behind her back to rebind them together.
She lay on the floor as he pulled a human sized crate from the corner of the
room. He cleared the wheeled trolley table lifting the large box onto the steel

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