My Sister and Lover

100% fiction!
All names & locations are changed as this is a true story of the deep
physical love that my sister and I have shared for the past 36 years. She is
also fully aware & endorses my telling of our story with all names changed to
prevent identification of any innocent parties i.e. herself, me & our now
deceased parents.
My sister Wendy & I are twins, we are approaching 60 years old now. We were
born in 1954 to our loving parents Joan & Dennis. We were raised in an ordinary
3 bedroom detached house in Hampshire, England. Not luxurious but clean, tidy &
well maintained due to our loving & dedicated mother & our father who had a good
job with a civil engineering company that won some lucrative overseas contracts.
This job entailed Dad being away overseeing some of the overseas projects that
the company had landed throughout our childhood, while Mum raised us.
Being twins Wendy & I attended the same local schools together & pretty much
shared the same circle of friends at secondary school. From around 18 years or
so of age I dated some girlfriends of hers while she dated some of the boys that
were friends of mine.
I was overly protective of my sister at that time & uncomfortable with her
dating some of my oversexed young pals. This was because I was oversexed too &
already having a sexual relationship with my sister & didnt want any of my
friends getting “a piece of the action” with Wendy. Mother had caught us in the
act of fucking several times in fact. Sometimes with me between Wendy’s legs
pumping away for all I was worth & sometimes with Wendy playing “cowgirl” &
riding my cock. Mum merely admonished us both but did no more about it,
certainly she never told Dad when he returned from his trips away. So we figured
that we could just carry on fucking each other as discreetly as possible.
By 1973 we were both in long term relationships with partners who we were
genuinely in love with. Wendy with her guy John & me with Babs. We married in
1975 with a double wedding ceremony attended by all our friends & families.
Wedded at 21 years was too young by far, we were cautioned but didn’t heed the
warnings. We even went on honeymoon to Tenerife as two couples. Life was very
good at that juncture of time with no hint of what was to befall us.
June 1977 saw Dad killed by a hippopotamus whilst working in Rhodesia. It
seems that he was at the wrong place (a river) at the wrong time; a group of
workmates had gone together to photograph some of the wildlife on a day off,
four had escaped the charging hippo while Dad & another guy in the party got
gored by the hippo’s huge teeth. Dad was killed & his friend spent quite some
time in hospital before spending the rest of his life (a mere 5 years) confined
to a wheelchair.
That was indeed a very distressing time for all of us. Joan our mother was
distraught at the loss of her adoring husband Dennis. At such times you have to
all comfort each other & carry on with life. Unfortunately my wife Babs &
Wendy’s husband John had been doing their own “carrying on” & Babs announced
shortly to everyone that she was pregnant & going to have John’s child. I’ve
never understood to this day why John would want to be unfaithful to Wendy. No
surprisingly perhaps after John had produced three children with Babs he left
her for another woman he’d met while working as a travelling salesman.
It’s said that the last to learn of an unfaithful partner is the one who has
been cuckolded. In the case of Wendy & I that was true. Afterwards it seemed
that everybody & his dog knew about their infidelity. Mother told us both that
she had suspected John & Babs but it was only hearsay & as she had not the
slightest proof wouldn’t lower herself to repeating gossip. There were naturally
enough divorces to follow. Plus I’m sure that there was a lot of sniggering from
those who knew of our partner’s infidelities & chose to remain silent on the
Wendy & I moved back into the family home with mother, she was very sad that
her children’s marriages had failed but at the same time pleased that she wasn’t
in a 3 bed-roomed house on her own & would again have company especially during
the long evenings after dinner. Wendy took an opportunity to change her job &
went to work for the same shipping company that Mum worked for & for more money
I remained at my same job as a precision metal machinist which still pays
good money to this day. We continued to carry on living lives similar to before
our ill fated marriages, albeit without Dad’s occasional presence. Even though
he’d often been away for much of the time we did all sorely miss him. Then not
long after Dad’s death, our Aunt Molly (Mum’s sister) in August 1977 invited Mum
to go & stay with her for a fortnight summer break in Exeter. Mum was hesitant
at first making excuses that she’d be needed here to care & cook, wash & iron
etc. for Wendy & me, which was not in the least true as we all pulled together &
shared any chores. Wendy & I were both very capable of looking after ourselves
“thank you very much!” And of course it would be a very welcome break for Mum to
see her sister & distract herself from Dad’s death hopefully.
