Laura and Davey(2)

Things were working out fine for me and Laura. She knew a lot about sex, and
somehow, even though I was a boy, I had missed out on so much. Maybe because at
fifteen, one year older than me, Laura had passed onto some higher plane of
knowledge. We were able to have mornings together when my parents were gone.
Some days we only had time after school, but we made the most of it.
“Laura,” I asked one afternoon after we got off the school bus, away from the
big ears of the other students, “how is it that you know so much about boy-girl
things? I always keep forgetting to ask you.”
“My mom had a some books hidden away on a bookshelf behind some other books,’
Laura replied. “I pulled away a book in front because the title attracted my
attention, and I found other books behind it. Some of the concealed books had
pictures of naked men and women; others were stories that described what adult
ladies and gentlemen do together.”
“Wow!” I replied. “That must have been really cool. Do you know where those
books are now?”
“Maybe, Davey, they got packed up when we had to move, or tossed away.”
“I would really like to see them.”
“I have no idea where they are, but perhaps your mom and dad have things like
that hidden around the house. We could look for them.”
As soon as we got inside we tossed our book bags onto the couch in the den and
began looking over all the book cases carefully, but we did not find anything
except a couple of paper back novels with sexy covers.
“Damn, Laura, all that time and nothing,” I said, greatly annoyed.
“Come on up to my room, and we can fool around a little. We still have some time
before your parents arrive home.”
“OK.” I followed her up the stairs into her room. As soon as we got inside,
Laura began to take off her school clothes and I did the same. Soon we were both
bare. Laura was not as well developed as some of the younger girls in my own
class with her small breasts and thin covering of pubic hair on he mound. My
little penis reacted well, nevertheless, and soon rose at the sight of her
We started to kiss each other as we stood, pressing our bodies against each
other. Naked kissing was definitely one of our favorite games. My tongue was in
her mouth, and then Laura’s was in mine. We played at our lingual wrestling
while our hands ran over the other’s bare skin.
“Mmmmmm… Davey,” Laura moaned into my mouth. “Let’s lie down on my bed and be
comfortable.” She hopped on top of the bed and slid over to make room for me. I
climbed in next to her.
“Let me do you first, Laura,” I suggested. I liked to play with her first,
because, after she did me, I just liked to relax.
“All right, suck on my nipples and put your hand between my legs.”
I began to suck on her nearer breast and rubbed her tummy teasingly until my
hand began to brush over the fuzz above her pussy. I felt her hips begin to move
as I touched her down there. She whined, letting me know that she really wanted
my hand between her legs soon. I could take the little conical tips of her
titties into my mouth completely. I rubbed the little nipple with my tongue as I
sucked and kissed. Meanwhile my hand finally was between her legs. Laura was
already damp with her anticipation of my touch.
As soon as I began sliding a finger up and down the crevice between her swollen
pussy lips, Laura began to rotate her hips against my invading hand. I could
smell the tangy aroma of her pussy as it juices began to emerge onto my fingers;
this perfume was turning me on and making my cock harder.
“Oh, Davey… keep doing that… oh yes… it’s so good,” she moaned.
“You taste so good, Laura,” I said briefly lifting my mouth off her little boob.
“I could suck you all day.”
“Ohhhhh…ohhhh,” she moaned softly.
I began to move my hand slightly faster, and Laura reacted by moving her sexy
pelvis at the same speed. Soon she reached up and wrapped her hands tightly
about my head and back. I knew that her moment was almost upon her when she did
that, so I sped up a little more. Her fingers dug into me. Her upper body froze,
but her hips thrashed about.
“Ohhhh… Unnnngghhh,” she groaned, and a little flood of wetness moistened my
busy hand as a slowed my stimulation.
After a couple of minutes Laura opened her eyes and smiled at me. “That was so
good,” she murmured. “You made me come so nice again.” She sat up and pushed me
down. “Now I’m going to jerk you off and make you suffer just as I did.”
“Laura, could you use some of your pussy juice to wet your hand the way you did
last time,” I asked. “It felt better that way.”
“OK, Davey.” She put her hand between her legs and brought it up to my swollen
cock lubricated with her own fragrant emissions. She rubbed her juices into my
cock and began to slide her fist up and down.
I knew that it would not take long. I had sucked her nipples, fingered her twat,
and sniffed her sexy scent. I was all turned on.
I began to moan soon, and Laura gripped my stiff rod tighter and moved her hand
slightly faster. Her hand dipped down between her legs again and again to keep
my prick moist with her love juices. I began to tense up, and she moved her hand
rapidly, milking my swollen dick.
“Oh, Laura… oh, oh, Laura,” I groaned. “Ahhgh… Aaagghhhh!”
“That’s right, sweet baby, let your Laura milk your big penis,” she whispered as
my cum began to flow out. This was the best yet, and the sensation was
