Mom gets married: Part 4.

Note : This story is completely fictional!
It is friday morning. Carla, my 38 year old mother, and I have been sharing
my bed, since wednesday evening, so this is the second morning in a row, on
which I have awakened with my mothers breasts pressed against my body, and our
legs entwined. It is quite pleasant to wake up smelling her scent so close.
Having fallen asleep after sating ourselves sexually the night before, there is
the faint smell of the perfume she had worn yesterday, the cologne I had
splashed on after my mother had bathed me, plus the musky smell of our combined
love juices. This morning, I am on my side facing her, my left arm under her
neck, with her breasts crushed into my chest, her hair floating in my face as
she sleeps, and her pussy lips softly pressing into my right thigh, as her legs
are entwined around mine.
As I am laying there waking up, I begin to think about this situation. “How many
guy’s have become their mother’s lover?” my mind is asking. “How often does this
sort of thing occur…and how long can it go on?” is what runs through my
Yes….my sister Bobbie Sue and I have been lovers for the last 4 years.
But…we are so close to the same age, and we spend so much time together, out
in public as well as alone here at home. We don’t plan on living together the
rest of our lives. In fact, we both currently have other in our lives. A “boyfriend”
in Bobbie’s case (Steven) and a girl for me (Mary). I have only had sex with
Mary twice. Bobbie Sue has not spoken to me about how often she and Steven have
enjoyed each other, though they have been dating since february, and it is now
late april.
While I am laying there contemplating these things, my dick inadvertantly comes
to life, rising to a full erection, even though I have really not had any carnal
thoughts!! Now….an erection while holding a beautiful and loving woman in your
arms is never a bad thing. But…my thought at the moment was….”What will she
think of me?? Here we are, friday morning, her eyes still closed in slumber, and
my dick can’t control itself!!” is the thought racing through my mind.
Yet…even though I haven’t given thought to making love (YET), it is obvious
that deep in my minds recesses, the thought is there, for my erection bears this
With Carla so well entwined against my body, my erection is between us, with no
real room for me to reach down and “adjust” it, or to roll away, that I might “relieve”
it. So there it is, poking into her soft and warm belly. “Will mom think me a
total animal” runs through my mind, as her limbs begin the slow movements
associated with an individual awakening. Slowly Carla slides her body around,
until she is laying fully across me chest, her face now under my chin, her hair
in my eyes and nose, arms to either side of mine, my erection now pressed
between our bodies, while her toes are stretching out…wiggling themselves
against my feet and ankles!! A quick glance at the clock tells me it is 7:30. I
begin to flex my shoulders ever so slightly, getting the blodd circulating
through tem again, wanting the slight cramping from Carla’s body pressing
against them during sleep, to go away.
Softly I hear “What a wonderful manner to wake up” she say’s. “The warm,
muscular body, of a man whom I know loves me, holding me so tenderly!!” With
those words, she kisses my chest softly, nipping at my right nipple as she does
so. Carla lifts her face, pulls her arms around, and folding her hands together
across my chest, rests her chin on them, looking into my eyes with an adoring
smile on her face. “Good morning Handsome” she whispers, slowly pushing her body
into a muscle relieving stretch, as she lay’s on me, her body and legs wiggling
against me, the touch of her skin running across mine warm and pleasing. She
slips her arms around me, pushing them under my back, pressing her face against
my chest, giving me a hug as she stretches out her kinks!
Rising to her knees, Carla spreads her legs, and manuevers herself so that she
straddles my crotch, her pussy lips pressing against my shaft and my balls. She
lifts her arms above her head, clasping her hands together as she stretches out,
reaching backwards behind her, as though reaching for a cloud, her chest pushing
her breasts up, her nipples round swells of pink. Completeing her stretch, Carla
flops herself back down on my chest, her pussy still pressing my erection,
moistening it ever so slightly, as she begins to become aroused.
Softly kissing my chin, her eyes twinkling brightly, she doesn’t say another
word. She quietly begins kissing me, on my cheeks, on my chin, across my brow.
With each movement she makes, drawing herself nearer to a point where my now
fully engorge dick is going to be able to slip into her. Finally Carla flex’s
her hips, my shaft sliding into her warmth, feeling the delight as she sinks
herself down it’s length, a sigh emitting from her puffing and succulent lips.
