Holiday break

This story was written for legal, open-minded adults only. Among other elements,

it explores dangerously, the border of consensual sex….
If you are into stories where the first sentence cuts straight into the hardcore

scene. I.e. A wife contends with an 18″ penis being inserted into a selection of

different orifices, with little erotic storyline and no connection to the
realities of life. Then you will probably find this story rather slow. For I
have tried to create a bit of plot, – a storyline with eroticism. After all; sex

takes place, mainly between your ears.

Holiday Break………. by Coitus Interruptus
Part one.

Two years had past since James had taken his young wife, Becky, on
holiday. The last time had been on their honeymoon. Work, stress and life’s
plodding path had taken their toll and both of them longed to break free. They

still loved each other greatly but something was missing from their
relationship. Their sex life had suffered enormously under their humdrum
lifestyle. Although, when they did have sex it was ok, but it lacked that
special something. It had withered with the strain of time. A change of scenery

was required and a holiday seemed the perfect break. It was Becky’s idea to set

the date to coincide with the second year of their anniversary. It was also her

idea to go to the exact same spot, a remote mountain resort, tucked away from

civilisation. Her reason for this somewhat secluded place, were out of
desperation to re-ignite their marriage. Because, although she loved her husband

dearly, she had become bored, _ above all, bored with their sex life.
At night, She would often lay awake, pondering her previous lifestyle. Before

she had married, she had enjoyed an extremely adventurous sex life. Nightclubs

and “one-night-stands” had been weekly events and she longed to go back to them.

However, she had sworn faithfulness to her man and it required all her strength

in self-control, to keep her word. She had never admitted her previous lifestyle

to her husband and so, performed the role of, “good wholesome housewife,” to
Oscar perfection. Sometimes even to well, denying her own husband sex
occasionally, so as not to appear cheap. Deep down though, she wanted more, much

James also had a secret desire, which he simply couldn’t bring himself to speak

out loud. His strict up bringing had seen to that. Unbeknown to his wife, he
desperately wanted to change their boring sex life and had decided that this
vacation would be the big chance. He knew that the breakdown in communication

between them must come to an end and it was now or never. His unspoken fantasy

started about a year ago. Becky was out jogging and James had taken the
opportunity to clear out the garage. He was rummaging through the old “blasts

from the past” when he came across a cardboard box, probably forgotten from the

time when they had moved in. In curiosity he had torn the box open, only to find

mainly junk. He was about to discard everything, when to his amazement, tucked

away at the bottom; he discovered his wife’s old college diary. It must have
been written only a few months before they had married. At first he was hesitant

to read it’s contents but his nosiness had gotten the better of him. He had sat

there for an hour or more skimming over his young wife’s sweet handwriting,
better said, his wife-to-be. At first, it had sent a cold shiver of disbelief as

he read the detailed accounts of his pre-wife’s sexual escapades. To his
surprise however, the initial shock soon turned into excitement, as he continued

to read. His excitement had turned into pure eroticism by the time he read about

the one-night-stands and at the ease, with which his pure wife had permitted
herself to be picked up. The risks she had taken in those days, astounded him.

Sex without condoms and later how she had once forgotten to take her, newly
prescribed, pill. The diaries’ entries had ended at the 2nd of April, roughly

two months before they had married. The last entry had read…
“Today, I gave Harry the boot and with him my old life. There must be only one

man in my life from now on! The Man I love and will marry”.
At that moment his fantasy had been born, _ to see his wife as a slut.

The car was packed and they soon found themselves on the winding mountain road.

Traffic had become easier as dusk fell. They had spoken little and James was
beginning to get adjutated. He thought Becky seemed nervous as well, because she

couldn’t seem to keep still. He knew that now would be a good time to come
clean, but he didn’t want to go to far, so as to ruin the atmosphere of their

holiday. It was a tough call to answer. Should he use subtlety or be brasher. He

decided to compromise and break the ice with a simple question.
“You know those chinese love eggs that I bought you for Christmas?”
Becky cringed,
“Well, did you bring them with you?”
Out of the corner of his eye he could see his wife blushing. He turned to face

