Medicine by mouth : Part 2 – Oral Olympics

So many amazing things had happened in Kim Henry’s life over the past 6
months. To begin with, her school (St. George’s) had been selected to
participate in the second phase of the Semen for Women Study, a nine-month
multi-centre study now involving 50 schools across the country, in which schools
were randomly assigned to have all the age-appropriate girls either (a) consume
60 cc (4 tablespoons) of semen from a bottle every day; or (2) consume that same
amount by actually giving 30 blowjobs each day. The first phase of the SWS study
had shown that semen out of a bottle slowed aging in women in their thirties and
helped them to lose weight. Phase 2 was being done to see (1) if having a woman
actually dropping to her knees to earn her semen was better than just having her
consume four tablespoons from a bottle; and (2) if younger women, as young as
18, should start this healthy practice too. Of course, to participate, the girls
had to be deemed ‘acceptably attractive’, since few guys would want to be blown
by a butt-ugly female. But more than 90% of the girls at St. George’s were felt
to be suitable for continuous mouth-fucking, with Kim definitely among the
The whole concept of this study had been born out of the now World-wide fame of
that gorgeous blonde prostitute JoAnne G., who had been foremost in the quantity
and quality of semen consumption since she turned 18, some 18 years ago.
Since she had been on TV so often, and had starred in several landmark gang-bang
blowjob films (like ‘JoAnne Blows 1000’; ‘JoAnne’s 24-Hour Blowjob Marathon’;
and ‘JoAnne Blows Dallas’), everyone had started to take notice that, despite
having her jaws stretched around penises at least 12 hours of every day, she
still looked 18. Okay, maybe not actually 18… but much younger than 30. Her
complexion was perfect. Her eyes had a sparkle in them that melted men on the
spot as they waited in line watching her blow some man ahead of them; and her
figure was sublime. Even her pretty voice was that of a happy teen.
It was a 39-year old female physician who first wondered if there was something
to this. So she started dressing up each evening in tight, tight jeans, 3-inch
pumps, skimpy tops and lots of purple make-up to moonlight as a street hooker at
night. And, low and behold, within about 6 months, she looked as gorgeous in a
bikini as her 17 year-old daughter, and had a face that looked ten years younger
than before. Imagine the stir she caused when she showed up at a humungous
international medical conference to present a research poster dressed up in her
prostitute garb; and, instead of standing in front of her poster fielding
questions, dropped to her knees to blow any and all men who were willing. ‘Hell!
Let them read the poster for themselves,’ she thought to herself as she bobbed
her head back and forth along the first of over 400 shafts she’d suck over the
5-day event.
Many thought she was crazy, but when the Head of Medical Research of the local
medical school heard that this doctor, Dr. Sarah Snow, had convinced her now
18-year old daughter to devote herself to full-time prostitution, he knew that
she was committed, and called her. They met one week later at a coffee shop,
where both Dr. Snow AND her daughter, Natalie, arrived to convince this senior
researcher that this crazy idea wasn’t so crazy after all. The coffee shop they
met at took Dr. Garth by surprise: right downtown in one of the seedier
neighbourhoods; and it was near closing, with only two other tables still
occupied. They took a table right next to the big front window.
Straight from her office, Dr. Snow was dressed formally, in a light blue blouse,
black dress pants and heels; but Natalie was in full hooker regalia: the
tightest dark-blue stretch jeans she could pull herself into, with pretty white
lace around every one of the 5 pockets (incidentally, pockets pulled so tight a
dime would show), a skimpy sleeveless hot pink t-shirt, and matching pink 3-inch
pumps. Dr. Garth was duly impressed with Dr. Snow’s before and after pictures,
but he still was sceptical.
“For one thing, why do most hookers look older than their years?” he asked.
Dr. Snow and Natalie both smiled.
“There are several reasons for that,” Dr. Snow (whose first name was Amelia)
explained. First, most hookers you see on the street are drug addicts. Their
nutrition is terrible. If they’re on crack, they pick at their face. They don’t
The older doctor nodded. Okay. That made sense.
But Dr. Snow continued: “But the main reason is that they don’t swallow. Many
insist that their men wear condoms. Some have the men cum on their faces or
bellies. And those who will let a man cum in their mouth almost always spit it
She had him there. But still he sighed. “I just don’t know if I could get
prescribing bottles of semen and sperm approved by an ethics board or even a
start-up grant.”
“Several major women’s magazines have offered to sponsor the study,” Dr. Snow
interjected, but only if it’s done at a university. The study wouldn’t have
credibility otherwise.”
Again, Dr. Garth sighed. “I just don’t know,” he sighed.
But that’s when Dr. Snow told him to “Stand up for a moment. Natalie has
something she wants to show you.”
Dutifully, the older man slid out of the booth and stood next to the table.
Then, before he knew what was happening, Natalie had slipped out of her seat and
was on her knees at his feet happily undoing his zipper.
“Oh, uh, I… uh… don’t really think this is necessary,” the senior doctor
stammered. But he didn’t resist; and stopped complaining altogether when he felt
the warm wetness of Natalie’s mouth surrounding his cock, a cock that hadn’t
been sucked for years.
“Ohhhhhhhhhh!” he whimpered.
Dr. Snow even had Natalie pose for several pretty Polaroid pictures staring
right into the camera with the senior investigator’s cock still in her mouth,
which she promptly handed over to him “for your shirt pocket.”
Then she pulled out her digital, slid out of the booth herself to circle over to
the other side of Dr. Garth and her daughter, and said: “Now let’s get a few I
can send you by email for your computer. Do you have any preferences?”
Dr. Garth seemed fond of hedging. “I… er… uh…”
“It’s no time to be shy, Barry. You’re having your dick sucked by an 18-year old
hooker in a public restaurant on Main Street.”