“What a glorious day it is going to be!!!” she say’s. With that she begins to
pump her pussy up and down, riding my cock slowly to a morning orgasm, with each
movement, flexing her muscles, her pussy grasping at my firmness, drawing me
along. Rising up, I slip my arms around her, pulling her breasts closer, where I
suckle at them, softly kissing each nipple, while cupping her diving buttocks in
my hands, grasping at them as she pumps her pussy onto my cock. As we hug into a
bodily embrace, the warmth and silkyness of her skin envelops me, the musky
smell of our lovemaking, pushing me into a full state of arousement. With my
hands grasping Carls hips, I now begin to driver her down, giving added thrust
to each of her own. My hips begin thrusting upwards, meeting her’s, slapping
skin up on skin, forcing our juices outwards, where they leak down on to my
balls. Soon her breath is coming as rasping hisses, her body is flushed,
becoming a pink orb, sliding in my arms. Her skin is soon covered in sweat, her
head bends back, “Yessssssss” rolling from her lips!! Finally my cock can take
no more. Thrusting upwards into her silky pussy, my hands press her hips down,
and holding her to my chest, I pump my seed into her, quick firm pulses of my
dick releasing it into the depths of wonder. Nuzzling my face into her neck, I
suck on it, smelling her sweat, feeling her heat all across my chest, our fluids
leaking down onto my balls.
Twirling Carla around, I lay her back against the sheet, sliding down across her
pelvis, planting quick kisses as I go, I slide her thighs apart, and begin
diving my tounge into her honey pot, slurping up our juice, licking away the
sticky liquid, swallowing all that I find. Soon I feel her feet tapping against
my back, her thighs tightening into firm lengths, her pussy lips twitching
against my tounge, her clit standing erect, begging for my mouth to give it much
deserved attention! I voraciously attack it, sliding it’s small length into my
lips, twirling my tounge around the small cone, drawing from Carla’s mouth, a
long so “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!” as she rolls into a series of muscle tightenng
After she has finished her body twitching orgasm, I rise to my knees, pressing
her thighs further apart, hooking my arms under her knees, prepared to lance my
swollen and engorged cock, once more into her moist heaven. With a smile as
broad as the moon, she say’s “Please…fuck me hard!!! Give me that wonderful
cock!!!” With those words of encouragement, I slam my cock into her, pressing it
into her womb, feeling again the wonder of it’s grasp! I pull out, stopping with
my cockhead at the opening of her pussy, where I roll it around the lips,
wiggling my hips and flexing my dick, drawing small sensations of pleasure from
her pussy lips. With that, I start fucking into her, ferocious thrusts, driving
deep and firm, pumping swiftly, rushing Carla towards the endge of orgasm, by
balls tightening in their sac, awaiting the moment of completion.As my cock is
beginning to buzz, signalling that it wants to explode, Carla wraps her legs
around my hips, grasping at my shoulders and pulling herself to my chest. “Gaaaaaaaawd”
she crys “I’m cummmmmmming! I’m cummmmmmming!” With that, my arms wrapped around
her, my hands holding her shoulders, I slam my dick into her one final thrust,
spewing my seed against the back wall of her womb.
Holding her in my arms, I roll us over, holding her in their fold, pulling her
to my chest, kissing the top of her head…I whisper “Good morning!” After
several moments, Carla slides herslef off my chest, sliping her mouth down to my
dick, where she licks from it our juices. Upon completeing that task, she smacks
me on the leg, and smiling say’s “See you in the shower!!”
While showering, Carla tells me that she really should run up to Dallas. “I need
to get the application and my picture for my passport submitted! Robert will
think I don’t want to travel with him otherwise!!” “Alright” I responded, “When
would you like to go??”
While she had no answer, we finished our shower, dried ourselves, and while she
finished her hair, I walked out to the kitchen, where I started a pot of coffee.
As I was pulling two cups from the rack, Carla cme into the room, a towel
scrubbing at her thick moist head of hair. “Do you think I could be there by
noon today” she inquired? Slipping my hands around her, kissing her lips, I said
“Of course we can!”