incredible. She had done this to me almost a dozen times already, and each time
was better. Each time produced more of my thick white semen to flow over her
hand and down my cock.
I could only lie there overwhelmed with the great feeling and was too exhausted
to move. That’s why I liked to be second. Laura seemed to need just a few
minutes, and then she was really perky. She got some tissues and wiped us off
and flushed the evidence away. Finally, when she began to dress in her casual
clothes, I managed to rise from her bed and gathered my clothes to go to my room
and dress.
“Davey,” she said as I was almost out the door, “I thought of another place to
look. I’ll tell you about it later.”
The next day after we got off the school bus again, Laura revealed her idea to
“We can look in your parent’s room, but we need to be careful so that they don’t
know we were there.”
“Yeah, we’ll get a good smacking if they find out, expecially if they find out
what we’ve been doing,” I answered.
“Another thing I thought of,” Laura said. “We need to show them that we still
don’t like each other so that they are not suspicious.”
“I can start teasing you again. How is that?”
“Sounds fine.”
We changed into our casual clothes and met in my parent’s room. My mom and my
dad each had a night stand, so we looked there first. We found some plastic
tubular things in the back of my mom’s night stand.
“I think that these are called dildos,” Laura explained. She flicked the switch
on one, but nothing happened. When she turned on the other, it began to buzz and
vibrate. “Here, feel it,” she offered. When I touched it, it vibrated in my
hand. “Ladies put them inside themselves to feel good,” she commented.
My dad’s night stand was more productive. It had some condums and a few novels
with passages describing men and women having sex. We sat there reading sections
to each other, getting turned on. We also found out some new things to try. My
cock was big and hard.
I looked at the clock. “They will be coming home early today. We better put
everything back exactly how it was,” I said.
“OK, but they go out after supper to that club,” Laura reminded me. “After they
leave, we can try out something. My pussy is all wet.”
The car with my parents was barely out of the driveway, and we were on our way
to Laura’s room. Off came our clothes. I had made a few rude remarks about Laura
at supper until mom told me to stop. At least that kept my cock from bursting
through my shorts.
“Eat my pussy,” Laura said. “I want to try that now.”
“And then I want to be sucked,” I said. She nodded her head.
Laura lay down on the edge of her bed with her hips right at the edge with her
legs hanging over and spread wide apart. In all our previous adventures, I had
never seen her pussy so well. Her outer lips were parted to reveal pink inner
folds. I knelt next to the bed and pressed my lips tentatively to her labia. I
began to kiss her up and down her sweet cleft. Then I slid my tongue up and down
letting the tip rub along her inner pinkness.
Laura inhaled deeply. I became bolder. I pressed my lips harder against her as I
kissed and licked her cunt. I tried to remember everything that we had read that
afternoon. I moved my head from side to side and wiggled my tongue. I was so
busy that I did not notice when Laura began to oscillate her pelvis against me.
He hands reached down and grabbed my head so tightly that I could hardly hear
her moaning. Suddenly she squeezed her legs together and pushed my face into her
with her hands. She cried out something I couldn’t make out because my ears were
covered by her thighs. A long moment passed and I was free.
“Oh my god, Davey,” she whispered. “That was so good. Just let me lie here a few
minutes, and then I’ll suck your penis.”
I lay next to her on the bed and held her as she slowly got herself together
again. She was flushed and sweaty, but really beautiful.
“OK, sweet lover,” she finally said. “Get up onto the bed and let me kneel
between your legs.”
I did as she asked and propped my head up on her pillow. Laura got between my
legs and bent down over my erect penis. She looked at me and smiled; then she
dipped down and kissed the head of my dick. It felt like a little shock. Next
she licked the bottom of my cock from my balls to the head and teased the
underside of the head with her pointy tongue. She took most of me into her
mouth, but quickly let my cock out again. She coughed and said, “too deep.” She
sucked me in again, but not so far. I could see her cheeks indented from the
suction she was applying to my prick as she let it slide in and out of her
mouth. The feeling was so great and not so harsh as when she gave me a handjob.

Every minute or so she would sweep her long hair out of the way and look up at
me. She was quite the sight with my cock in her mouth and her lips wrapped
tightly around it. I loved her so much that I would do anything for her. She
began to slide her fingers up and down at the same time as she sucked me. A
tingling began deep inside my and grew with each stroke. I began to moan and
then groan as I felt my cum surge through my hard penis. I didn’t see what she
did because I was lost from the world, but when I next looked, Laura was licking
her pretty lips. I realized that she had swallowed my semen.
“Not bad,” she said with a smile. “I can do this again.”

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