So a week later we took Mum to the railway station & we saw her off on her
trip to see her sister. We stopped on the way home from the station at Tesco to
replenish the larder for the next couple of weeks & purchased wine & beer to
wash down the evening’s dinner. After washing up we decided that the pub seemed
like a good idea too, so off we set on foot.
Some 2 hours or so later after some socialising with friends at our “local”
we went home & watched a “Blue” VHS tape, Wendy insisting that she wanted to see
a porno flick again. Hey Ho! I didn’t mind, It was one that she’d seen before
with John & brought with her along with her other belongings when she left him.
(She’s leaning on the back of my chair now as I type this nuzzling my ear,
giggling with my neck between her ample 36 DD cup breasts)! We watched the movie
that night snuggled together & started kissing, at first just a few pecks & then
more affectionately, our tongues soon probing each others mouths like it was in
our teens, the alcohol lowered our inhibitions & of course the porno flick as
well made us both horny.
“Do you remember the fucks we had when we were fifteen or so?” Asked Wendy in
her sexy husky voice that she uses when she’s horny. “As if I could ever forget
the great times that we had together sis”. I replied. I guess it was no
coincidence that the movie involved father & daughter incest. It had occurred to
me that Wendy, as far as I was aware had not had sex since splitting with John &
just maybe she was gagging for it as much as I was lately. I’d had just 1
proposition since leaving Babs, from a woman at work who I didn’t much like, &
had declined her offer, she appeared to me desperate to get a man for sex &
probably thought I would do for her.
The truth was that if she’d been even moderately good looking I’d have leapt
into bed with her pretty damned pronto. But even I had some standards to adhere
to! I was also thinking by now in no uncertain terms that I’d love to sleep
again with my good looking sister with the luscious body; Wendy spoke huskily
into my ear. “Would you like to take me here & now or in bed Pete?” “In your bed
Wendy, definitely in bed, I want to make love to you with a passion & then
caress your body all night.” She replied “I’m so glad its Saturday tomorrow & we
can lie in bed together. I’ve wanted this to happen for a long time bro.” “Me
too I thought.”
I’ve thought back often why ever did we not just rekindle our teenage
incestuous relationship when we were together again in Mum’s house. I feel sure
that it wouldn’t have been any problem at all & maybe then even had her blessing
as we were both 24 tears old & consenting adults.
We made our way upstairs & into Wendy’s bedroom. Hers was the room with a
double bed. Mum had swapped beds with Wendy & now slept in a single bed in her
same room, which she preferred now that she slept alone.
Neither of us had had sex for about 10 months. We had both made do with
masturbation…alone I’ll add. Me with my fist & Wendy I learned from herself with
a vibrator or sometimes a banana or large carrot. That night we watched each
other undress with eyes lusting for each others bodies. She giggled & reached
for my cock which had unashamedly got very interested in sex indeed & was stood
to attention. My sister has a gorgeous body & I was ogling her, my eyes feasting
upon her nicely rounded buttocks & her ample womanly breasts. I couldn’t help
noticing that she now shaved her pussy completely clean, not a big deal nowadays
I believe but it was much less common in the 1970’s.
I knew that I was indeed one very lucky guy. She put her hand around my shaft
& stroked it up & down with a lovely firm but soft grip. I cupped one of her
full breasts in one hand & gently kissed & sucked on the swollen nipple and ran
my tongue around the areole before doing the same to the other breast. She
sighed with pleasure & continued to stroke my raging cock. Abruptly she said
“Lick my clit Pete! Tongue me bro. Oh do me now Pete I need you so much! It’s
been too long since I last had you inside me.” “Okay Wen I said,” We were laid
in the sixty-nine position with me opening her inner labia & lifting her
clitoral hood.