With a questioning grin, she replied “WE??” “Yup” I quipped. “I called the ranch
while I was fixing the pot, and I’m taking the rest of your stay off. I told
them you were heading to Norway next week, and that I wouldn’t be seeing you
again until July, when you come home to be married!!” With that, I wrapped my
arms around her, and planted a long and soft kiss on her mouth, slowly sucking
her tounge into mine, feeling her body as it relaxed into my arms. Breaking the
kiss, we sat down to have a cup of coffee, before heading to the bedroom, to
dress and pack a few items, for the trip to Dallas.
As we drive towards Dallas, Carla is pressed against my body, her head resting
against my shoulder, her arms holding my right arm and hand, entwined. “Thank
you” she said “It is so great that you wanted to come with me!!” “I dressed
especially for you” she quipped. With a questioning look, I asked…”How’s that??”
What I saw was my mother, wearing a cotton dress, that while yes, you could see
she was not wearing a bra, her firm 36d breasts pressing against the buttons,
there really wasn’t anything else to see, in particular. Sliding my hands
through the unbuttoned portion of the front of her dress, she let me feel her
thighs, where I could tell she was wearing nylon stockings held in place by a
garter belt!
A vision then appeared in my mind, of the thanksgiving dinner month’s before,
when I caught a look at my mothers pussy, it’s thick bush and succulent pink
lips exposed to me, when her legs slid apart revealing that she had no panties
on under her dress!! Sliding my fingers up to her crotch, a smile crossed my
lips, as I felt to moistness of her lips, when my fingers drew into them!! “Yes”
she whispered into my ear. “I was aware that you could see my pussy, last
thanksgiving evening!” “I was also aware that you never drew your eyes away,
instead continuing to grace me with the pleasure that was in your eyes, as you
looked into my skirt.”
With that, I continued steering a course towards the interstate, where we would
turn east to Dallas, my arm wrapped around my mothers shoulder, with an
occasional feel of her erect nipple on her right breast. We were 5 miles short
of the freeway, having traveled about 150 miles, when Carla slid down into a
prone position on the seat, her back against the seat, her dress pulled up
loosely around her knees, her head resting on my lap, and her fngers soflty
caressing my thigh. I was dressed in a Tanktop t-shirt and shorts. I hadn’t told
Carla, but I was not wearing any underwear, enjoying the feeling of freedom
being without them gave me. Soon after beginning to carress my thigh, Carla slid
her fingers up past the edge of my shorts…surprised when she found I was not
wearing underwear! With a small smile on her lips, she held her hand on my thigh,
just at the edge of my groin. Soon we had turned east on the freeway, making our
way towards Abilene, and Dallas beyond, when Carla began fondling my dick, which
became rock hard in moments! She wrapped her fingers around it, a smile on her
face as she rested on my thigh, pumping at the shaft with tiny strokes, her eyes
twinkling lovingly!
We had passed several cars and semi-trucks, of which none of the drivers, though
they could see Carla laying on the seat, could not see that she held my erection
in her soft fingers. This changed quickly though, when Carla sat up, slide her
other hand to my waist, and undid my shorts, whispering to me “Raise your
butt…let me slide these down!!” With in seconds, my shorts were down around my
ankles, and my full engorged cock was flagging for all to see now!! As we
continued to roll along, we came upon a long line of freight truck, which were
running along in a convoy. Passing one truck after another, each was treated to
a view as Carla slowly ppumped her fist up and down the shaft of my dick. Carla
reached out and turned on the CB, which I had installed in my pickup, back in
march, and we could hear each comment a trucker would make, as we passed by. One
snorted…”Hell…anybody could give a handjob like that! Let’s see if they have
the nutts to show real action!!”
With that Carla looked into my eyes, and holding her lips close to my ears, she
said “Slow down so we are next to that driver again!!” Easing off the gas, we
slowed, and the driver wanting to see more action, got more than he bargained
for I am sure!!! Releasing my swollen dick, Carla slid down on her back, resting
her head on my thigh, and sldinginge her legs apart, whiling pulling her dress
aside, she revealed to that driver the fact that under the dress, she wore only
the nylons and garter! With her left foot planted firmly on the floor, her right
foot drapped up on the back of the seat, she slid her fingers through her bush,
parting her pusy lips, so the driver could view them!! The man went ballisitc!!
“MEN” he shouted into his CB, as he honked madly on his airhorn, “We got us a
live one here!!! She ain’t got nuthin on under her dress at ALL! She is
fingering her pussy, as I speak!!” As we continued to pace that truck, the
driver is honking his horn and hopping wildly up and down in his seat…shouting
into the radio, when he saw pussy juice leak from Carla’s engorged twat!! “My
gawd!!” he exclaimed!! “She is wet!!! I need some boys!! I need me some woman!!!”
