Marine Corps Tale of all tails : Justins Awakening

For the next three months, the Gunny and Justin shared their room on the
base, having sex at least three times a day. Justin fell in love with sucking
the Gunnys cock, but more so, he became absolutely addicted at having his ass
pummeled by the Gunny’s thick cock. Every morning, Justin found himself in
various positions having his ass hammered. During their lunch break, he was in
the Gunny’s office, ass hiked up, and the Gunny slamming his beefy meat in and
out of his more than willing bung hole. When their work day ended, the two men
were in their room with the Gunny savagely cramming his cock into Justin’s
magical anal kingdom. Often times, at night, they would enjoy at least two more
ass pounding sessions before falling off to sleep.
The Gunny simply couldn’t get enough of Justin and Justin couldn’t get enough
of the Gunny’s cock. Justin also loved all the body hair that the Gunny’s body
offered. When they were not having sex, Justin constantly thought about it. No
matter what he was doing at the time, his mind kept on replaying their wonderful
sex sessions. The Gunny was having the same thoughts as well and often times
pinched himself to see if all that was happening was in fact for real.
The higher ups somehow discovered their living arrangements and basically
gave the Gunny an ultimatum. Justin had to leave his room and now the Gunny
searched for another room for Justin to reside in. Naturally, they were both
extremely disappointed, but they both understood. Justin’s new room was on the
bottom floor and he was a bit excited to find out that he didn’t have a
roommate. The Gunny helped Justin move his belongings into the new room and
initiated the new room by bending Justin over the bed and filling his ass with
thick wads of Marine Corps cream.
By no means was Justin a loner for he got along well the other Marines in his
platoon, but as far as a sexual appetite for any of them goes, none of them
actually fell into his preference. Yeah, he would often steal a glance at their
crotches, but other than that, that was it. As the days turned into weeks,
Justin grew hornier than ever. Justin and the Gunny’s sexual encounters began
dwindling as time went on. It wasn’t by any of their own actions that minimized
their meetings, it was the Marine Corps and its traditions.
Their sexual encounters had reduced themselves to sometimes once, maybe,
twice a week. Justin craved more and he grew tired of laying in his bed and
jacking his cock into a sperm shooting frenzy. He wanted, better yet, he needed
to feel a cock in his mouth and a cock pile driving his ass. So, being that it
was a Friday, Justin decided to treat himself to a night out on the town. As he
always had done, Justin unscrewed the cap off the enema bottle and filled the
remainder up with his coconut oil. Once he ensured himself that he was
thoroughly cleaned out, he stepped into the shower and took a rather long
shower. After toweling off, he brushed his teeth, then began searching his
clothes for the proper attire. He just didn’t want to put anything on, he wanted
to look sexy in hopes of feeding his sexual cravings.
Being that it was summer, Justin decided to put on a white fish net tank top
and a pair of super short cut-off jeans. Slipping his white ankle socks on,
Justin then put on his white Nike tennis shoes and called a cab. He stood
outside on the street and a few minutes later, the cab pulled up and Justin
hopped in. The cab driver looked back at Justin and asked, “Where to?” Justin
smiled, then angelically said, “I’m not really sure sir, but somewhere in town
will be fine I guess.” The cab driver was a huge black man in his late forties
with a large scruffy beard and a raspy voice. The driver, still looking into
Justin’s eyes shot back, “Young man, I’ve been driving Marines around for over
20 years and if there is something you want to accomplish, just tell me and I’ll
make it happen.” After a brief silence, the cab driver blurted out, “Look man,
you are either looking for some pussy or you are out for dick, either way, I am
sure I can help you. Besides, the way you are dressed, I don’t think you are
going to have a problem getting anything. So, what’s it gonna be?”
The cabby could see Justin’s facial expression as the young Marine appeared
to be confused or afraid to tell him, so he whispered, “Look guy, I aint no
Marine. If you’re gay and out looking for some dick, I can take you to a nice
spot. Believe me, you aint the first Marine to sit back there who was afraid to
tell me you want some cock. By the way, my name’s Alfred. (Justin nervously
whispered his name) Okay Justin, you can tell me anything and you don’t have to
be afraid either. So, let’s get things moving along and open that pretty mouth
of yours and tell me what’s it gonna be.”