There was her little “Man in the Boat” gently I tickled it with my tongue,
only to have Wendy give a long lustful moan & put a free hand behind my head to
pull me to her lovely pussy with its intoxicating musky scent. By now she had my
cock in her mouth & was giving it the most wonderful servicing I had ever had,
her teeth rasping gently along my shaft.
Babs had been a damned good fuck but my sister was so much better. “Mmm you
taste so good Wen.” I said. “Fuck me Pete; fuck me like you’ve never fucked any
woman before!” A tall order indeed still I must try to.
So obediently I positioned myself between Wendy’s long slender legs which she
spread wide & then pulled up her knees, reached down & held my still rampant
cock, lining it up with her fuck-hole I felt the wonderful lubricating juices of
a woman’s cunt as she circled her fuck-hole with my cock-head & I pushed gently.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh Pete!” she cried. “Are you alright?” I asked puzzled but at the
same time concerned that something was wrong. “Oh Pete it feels so good… I’d
forgotten about how good my brother was in bed I now remember.” Feeling somewhat
abashed I was now obliged to do my damnedest to satisfy my sister’s carnal lust.
“Hey Wen you’re pretty damned hot yourself. Take credit where it’s due we were
just made to slake each others sexual thirst!” My cock was so deep in my sister
now & I pumped away on top of her for all I was worth, I’m not an overly large
man by any means (only 7 inches) but we were both in 7th heaven by then.
I could feel an orgasm building by now & told Wendy that I was about to cum.
“Me too… cum In me bro. I want your cum to fertilise me.” “Are you sure Wen?” I
said. Too late I was cumming, pumping my sperm into my beautiful lustful sister.
A few more strokes & I was spent. My semen mixed with her orgasm juices into a
lovely slushy mix. I & my cock were in heaven. “Wow that was unbelievably good
sis, I hope it was as good for you. “Oh it was Pete, definitely the best. Why
ever did we leave it so long before we fucked each other? We should have kept on
screwing years ago, it would have saved us both the trauma of our disastrous
That maybe… but perhaps after our disastrous marriages we probably
appreciated each other even more. After all we do have a very special affinity
with each other now & I hope always do have sis. We spent much of the remaining
night fucking each other maybe another three or four times. In the morning Wendy
said that if she was pregnant she would get an abortion as she thought now that
it would not be such a good thing if we made a baby between us after all. And if
she wasn’t pregnant she would go & see her doctor for the birth control pill. As
it happened she never has got pregnant & was taking the pill by the following
Wednesday & continued until I got a vasectomy 30 years ago.
However as we’d dipped our toes into the waters of incestuous sex again there
was no going back for us as we were so totally besotted with each other. There
now remained the problem that Mother would be returning soon & would we be able
to fuck as freely as we had been with mother back in the house? The answer of
course is that we would have to test the waters & try. After all it was Mum’s
house, so we had to try to abide by her standards & if she said NO then that
might be the final word. So there would not be much fucking upon her return, not
immediately anyway. That was going to be frustrating to say the least. In the
worst scenario we would have to resort to weekends away in a hotel some distance
from home. Wendy & I made the most of what time we had left to fuck each other
at every opportunity until Mum returned… so no big surprise there then.
Well of course Mother did return from Aunt Molly’s & all too soon for her
fornicating son & daughter.
Shortly after Mum’s return she must have picked up that Wendy & I had changed
our body language. We were even more affectionate toward each other & when we
all watched TV or a video together Wendy & I would snuggle against each other.
Deliberately caressing each others bottoms & thighs & linger thereon maybe my
hand casually brushing a breast.
Anyways one evening Mum just out & asked us how was it while she was away at
Aunt Molly’s? “Just fine Mum. You know that we get along great.” Replied Wendy.
“I know you do, did you sleep together?” She replied smiling & looking straight
at us with her big twinkling brown eyes. “What sort of a question is that?”
Replied Wendy with her jaw dropping, while I was stammering & lost for words. “I
thought so.” Said Mum with a wicked smile on her face. “Yes Mum we’ve slept
together why hide it, in fact every night that you were away. Given that you
found us shagging when we were teenagers it can’t be such a big surprise.” Said
I, Mum had read her son & daughter well.