Well…checking my mirrors, looking to see how close the nearest car was…(quite
a distance back thank god!!), I reached my right hand down, and slowly began
wiggling my fingers across Carla’s pussy lips, drawing them to my lips from time
to time, so that I may suck from them, the wonderful juice, that was readily
available to me!! The first time I pulled her juices to my mouth, the driver we
were pacing, almost lost control, his rig moving onto the shoulder of the
highway, dusting those behind with rocks…his horn wildly blasting into the air!
By now, Carla had undone the top of her dress, and her breast’s, the nipples
rock hard and pointing out in little pink cones!! With me taking one final taste
of her quim while beside that particular truck, Carla said ” Let’s move on! Show
the others what ONLY YOU will be getting the rest of the day!!!” As we passed
the remainder of the trucks in that line (about 12 in all) I twirled my fingers
in her pussy, drawing quim to my lips at each truck, leaning over more than once
to plant a quick kiss and nip to an erect nipple!! The reaction was the same at
each vehicle!! Each driver honking his horn and bouncing wildly in the seat,
telling the others what each was missing!!
Now…at 6 foot tall…I like driving with my seat all the way back against the
wall of the cab…so in my pickup, (A Chevy} there is a lot of room between my
belly and the wheel. After giving 3 or 4 different drivers a look at her juicey
twat, Carla decided thhe show needed to liven up a notch! Swing herslef up and
around, she took her dress off in one fluid motion, leaving heself dressed only
in her jewelry and he garter holding up the nylon stockings. This vision drove
the next driver, whom had a male companion sitting with him in his cab (I later
learned that those are considered “Team” drivers) completely wild!! His truck
began moving back and forth across the lines, almost forcing us off into the
center ditch!! Shouting into the CB he told the rest of the truckers what he and
his partner were seeing! This ravenous woman, her butt poking into the air, as
her lips are now wrapped around my cock, beginning to suck the builtup precum
from my shaft, MY fingers continuing to dance across her pussy lips, exposing
the interior lining to the driver, as I slid three fingers into Carla’s slit,
holding open her fuckhole, for both men to see! (the second man had stood up,
and was leaning across the driver, looking out the window at us!!) Dipping more
quim juice fro her now soping slit, I sucked slowly at each finger, before
returnng them to the honey pot of my horney lovers twat! The truckers’ air horns
blasting wildly, we crept further up the line, one truck at a time, a truck down
the line behind us having moved into the left lane, blocking any other cars from
approaching from behind, so that we could continue our little show!! We kept
hearing “There are no bears” whenever a viewing driver would ask if there was
any cop’s around.
We had progressed up the line of trucks, to where I could see that there were
only 4 more, before we moved out to the front. Carla, sensing that we would be
out of viewers suddenly slid up to face me, then moving between my arms, she
slid my cock, which was ready to burst from the head she had been giving me,
into her pussy, slamming it deep into her womb, as she sat down on it! Her face
across my shoulder, her hips grinding against my cock, she whispered “Don’t lose
control of the car sweetheart!! I would really hate for this to be OUR last show!!”
Holding the steering wheel steady now, looking across Carla’s shoulders, I drove
a path down the center of our lane, slowly passing each truck, as my mother
milked my cock with her pussy, slowly building me up to what became an explosion
of cum, unlike any I had ever experienced!!
As Carla rocked her pussy up and down on the length of my shaft, my balls
dangling against the cloth seat, her nipples scrubbing themselves raw against my
chest, still covered by the tanktop shirt, her flushed face looking across my
shoulder out the back window, we could hear truck horns blaring into the air,
the driver following along in the lane behind us screaming into the CB, “MY GAWD!”
he was shouting ” I can see by the look on her face….she is cumming!! That
woman is fucking herself into an orgasm!!” we hear him shouting. What he didn’t
see, was that not only was she fucking herself into an orgasm…but she was also
drawing one hell of an explosion from MY cock!! When we had pulled up along the
driver’s door of the lead truck, Carla gasped into my ear “I’M
CUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMING!!!!” With that she slammed herself down against the base of
my cock, taking as much of me into her twat as was possible. Just as she slammed
down for that final thrust, my dick erupted, spewing (what I felt was gallons)my
jizz into her pussy, as her quim exploded forth, raining her juices down to
cover my balls!!!