Justin was more than a bit nervous, but he managed to squeak out, “I’m gay
sir and I don’t know where to go where nobody will rat me out being gay sir.”
Alfred smacked his lips, then shot back, “Hell, don’t you worry none, Old Alfred
here knows everything and I got a place in mind I will take you to. Shit, I even
know the owner and maybe I can even persuade him to let you in. At this club,
the customers must be 21 or over, but I got a pretty good feeling he’ll make an
exception for you.” As Alfred said the last word, he shot Justin a wink and
began to drive.
They had just left the base and was driving in town when Alfred perked up and
spoke, “I aint gay or nothing like that. I got me some good pussy waiting at
home for me, but Justin, if I was gay, let me tell you I’d do anything and
everything I could to jump your mother fucking bones! Yeah, yes sir I would, in
a fucking heartbeat!” After a brief silence, Alfred spoke again, “Shit, wish I
could be a fly on the wall when those guys see you walk in. I bet every cock in
the house is gonna get ball busting hard. You just be careful in there, you hear
me? Don’t just settle for anyone inside! You don’t drink to much either, you
hear me? You take my card and you call me anytime when you want to leave and
I’ll come get you and make sure you get back to the base safely. Yea, them guys
are gonna be in for a real treat tonight!”
20 minutes later, they pulled in behind a large building and Alfred parked
right in front of the rear entrance. Justin could see some guy sitting on a
barstool who was obviously checking ID’s. Each time the rear door opened, the
music from inside came propelling out into the parking lot. Alfred leaned his
face towards Justin and said, “You sit here for a minute and let old Alfred go
talk with the owner.” With that being said, Alfred got out of the cab and walked
inside. Alfred had been gone for about 10 heart felt minutes, but when he exited
the rear door, he was accompanied by a guy who looked to be in his early
fifties. Alfred opened the rear door, pointing at Justin and said, “This here is
Justin and it’s his first time. Justin, this here is Tom and he owns the place.
The two strangers shook hands, but it was Tom who felt a powerful surge of
electricity shoot through his body as their flesh actually touched.
Justin got out of the cab and it was all Tom could do to not drop to his
knees and devour the young Marine standing before him. Tom’s roaming eyes danced
gleefully within their sockets as he admired the total beauty which was now
gracing his eyes and making his heart pound to the tune of a million drums.
Justin’s bluer than blue eyes glistened entrancingly against the building lights
and the mild darkness of the sky. As Tom stood there, entranced at such beauty,
his legs began to shake.
After a very brief discussion, Tom had no problem letting Justin in. Justin
figured Tom stood about an even six foot and weighed around the 200 pound range.
His hair was balding and what was left was turning grey. Alfred said his
goodbye’s and Tom and Justin walked inside. This was Justin’s first time ever
being inside a bar, much less, a gay bar. It was dark inside and Tom already had
told Justin that his eyes would soon adjust to the darkness and everything would
be fine.
The place was packed with guys milling around, and unbeknownst to Justin, all
eyes zeroed in on him. Tom told the bartender to give Justin anything he wanted
and that his money was no good here tonight. Tom looked at Justin, then almost
in a shouting manner, said, “Tonight’s on me Justin. Go look around and have
some fun. If you have any problems, you just come tell me and I’ll take care of
it.” Justin ordered a beer and once he had his drink, he started walking around,
taking in everything his eyes could see.
It was like a kid being set free in a candy store, and Justin was going to
take full vantage of it. He saw guys dancing, others were sitting at tables, and
a lot of guys were just standing in various places watching whatever they chose
to look at. Justin did see a bunch of guys that definitely sparked his
interests. He also saw groups of guys close to his own age who hung out with
their own specific age group. Those guys did absolutely nothing for Justin cause
his only desire was with older men. He couldn’t explain why that was so, but
that’s just the way it was, and is!
A few more beers later, Justin was now seated on one of the barstools at the
bar. The guy immediately to his left blurted out, “That sure is one lucky
barstool!” Justin smiled then politely asked, “Why is that sir?” The stranger
replied, “Well, if I may be so bold as to say that you are in possession of the
most perfect butt any, and I mean any, man could ever hope to dream of.” Justin
accepted that as a compliment and gave his polite thanks. As their conversation
continued, Justin found out that his name is Ken, and he is 58 years old, and
the life partner of Tom, the owner. The longer they talked, the more Justin
found Ken to be irresistible. Justin also found it interesting to know that they
were lovers and that Tom is white and Ken is black.