Mother sat there smiling at us both. “Well your secret’s safe with me. I
shan’t tell another soul. I just hope you both keep it a secret & don’t have a
baby.” “I’m taking the pill” Blurted out Wendy with a now reddened face. “Good
I’m glad to hear that. You may not realise that Incest especially between
siblings is more common than most people might think.” She paused & took a deep
breath. “I was having sex with my brother when I was fourteen & he was
seventeen. I got pregnant but miscarried at three months but it didn’t stop
until he had to join the army, so your old mum knows a thing or two about
teenage incest.” There’s no doubt that confession utterly stunned both Wendy &
That was obviously why she had only admonished us when she’d caught us having
sex together as fifteen year olds. “Did Dad know about your big secret Mum?” I
asked. “That would have been our Uncle Vince then Mum?” Chimed in Wendy before
Mum could reply. “Yes my brother that was killed during the allied assault at
Arnhem bridge in Holland in 1944. I do still miss him terribly, he was kind & I
gave myself to him willingly in 1940 during “The Blitz” he & I would never go
into the air-raid shelter. We would stay in the house & grab our illicit love
when we could. Oddly perhaps I really wanted to have a child by him; the
repercussions in hindsight would have been unthinkable.
Can you imagine not only the stigma of being fourteen & pregnant but pregnant
by my own brother? Your grandparents never knew about my pregnancy but Uncle
Vince did. I’m certain that he would have stood by me, but his destiny was to be
in the Airborne Regiment dropped into occupied Holland by glider & buried in an
unknown grave. And in answer to you Peter no your Dad never knew about my Big
Secret.” She wiped tears from her by now moist eyes.
You can both sleep together as often as you want & enjoy it too! After that
enlightening chat we all retired to bed. Mum in her room & Wendy & I in her
room. That was the beginning of Wendy’s & my special relationship that had
mother’s blessing.
Wendy & I would make love often & in deference to mother I would try not to
be too loud when we were fucking. Shortly after we had been sharing Wendy’s bed
every night for a short while she asked me why I made love to her so quietly. I
explained that I didn’t wish to disturb Mum. She told me that Mum enjoyed
hearing us fuck together, it apparently reminded her of the times that she’d had
making love to our Uncle Vince & then later Dad. Mum told Wendy that she would
always masturbate while listening to us fuck. So Wendy bought her a vibrator & a
few masturbatory sex toys from the local Anne Summers shop.
I asked if Mum had expressed any desire to watch Wendy & I going at it? But
no she just liked to hear us & fantasize what we were up to. However that was
not strictly true she would, at weekends especially, get up before us & make a
pot of coffee, then bring it to us in bed & sit on the side of the bed & chat
about anything at all whilst we all three drank the coffee. Mother was always
very scantily clad those mornings & willingly gave me an eyeful of her full
luscious breasts (Wendy had indeed inherited the “big tits” gene from her) Mum
would always wear a miniscule bra & panties under one of her “Baby Doll”
nighties obviously to turn us on, or if not us then me. It worked very well
Wendy would sit up in bed with both of her lovely breasts fully exposed too &
me with a tent pole erection under the duvet. If I needed to pee then I had to
get up & walk to the bathroom naked, to the delight of them both clapping &
Although by that time I would have loved to fuck with Mum as well as Wendy it
just wasn’t going to happen, it was fine for me to kiss her & put my arm around
her waist, and to sit on the sofa between Wendy & Mum while watching T.V. with
an arm around both of them.
But if I touched her tits or bum or thigh my hand was quickly removed & I was
told that I should be very grateful that I had such a loving sister & that I
must be faithful to her & not betray her trust ever. That said I always have
been faithful.
Mum passed away in 1983 with cancer. She was sadly missed by us both. We sold
the family home 28 years ago & moved to another house not far away but with a
smaller garden & easier to maintain too.
We still share a bed together; have no children but a lot of love for each
other & a damned good sex life still. We’re starting to think about retirement
now & perhaps moving to Salisbury; Nobody knows us there so we can at last live
discreetly as Mr & Mrs Smith.

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