her but her gaze was fixed strait ahead. Through her blushes, James could just

make out her cheeky grin, as she answered.
“Well, I kind’a went one better!”
James only took a second to realise what she meant, he had seen that cheeky
smile before, when they had first started dating and having sex. Although Becky

was 23 that smile always reminded James of a cheeky Schoolgirl. He looked back

at her and said,
“You mean you’ve got them in at the moment?”
Becky turned crimson and said,
“It’s a long journey and I wanted to get in the right mood.”
Although this answer had surprised James, he was happy. This answer outweighed

all his expectations. It proved that the holiday, not only had gotten off to a

good start but also; they were both on the same wavelength. He decided to carry

on this line of conversation, and played along, as if this was the most normal

thing in the world.
“I wondered why you’ve been wriggling about the whole journey. We’ve been
travelling for 2 hours now, you must be pretty hot.”
As he said this, he put his hand softly on her knee and moved it slightly along

the inside of her thigh.
“Do you mind if I feel?” He asked, not wanting to move to quickly.
“Sure.” Becky said, blushing at her newly found openness towards her husband.

She had always played the pure clean housewife before and had always denied
using the love eggs in the past. James slipped his hand further upwards gently

pushing her cute summer dress aside. His fingers made contact with her moist
pussy; she was not wearing any panties. He quickly realised that his wife also

had very definite plans about this holiday as well. He gave the cord, from the

love eggs, a gently pull. She had also shaven and his fingers glided over the

silky smoothness of her skin. With two fingers he started to gently caress
either side of her clitoris. At this, Becky sank further into her seat and
started to arch her lower body forwards, enjoying the attention.
James’s mind was racing. Not only did he have to concentrate on driving and
heightening his wife’s pleasure but also choose his next question carefully. For

now was an opportunity to ask about her previous lovers. He pulled the car over

at a point just before entering a small town near to their holiday destination.

There was a small gas station across the road but otherwise no activity. It was

late and although the gas station had a small caf there were only a few cars

parked outside. The next building was at least a hundred yards further up the

street and the road was almost empty. He reached over and kissed his wife
passionately. As he did so, he changed to his left hand to maintain the gentle

massage of Becky’s clitoris. They had never had sex in a car before and James,

with anticipation, asked his carefully chosen question.
“Have you ever made love in a car before?” Becky went tense for a moment but
couldn’t help relaxing again under the pleasure being submitted to her. At this

Becky’s mind was racing. She was in a semi-conscious state of mind, and with her

thoughts subdued, only half realised that she was being tricked into answer.

She didn’t really care what her answer would be and half-heartedly murmured,
James quickly moved in for the kill and said,
“Did you enjoy it, what was his name”? As he said this he increased the
intensity of pressure to her cliterous.
Becky answered slowly and with thought, but still a little dazed,
“Do you really want to know”? As she said this, James wound her seat down so
that she was lying almost horizontal and looked her intensely in the eye.
“Yes, I want all the details of your early life”. Becky was hesitant to answer

but wanted the pleasure to continue and said,
“Well, I was kinda young and we didn’t have anywhere else to go. My parents
didn’t know what I was up to and”… She stopped suddenly, as the reality of the

situation became clearer. James was manoeuvring his body across hers, pulling

his trousers down. The tip of his manhood stood at the entrance of her tight
pussy, his other hand now gliding over her petite breasts.
“Tell me more,” He said with anticipation.
“James, do you really want this, I mean here and now?” She said.
He gave his answer in his actions, by taking the cord of the love-eggs and
gently pulling until they were released. He immediately filled the cavity with

the six inches he had to offer her. Although only average it was enough to
suffice her, even after the treatment with the love eggs her tight pussy sprang

back to shape. He took it easy at first, moving only slightly and said,
“Was it like this with the other guy?” Becky was already nearing orgasm and was

letting herself go. It really did remind her of the early days; screwing in a

car by the side of the road, where anyone could come along and discover her.
Still, it was different in so far, as this time it was her husband. It didn’t

have the same intensity as a guy she barely knew and had opened her legs for.

She realised at that point that she wanted to experience that slutiness again

and so decided to go down the path that her husband was leading to.
“His name was Rodger, she said slowly.

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