“In front of her mother,” he added, dryly.
“In front of her VERY APPROVING mother. So… any preferred shots of angles?”
“Well…” he said, gaining courage. “I AM a bit of an ass man.”
“Natalie has a nice one,” Dr. Snow said as the perky teen jutted out and angled
her little tush towards Mom’s camera and gave out a cock-muffled, high-pitched
little chuckle – “hm hm!” – like only a teenage girl can do.
“Look this way, Sweetheart,” Dr. Snow kept saying, as she took several dozen
nice pictures.
All the while, poor Dr. Garth was torn between the ecstasy of having his cock
sucked for the first time in over twenty years and his discomfort of having this
done in a non-empty downtown café. But Dr. Snow finally reassured him: “The two
young ladies over at that table work with Natalie,” she explained. “And the two
men at that table are pimps; the one on the right is Natalie’s and my boss.”
Dr. Garth swallowed hard.
“Don’t worry!” the young doctor said. “Look.” And that’s when she nudged her
daughter gently and replaced Natalie’s mouth with her own to blow Dr. Garth and
pose while Natalie took pictures.”
“Look here, Mum,” Natalie said, perkily. And Dr. Snow posed proudly for several
more pictures, while old Dr. Garth revelled in ecstasy.
Dr. Snow finally slid off to let her daughter resume sucking, and continued to
verbally appease the old man: “Right outside this café is where a lot of the
girls will start to gather in about 5 or so minutes, once it starts to get dark.
Across the street is where both Natalie AND I will stand once this meeting is
over. Isn’t that right, Sweetie?”
“Hmm hmmmmmm!” Natalie nodded happily.
“So NO ONE in this neighbourhood will be surprised by what’s happening here.”
Finally, the old doctor started to relax.
“Now why don’t you really let loose and fuck Natalie’s throat?” the mother said.
Oh Gawd! He wanted to. Throwing caution to the wind, he grabbed the teen’s head
around her blonde ponytail and started to drive his cock so deep and hard into
her, that Natalie’s nose was compressed with every thrust. And as he kept going,
his thrusts got faster and faster and deeper and deeper.
Dr. Snow smiled proudly and quietly took one of Natalie’s hands, her other hand
still clicking away on her camera.
Finally, after several more minutes, the old doctor’s cock erupted, totally
filling young Natalie’s mouth with 20 plus years worth of semen, which she
swallowed down, only to return her mouth his cock to greedily suction the last
of the old doctor’s semen out of his piss hole and lick him clean. After Dr.
Garth had recovered from his first orgasm in years and zipped himself up, he
relented: “I’m sure I can figure out a way to have this study approved,” he
said. “I may need to borrow Natalie for awhile,” he noted.
“No problem,” the mother and daughter said in unison, both smiling ear to ear.
“ANY time.”
“But you zipped up too soon,” she added. “I want some too.” And she handed her
camera back over to Natalie, latched her mouth onto the old man again, and
angled her own gorgeous ass towards the camera.
And so it was that the first study was approved, funded, and successful at
turning the medical and scientific communities on their ear. And that is why Kim
Henry was having such a fun senior year. All the girls in her class had been
selected to participate in the ‘active’ arm of the clinical study, meaning that
they had to earn their 60 cc of daily come the old-fashioned way… from their
Kim had seemed to be the unlikeliest of cock whores. Raised in a wealthy family,
though always polite, she was very quiet, and so she seemed aloof. In addition,
whereas most girls wore regulation t-shirts and jeans to school, she always
dressed more formally, in nice blouses and dress pants, plus 2-inch heels. In
short, she dressed more like an office assistant or secretary than someone in
high school. But Principal Stanner had heard that Kim had, in fact, blown not
one, but several different teachers in exchange for a higher grade or some
favour (like being excused from class to attend a museum opening); so she had
been the one he most wanted to start Phase 2 off and rolling. Hence, it was Kim
who largely blew him outside his office that first day when he asked all the
girls destined for the seniors complex to meet with him to discuss “behaviour in
the presence of the elderly at a seniors’ residence”; it was Kim whose face was
on the posters all around the school and city advertising the study; it was Kim
whose face was on the home page of the study’s official website; it was Kim
whose face was on the School Year Book… and, every one of these pictures was
from that first day in the hallway, with her looking right into the camera with
Principal Stanner’s cock buried deep in her mouth.
Since then, Kim had definitely earned her notoriety. Even though she continued
to mostly dress as formally as ever – in dress pants, a blouse and heels – she
had unquestionably become the blowjob leader of her class. Between her 30-35
blowjobs per day at the various assignments (the school itself; the seniors’
home; the local men’s college; and the naval academy, including its horse
stables), she also worked three school nights a week, plus Friday night, all
Saturday and most of Sunday for a Persian pimp downtown named Mohammed. Not only
that, but where the girls only were responsible for 10 blowjobs on days they
were assigned the naval stables (since horses tend to produce much greater
volumes), Kim had insisted on just arriving early and providing service to each
of the now 15 stable residents (the navy had gone out and purchased five more
for the girls) AT LEAST 2 times each, so as not to hurt her daily average, of
which both she and her entire family were very proud.
With all this, she’d given 8534 blowjobs over the past six months, more than
3100 more than the minimum required by the study protocol and over 1400 more
than the next most ‘prolific’ cock-sucker in her class. All this good work had
paid off further dividends for her, including her no-brainer inclusion in the
upcoming Phase 3 of the study, in which 30 girls from each of the 50 schools,
regardless of treatment, were to work as full-time prostitutes for a minimum of
five years, to determine the ‘long-term’ advantages of this health regimen.
Interestingly, Dr. Snow’s own daughter, Natalie, already starting her third year
as an insanely busy full-time hooker, had signed up to continue on through all
of Phase 3.

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