The two sat their and indulged themselves with their casual conversation when
Tom walked up and wrapped his arms around his lovers chest, and quickly said,
“Well, I see you two are acquainted.” Ken leaned his head to the right and gave
his lover a tender peck on the lips, then said, “Yes, we met and what a find
indeed.” The three of them continued their conversation when Tom stated, “It’s
too loud in here. Why don’t we go in the office where we wont have to yell!”
Tom led the way, followed by Ken, then Justin picked up the rear. While he
walked in behind Ken, Justin got a good visual of his backside. Ken must have
stood a good 6’5” and had to tip the scale close to, or if not more, than 275
pounds. He was by no means heavyset either. From what Justin could tell, Ken
looked like he lived in a gym. Tom also looked as though he spent a lot of time
in the gym as well. Once inside the office, Justin couldn’t believe just how
quiet things were. The music barely penetrated the walls and they were able to
talk without having to shout.
Justin took in the office, noting that there was a leather love seat to his
left side, a large desk where Tom was seated, and two more chairs in front of
the desk, one in which Ken was now seated. Justin could also see an open door
that must lead into a bathroom. Justin sat down next to Ken who was immediately
to his right. All three had their drinks in their hands, but it was Tom who
spoke first, “Justin, have you ever been with two men before?” Justin quickly
replied, “No sir!” Then Ken spoke, “Have you ever been with a black man before?”
Once again, Justin announced, “No sir! I’ve only been with one guy sir.” Tom
blurted, “Ken, I wish you would stop with that color shit! Color aint got a damn
thing to do with it, and you know that! The bottom line here is that we have
this young Marine beauty right here, and we’re just trying to see if he’d like
to have a threesome with us, and that’s it!”
Ken agreed, then apologized to Justin. Justin’s cock was already hard just
thinking of the possibility of a threesome with Ken and Tom. Taking another swig
of his beer, Justin smacked his lips, then as softly as his angelic voice would
go, said, “I’d like to try it if in you guys want me.” Tom chuckled, then
bellowed, “Want you? Want you? For Christ’s sake Justin, I almost blew a load
when I first saw you. What about you Ken?” Ken chuckled as well, then said, “I’m
with Tom on that one. Justin, when you look in the mirror, all you’ll ever see
is yourself, however, when others look at you, all they see is heavenly beauty!”
Tom initiated things by standing up and began unbuttoning his shirt. As his
shirt flew open, Justin saw the mass of greying curls littering Tom’s muscular
chest and stomach. Ken stood up and quickly unbuttoned his shirt. Ken’s chest
was rather smooth, but his muscles burned holes into Justin’s wandering eyes.
Justin’s body began shaking as he watched both men unfasten their pants. Tom not
only peeled down his pants, but he yanked down his underwear as well. Tom’s cock
sprang forth like a powerful weapon, yielding itself a good 7 inches from his
body. It had a slight downwards angle right in the middle of one very thick
shaft. For a brief second, Justin realized that Tom’s cock wasn’t as long as the
Gunny’s, but it was a little bit thicker. The large mushroom head was a tad
thicker than the shaft and the gaping piss slit was steadily pumping out pre-cum
by the gallons. Tom’s hairy balls also swung down from his body a good six
inches and offered the appearance of two very large sized chicken eggs.
Turning his head to his right, Justin’s mouth immediately fell open when he
witnessed Ken stepping out of his pants and underwear. His cock jutted from his
muscle toned body a whopping 9 1/2 to 10 inches and equalled Tom’s thickness to
boot. Unlike Tom or the Gunny, Ken’s cock was uncut and the foreskin concealed
the giant bulbous cock head completely. Ken’s cock head was a good two inches
thicker than his already beefy shaft and it too had a slight downwards arch in
the middle of the thick dark shaft. In the eyes of Justin, the huge cock
throbbing to his right looked like a smaller version of a black telephone pole.
Ken’s balls were of equal size to those of Tom’s with vast curls of black pubic
hair. Sitting in the chair, Justin questioned himself as to what he had just got
himself into. Two men, both strangers at best, with large thick cocks patiently
waiting to ram their behemoth cocks up his ass. Now he began wondering if he
could take either of them up his butt!

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