Loving Aunt Sarah…Chapter 1

Note : This story is completely fictional!
Note to my Readers: This story does not simply jump into the incest
relationship. In fact, this will probably as legitimate a story as you will find
on this website, or so I intend it to be. The first chapter sets the stage, and
I hope it will captivate you enough to read on. I’ll continue this story until I
know how to end it. So you can look forward to many more chapters.
Loving Aunt Sarah
Chapter 1
The familys annual Halloween party, held this year at my Uncle David and Aunt
Audrey’s house, was in full swing. There were fourteen of us at the party,
including myself and the one child who was still too young to know where the
hell he was. Even he had a Halloween costume on, made for his small size. From
he, the youngest, all the way to my 54 year old father, everyone got into the
spirit of the holiday. However, not everyone dressed in something scary. I was
one of those.
I currently lived in the finished basement of my parent’s house. It wasn’t quite
like having my own place, but I couldn’t beat the good deal they gave me on rent
(family discount), and they respected my space. Though it was in the company of
my Aunt Sarah that I arrived at this party. My costume this year, if it could so
be called, was a white, Chinese-style dress. It was extremely short-sleeved,
both sides of the skirt were split quite high, and the dress was highlighted by
the embroidery of golden dragons.
Mind you, my Aunt Sarah isn’t a very big woman. She’s actually very petit. I was
actually lucky to fit in her dress, for you see, I’ve always had a very small
body frame. Fortunately for me, I was small enough to fit into her things. On a
normal basis, I believe she would object to me wearing one of her favorite
dresses, but she seemed to have no problem with it in lieu of Halloween. Back at
her house after she helped me into it, she playfully told me that I actually
looked sort of cute in her dress, along with the shoulder-length, black wig that
I wore with it. I opted not to wear any make-up, as I knew I wouldn’t be fooling
anyone. But I knew I’d look “wrong” without the right hair.
Of course, David and Audrey’s youngest daughter Angela was home. The young teen
was dressed in her usual vampire outfit, having quite the obsession with those
creatures. Their two elder children Adam (age 23) and Kelly (age 26) had come
also. Adam, with his wife Katherine, and their year and a half old child Craig.
Kelly brought her boyfriend Nathan with her, who had made a fine addition to the
family, regardless of his reckless teenage years. At sixteen, he had his first
child Megan. Three years later (shortly after Kelly and Nathan had met), Kelly
mothered a half sister to Megan, named Danielle. Though they were so close to
one another, you’d never know the girls were only half sisters.
You should probably know, I wasn’t generally a cross dresser. At least, not
openly. Since I was a young child, I’ve known that I should’ve been female. I’ve
never been comfortable in this male body of mine, hence why I always dressed
like a woman for Halloween. Such was the only time of the year that I could get
away with it without my family thinking twice about the matter.
Aunt Sarah and I arrived last, thanks to snowy road conditions. But it wasn’t
just showing up last that had bothered me. During the entire drive to the party,
I had to put forth my best efforts not to stare at my Aunt, though I did steal a
glance or two. Aunt Sarah was 45 years old, but God, she was dynamite! She
looked better in a mini skirt and tank top than most women my own age. Side note,
that age would be 21, in case you were wondering.
So there we were in the car, me in my Aunt’s Chinese dress… and she was wearing
a frickin’ skin tight, latex cat suit! As if her body wasn’t awesome enough,
that cat suit didn’t hide a single curve! The suit was one piece. It zipped
closed the in back, and the zipper remained hidden once closed. The legs were
open at the bottom to allow for wearing the matching high heel boots. My Aunt’s
long, wavy brown hair covered the turtle neck top, and was held away from her
face by the cat ears on her head. At least I had enough control to not get a
hard-on in her dress. There’d be no way I’d be able to hide it in there.
Why, you may wonder, do I even bother? She is my Aunt after all. The truth is, I
couldn’t tell you. Because I don’t even remember the first time I checked her
The party started in the afternoon, and had been nothing but averagely social.