Well..they may not have known that Carla was my mother…but they certainly knew
that she was one sexy woman, and was giving them a show to remember! After we
had both released ourselves in orgasmic pleasure, Carla rested there, my cock
still rock hard, even though it had drained my balls into her womb, resting her
head against my shoulder, her arms wrapped around my neck, holding herself
tightly against my chest.
Having passed the entire line of trucks now, I had moved the pickup over to the
right lane, and now each of those trucks was speeding down the road past us,
honking their horn as each went by, some extending a thumbs up…other’s
shouting into the CB a “Thanks!” More than one driver commented that I should
pull off at an offramp, so that they could get “Her” into a sleeper, and show
her a real “Man’s fucking”!! Mom ignored it all, holding herself against my
chest, her pussy softly wrapped around my cock, her sweat mingling with mine,
her sopping wet pussy pulsing with each beat of her heart, our combined juices
slowly leaking down past my balls, to puddle on the seat, coating the crack of
my ass.
Kissing my neck softly, she remained in that position, between me and the
steering wheel for another five minutes, before sliding herself back onto the
seat, my cock making a soft slurping sound as it was extracted from her sweet
and loving heaven. Grabbing a handful of tissues from her purse, Carla wiped up
some of the thick juices, which were leaking from her satisfied twat, before
sliding back into her dress. As she was fastening the bottom row of buttons on
her dress, her breasts still hanging free, in view of any whom choose to look, a
car that had been trapped behind the line of trucks, as we put on our show,
slowly went by, the man driving glancing over at my mother, with a small knowing
smile on his face, the woman sitting next to him, glaring at me as they slid by,
on the way to what ever business had them on the road. I can only imagine that
the man driving, wished he had such a woman riding in the car with him.
Yes…they had a CB radio in their car! I could see the arial mounted on the
trunk as they went by!! They heard ever word uttered by the excited truckers!!!
Once Carla had her dress squared away, she grabbed another hand full if tissue,
then having me raise my butt off the seat, she wiped as much juice from the seat
and me as was possible, then pulled up my shorts, which were still on the
floorboard, around my ankles!!! Five miles down the road, a police cruiser went
by, the officer driving, with his cowboy hat low over his eyes, glancing across
at me….a grin from ear to ear on his face, seeing Carla nestled into my
shoulder, her hand resting on my thigh, her eyes closed, as she napped
peacefully beside me…….Did he also hear the excited calls of the truckers
describing us, on the radio??? Looking at my watch, it was 10 am….we were 100
miles from Dallas. What a wonderful morning it has been….and what did the
evening have in store for us??
We arrived at the federal building in Dallas at 1pm, having stopped for a quick
bite at a DQ several towns back. We left the Fed at 3;30, having placed an
expedited request for my mothers passport, after paying the appropriate amount
of money. Leaving the building, mother whispered into my ear, “Darling, let’s go
check into the Marriott. Get a room high in the upper floors!!” Having no other
plans of my own, off we went to the Marriott, where we got checked in, and had
gotten comfortable in the room by 5pm.
While resting on the bed…Carla once again sitting on my dick, her pussy
wrapping it in it’s folds, I learned what her ulterior motives behind a room
were!! Not only did Carla feel we neded to be away from the house for a couple
days…but by coming to Dallas, we were about to fullfill a fantasy she had
held, since the early days of her marriage to my father!!
As Carla sat on my dick, her pussy massaging the saft with ever moveent of her
body, Carla asked, “Did you enjoy what we did, as we passed all those
truckers???” Sitting there, her pussy soaking my cock, pulling softly at the
shaft with each breath Carla took…How could I say NO!??? It would have been a
lie…of course I enjoyed it! I enjoy ever moment my cock is in the pussy which
bore me life!! Smiling broadly, I answered her with a firm “Of course I did!!!”