My parents, Uncle David and Aunt Audrey were in the kitchen, caught up in a game
of Euchre. The remaining young adults (and Megan), excluding Aunt Sarah,
Katherine (my cousin’s wife), and myself, were in the living room taking turns
playing a four player, party style video game. Katherine was tending to her son
and conversating with Danielle. Finally, Angela was web chatting on her laptop.
Aunt Sarah and I were content with sitting side by side on the couch, watching
the others play their game while the two of us talked about this and that. I
found it difficult not to flirt with her, even in a playful and harmless manner;
I was afraid that I’d make it sound serious. While I was certainly attracted to
my Aunt, I doubted she shared the attraction and I didn’t want to freak her out.
Fortunately for me, the doorbell rang before it became too much to bear. The
pizza had arrived. “I’ll get it,” I quickly called out, glad for the
interruption. I’d completely forgotten about my choice of costume. I opened the
door, and I could tell that the delivery guy noticed immediately. “Halloween,” I
passively explained. Reaching down to my hips, my hands reminded me that this
dress didn’t have pockets. “Shit! I’m used to pockets, hold on a sec.”
“Keep the change,” came the voice of my Aunt Sarah as she approached the door.
She handed the delivery guy a fifty dollar bill and took the three large pizzas
and three orders of breadsticks.
“Thanks!” said the delivery guy. “Have a nice night!”
Indeed, it was a nice night, and some of the best delivery pizza I’d ever eaten.
Eventually, the night grew old, and one by one, everyone started to head back
home. Just as when I had arrived, I would also be leaving with my Aunt Sarah.
We’d go straight to her house, where I would change out of her dress, and where
my own car was waiting for me. On the way there, I wouldn’t be able to hold my
silence again. It was nerve-racking enough the first time around. I’d have to
talk. But what about?
“Great party,” I finally said, a few blocks down the road.
“As always,” Aunt Sarah agreed, keeping her eyes on the dark, snowy road ahead.
I waited a few moments before speaking again. When I did, I finally turned my
head to look at her beautiful body. “You really do look great in that outfit,
Aunt Sarah.”
Aunt Sarah risked a quick glance at me now, giving me a smirk. “You’re not half
bad yourself,” she joked, and the two of us shared a brief laugh over it. With
that light humor, I was able to hold conversation with her without worry for the
rest of the ride home. Such continued (through the door of course) even as I
changed back into my own clothes. I stepped out of the bedroom in my jeans and
t-shirt, holding my Aunt’s very neatly folded dress in my hands.
“Thanks for letting me wear this,” I said.
She took the dress and paused momentarily. “Valerian, what’s on your mind?”
Aunt Sarah had set the dress down on her bed, then joined me in the living room.
She waited for me to speak first. “I’m a little nervous saying this,” I began.
“You know how I’m always ‘playing dress up’ on Halloween? Well, it’s because… I
like doing it. I mean, I don’t really feel like a guy, I never have. But I doubt
anyone in the family would approve, hell I’m not even sure why I’m telling you.”
My Aunt put a comforting hand on my shoulder when she answered. “Maybe because
I’m the one person in the family who already had this figured out. And maybe
somehow, you knew that. You’re right about the rest of the family though, I
wouldn’t recommend telling them.”
“I had to tell someone,” I told her.
She smiled. “You told the right person.”
I finally returned her smile, then suddenly checked on my watch. “It’s late, I
should go.” My Aunt and I stood from the couch, and she walked me to the door.
We gave one another a final hug for the night before I walked outside to my car.
During my drive home, I gave the matter some further thought. I was already
attracted to my Aunt in a physical sense. There was no denying that she was an
extraordinarily beautiful woman. But beyond that, she was smart, funny,
sensitive, you name it she had it. And now on top of everything, she was more
than happy to be supportive of my closeted secret. Maybe she would even be an
It wasn’t long before I found myself thinking about how I would tell her my
feelings. But this was crazy, I couldn’t do that! It would completely destroy
the family relationship I have with her, and I might lose my one and only source
of support. However, the more I tried to not think about it, the more I couldn’t
help but think about it. I knew that sooner or later, Aunt Sarah would discover
how I felt about her. Better that she would hear it from me directly, rather
than figure it out from subtle observations.
I would have to tell her soon.

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