With that answer, she smiled widely at my, cupped my face in her hands, and
bending down to meet my lips, kissed me soundly. Then she began fucking my cock
into her pussy, in what I knew to be her favorite position! For whatever reason,
my mother absolutely loves riding my thick cock, letting her breasts sway
against my chest, or tantalizing my eyes. I is far easier to suckle
them in this postion than any other!! After riding my dick to another body
tremoring orgasm, Carla once mmore lay on my chest, my softening cock still
entrenched in her mosit pussy. As she drifted off to sleep, she quipped “Rest
now lover! After a nap and a meal, we have a show to perform!!”
With those words nestled in my ears, I drifted off to sleep, wondering in my
mind “WHAT Show??” I awoke at 8pm, with the smell of food wafting in the air,
and the feel of my mothers lips and tounge, hungrily licking at my cock. Smiling
at me, she said “let’s eat lover! I have a steak sitting here waiting for you!!”
Upon rising, steak is what I found scenting the air of the room, along with a
baked potatoe, a salad, and a 6-pack of cold beer. After devooring the salad,
potatoe and steak, as well as 2 bottles of the beer, I laid back against the
chair, and looking at my mother, asked her…”What show, were you refering to,
before we napped??” Smiling impishly at me, she asked if I had ever been do an
“Adult” theatre?? Well..being that we have always lived in a very rural area…I
said “No…why”???
Grinning from ear to ear, Carla explained to me her plan for the evenngs
pleasures. We were going to once again get dressed, me in tank top and shorts,
sans socks and underwear, she in the same dress worn earlier in the day!!
“Didn’t you find it exciting, sitting in the federal office, knowing that I had
on no panties, and that my pussy was full of your seed?” she asked. Laughing
loudly, I replied “yeah…My dick was hard as arock knowing that I was the only
man in the building, whom knew what your state was!!!” Laughing with me she
quipped “Do you mean the state of perpetual HORNEY???” Wrapping her arms around
me, and crushing my lips with hers, she quipped, “Knowing what wonderfully huge
cock my son is blessed with, and enjoying it to the fullest extent, has been the
greatest joy, these past few days!! Tonight we are going to go to that adult
theatre, and you are going to once again fuck me in front of men….Only this
time…they are going to be right there with us!!! You may see men thrusting
their cocks towards my face, as I ride your cock…do not get jealous, if I
allow one to enter my lips!!” she said.
After showering and dressing as we had been earlier, we hopped into the pickup,
and driving around a bit, soon found exactly what mother was looking for. A XXX
theatre, which advertised a large screen, and theatre seating. Parking and
paying the price to enter, we were soon seated in the back rows of the room,
where more than 20 men, of all races, body styles, and sizes, were watching a
girl sucking a man’s cock on the screen, while she was being fucked by yet
another man, mounting her from the rear, “doggie style”. I was quick to realize
that most of these men present, were jacking off…..and that my mother was the
only woman in the room!!!! Nestling up against my arm, she caressed my face with
her hands, and whispered, “If we are lucky, you will see me fuck every decent
man in this room, before we leave!!”
Looking her in the eye, I asked “What will you consider “decent”, given the
number of men in this room”?? Kissing me, and dropping a hand into my crotch,
she whispered into my ear, any man who’s dick is at least 8 inches in length, I
measured your cock, while you were sleeping!! It is 9 1/2 inches!! Your’s is the
only cock I want to ever be buried in my womb….that means 8 inches less, for
my fantasy to be fullfilled!!
Well..we settled in to watch the movie showing. After several minutes of
viewing, Carla giggled quite loudly, and whispered in my ears..”WE can do better
than this!!” With that she sank to her knees, pulled my shorts off me, and
proceeded o give me head. Immediately there was rustling and justling, as
several men suddenly appeared around us, watching intently as Carla swallowed my
member! As she built up her pace, eventually sliding all of my cock into her
throat, most of these guy’s whipped out their dicks, each jacking off, while
watching my mother deep throat my cock, which had turned hard as a rock, with
all these men watching us!!! It was no time at all before mother had me moaning,
then holding onto her head, while I fucked into her mouth, breathing loudly and
saying, “Yes..suck my dick you nasty BITCH!!! Take every drop and swallow it!!!
Don’t spill a drop, or you are going to be punished!!!” Well…..Mom’s eyes are
suddenly saucer sized! She had never heard me speak like that!!!! Looking up at
me, past her brow as I fucked my entire cock into her mouth, her drool streaming
out and onto the floor, Mom suddenly realized I was speaking for the men around
us!! The pace and ferver of their jacking had intensified, as I slammed my dick
in to her mouth!! One man, sitting behind her, reached down, and pulled up her
skirt, finding that she wore no panties!! he slid around further, so that he
could get a better approach, and started sliding his fingers in Carlla’s pussy.
First two, then three…sliding in and out, stretching at her pussy, while he
jacked off with the other hand. Finally a man in the aisle we were in, saw what
was happening, and he slid down to his knees behind her, then pushing away the
fingers that were fucking my mother, he slid his face into her wet twat and
began eating her…all the while I am sliding my dick into and out of her
drooling lips!!
Carla began orgasming within minutes of that man eating at her pussy!! As she
looked at me, I saw the glazed look I had seen before, when she was sliding into
an intense orgasm! As she began cumming, her teeth lightly grazed my dick,
sending shivers of intense pain AND pleasure streaming through me. Then, she
grabbed my nut sck, pressing on them, while seemingly attempting to crush my
balls!! Instantly I began cumming in her throat, sending my seed showering into
her belly!!! After I was spent and limp, another man, who’s dick just wasn’t all
that much smaller than mine, slid in to replace me, Carla taking him in to her
mouth, lollipop’ing the head of his dick for just a few seconds, before he slid
it deep into her throat, groaning loudly as she took him all!! This man, whom
neither of us knew, then proceeded to fuck Carla’s mouth, hissing with each
plunge his dick took, moaning with each extraction. Carla soon did the same
thing to this man, she had done to me. Grapped his nutsack, and suddenly he was
sprayin her with his seed. Instead of swallowing his spunk, she pushed he dick
away, letting the majority hit the floor. He didn’t even notice, his orgasm had
been so intense!! All this time, one man had been eating her pussy! Well..that
came to an end! A large black man…about 6 foot 5, stepped in behind her, and
with a monster dick in his hands, dropped down and pushed it into her!!! That
dick was massive…and while we had planned to not let that happen…it did
anyway!! Soon Carla was letting loose of the dick that had been shoved into her
mouth, and pulling herself away from the man fucking her, pushed him into a
seat, where she immediately mounted him, control as much as she could, the depth
to which that massive cock entered her!! The look on her face now was one I had
never seen before!! Her eyes were rolled slightly up into her head, drool was
dripping from her lips, and she was huffing with the intense feeling that cock
was giving her!! Soon, the man started to grunt, and mother peeled off of his
member, letting the jizz shoot all over the man’s lap and the face of a man I
had not seen, whom was behind mother, eating her pussy and licking the cock that
was fucking her!!
Looking at me, and seeing that I had my shorts back on, she nodded her head
towards the door, giving me the signal that she was ready to leave!!! As I
helped her past all these men whom did not get to fuck her, I leaned to her ear
and whispered, “I’m right here, it’s going to be OK!!” Once out of the theatre
and into the pickup, she gasped and sobbed ever so quietly. I turned to her,
after locking my door and starting the pickup, reached past her to lock that
door, then pulled her to me, holding her as tenderly as I could. “I never
expected that to happen” she gasped “I honestly didn’t expect there to be that
big of a reaction to what we were planning!! I’m so sorry she said!!! That last
man…his cock was just too hurt and I didn’t want him in me anymore!!”
As she began to sob, I held her softly, letting her get past what had happened!!
We returned to the hotel, where Carla took a hot shower, while I went out to
find a nice bottle of wine and a couple glasses. Upon returning, I found Carla
curled on the sofa, wearing the terry cloth robe provided in the room, waiting
for me, She had the barest hint of a blush as I walked int the room. “You must
think I am such a whore, for wanting to do what we did tonight” she said. Going
to he and sitting next to her, I pulled her into my arms, and holding her head
to my chest I said, “No mother! I love you with all of my heart, and would never
think such a cruel thing about you!! You are a beautiful and sensuous woman,
whom I feel luck to have been graced with having the pleasure to make love
too!!” Looking into my face, she look so shocked, and gasped, “Really??”
“Yes” I said, planting tiny kisses across her face. “What makes you think I
would ever feel such as that, about you???” I asked. “The entire XXX thing” she
stated. “I just knew, when you left the room, that you hated me for what I had
done, and would not wish to be with me again!!” Gently cupping her chin in my
hand, I lifted her lips to mine, and proceeded to give her the longest french
kiss I had evr given. After releasing her tounge, I swept the robe she was
wearing apart, and kneeling before her, kissed my way from her feet to her
pussy, which I began to lick and suckle, giving as intense attention as I
possibly could! Mother was soon hissing through her teeth….crooning “YESsssssssssss!!
Eat my pussy Darling!! Suck my pussy like you know how to do!!!”
After she had orgasmed, I stood, removed my shirt and shorts, and immediately
thrust my dick into her womb, pushing through to the bottom, fucking into her
until she came in another muscle tensing shudder. When I reached my peak, I
scooped her up, planting her pussy back onto my cock and carried her into the
bedroom, where I then placed her on the bed, climbed up between her legs once
more, and finished what I had started….soon jetting thick wads of my jizz into
her still tight womb. Even though that massive cock had been in her pussy, it
was so large, it never made it to her love spot!!
We went to sleep then, waking in the morning for a slow sensous round of love
making. Afterwards we went to breakfast, then out for a tour of the town. That
evening, after returning to the room, Carla asked me to go retrieve her purse
from the pickup floor. When I returned with it in hand, she was reclined on the
sofa, stripped naked, and holding a small bottle in her hand.
“Do you know what this is for?” she asked, extending her hand outward, so that
maight see the bottle. Shaking my head no, she reponded, “It’s KY Jelly she
said, We will use it to lube your penis, when you are ready to fuck my ass, and
make me totally your woman!!!” Smiling broadly, I opened the bottle of wine from
the night before and poured us each a glass. We sat and sipped wine, soon
finishing the bottle, chatted about nothing and watched a little tv, before I
picked Carla up in my arms and carried her into the bedroom. Stripping down,as
soon as my pants dropped to the floor, she gasped!! “Eddie” she exclaimed, “Your
cock is even larger than it had been!!” I guess the thought of what I was about
to do, excited me to such a point, my dick actually extended itself more than
usual, resulting in a massive erection. I walked to the edge of the bed, flipped
my lover over onto her knees, and was quickly licking and sucking her pussy, her
clit, and her anus!! I sucked and licked until she was hissing agian, then I
opened the bottly of Ky, and squirted jelly into my palm, applying it in liberal
amounts the the head and shaft of my dick. Squirting a bit onto Carla’s flexing
anus, I wigled in between her legs, graspping the shaft of my dick in my right
hand, while holding her hip in my left. I positioned the head of my cock at her
anus, and slowly easy it into her. It took a little bit of preassur, then
suddenly the head of my cock and an inche of the shaft were past her “bum”
sliding in just a bit more with each movement Carla made. Gasping, she looked
back across her shoulder, and with a look of wonder on her face, nodded for me
to proceed. I slid a litle of my cock into her, holding it in one spot for just
a few seconds, then I would pull it back, working in and out of her ass, slowly
pushing into the depths of her bowel, until I was finally nestled against her
buttocks with my bush….my balls gently tapping her pussy!! I then started to
slowly begin fucking her, little movements at first, applying a little more KY,
giving my cock just a bit more lubrication, allowing it to slide into Carla with
ease. Soon I was banging her ass, my balls slapping into her pussy with each
thrust, until Carla was once again hisssing “YESssssss!!” Then I shot my wad,
placing all of it deep inside her, holding my dick in palce until every drop had
shot out of it!!
We spent the rest of our stay in Dallas, fucking and sucking, returning home one
day before her passport arrived, and finding my lovong sister, Bobbie Sue,
waiting there for us!! Having no clue where we had been, or what we had been
doing the last few dyas, Bobbie Sue proceeded to inform us of her road trip, the
friends she had made, and the sights she had seen.
Carla and I listened intently, loving every moment of her story. When she was
finished, she looked at us and asked, “SO…what have you to been up too??”
Laughing softly mother esponded, “Oh…you know your brother dear! All work and
little play! His girlfriend is off on a trip with her family and won’t be back
for days yet, so I convinced Eddie to go to Dallas with me, where I applied for
my passport. I’m heading to Norway next week!!” As mother said this to Bobbie
Sue, I walked out to the kitchen, a smile on my lips thinking to myself…”YES,
she does know me…and have I got a surprise for her!!!” Opening the door to the
fridge…I yelled….”Does anyone one else want something to drink!!”
When mother had left…Bobbie Sue certainly was surprised!!!

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