Northern Europe Holidays

The plane circled over the
Mediterranean island.Back home for a few days!

After getting to my
place,overlooking a small rocky harbour,on the north of the island,I took stock
and went to my favourite pavement cafe,to read and take a cup of ‘cafe con
leche’.I then took the small wooden tram to the nearby town,a journey of about
15 minutes.The weather was overcast,but warm,and storms were forecast,for later
in the evening.My destination in the small,but picturesque town square was the
Cafe Allemagnia,situated in an old building,by the side of the square.Inside the
decor was modern,with pictures of local artists,hanging on the wall,and a
selection of international papers,for clients to read.

Renate,the German owner,greeted
me with some surprise.She had not seen me for months,and wondered where I had
been.Renate was a tall blonde German lady,in her early forties(I guessed),with
what might be,an excellent figure,lurking under her jeans and tanktop.She was
well preserved and chic,in the German way,and efficient.Her cafe was always
busy,and efficient and pleasant service was the watchword.After ordering a snack
and checking out the latest copy of Franfurter Algemeine,she enquired about what
I had been doing,and told me that business was’ganz gut’at the cafe.She told me
that a friend from Hannover was staying with her,and suggested we got  together
for dinner.With this,I readily agreed,and we chose  a restaurant by the
sea,offering excellent sea food.After her pointed comments about ‘not being
late’,I set off back to my place,again taking the small wooden tram.

Early in the evening,I fired up
my Jeep and headed for the Restaurant.I was the only guest,upon my arrival,so
sat down,on the balcony,and took a ‘porto blanco’as an aperitif.My main aim,for
these few days,was to chill out,before resuming the hustle and bustle of normal
life.I heard the click of several shoes,coming up the stairs to the balcony
area,and there stood Renate with another lady.Renate introduced her friend as
Katya,who lived in Hannover,and had just come over for a short holiday.Katya was
a short blonde,with a ready smile and very pretty face.Her clothing was designed
to accentuate,rather than hide,her considerable charms.I guessed she was about
35 years old.Drinks were ordered,and we talked,in german,about what I had been
doing,and about Katya and how she and Renate had met.Renate was,I
knew,divorced,and Katya was about to assume that status in life.Dinner arrived
and I chose fresh gambas.The ladies each decided on lobster as their main
course.The hapless lobsters were delivered,and dealt with in a haphazard way,by
the ladies.Katya,lubricated with more wine,now started to discuss her
divorce,and her plans for the future.It was clear that she envied Renate’s
lifestyle on the island,as well as the low costs and easy way of life
there,after the normally highly ordered existance in Germany.Katya asked how we
had met,and I explained that I went to Renate’s cafe,and she asked why I was
reading a German newspaper,since I was clearly not German.Having established
that I spoke that,as well as other languages well,we then struck a kind of
rapport.I have always been easygoing-some say too easygoing-and I visited her
place regularly for the ambience and company,since many bohemian germans and
artists gathered at her cafe.The north of the island was quite overrun with

Katya asked her friend why she
had never talked about me,and Renate said that she felt that we all ought to
meet first.’Seeing,feeling and touching’was how she described such an
event!Renate then launched into a monologue about my past,saying that the
English were always so detached and passionless.I retorted that she had probably
met the wrong type of English person,as I felt that such a description did not
apply to me!Coffee and brandy were now served,and the girls consumed both with a
passion.Renate was,unusually for a german,reaching the giggly stage,and her
comments about life in general and men in particular,were now becoming more
pointed.She asked me about my own relationships,and I told her that I had’given
up women for Lent.’She thought that this was a little extreme,and both she and
Katya giggled about it.’Anyway,I’m getting a little old to wrestle on a bed,with
a lady all night’I said.She retorted that she might see about that!Women really
are from Mars.

At about 1 o’clock in the
morning,we left the restaurant.As a very light drinker,I had no problem with
driving,but both girls had had far too much to drink,to drive home.Renate’s
place was a large flat above her cafe in the square.Being a gentleman,I offered
to drive them home,and to come back tomorrow to recover Renate’s little Golf
car.I expected Renate to jump into the front of my car,leaving Katya to get into
the back.However,both decided to get into the back,which was fine by me.I set
off along the coastal road,back to the small town on the north of the island.On
the way,there was a lot of giggling coming from the back of the car,and in the
rear mirror,I could see Katya kissing Renate lightly on the lips.Alternatively
concentrating on the road ahead,and seeing what was developing in the back of
the car,I proceeded on my way.I put some ‘easy listening’music on the sound
system,and drove,very slowly,via my own port town towards the town where Renate
lived.I stopped at a rocky promentary,and saw that Katya and Renate were both in
a passionate embrace.Katya’s hand had disappeared up the dress of Renate,who was
moaning,and had her eyes closed.The sexual tension in the car was so great,that
it could be cut with a knife.I lit a cigarette,listening to the sound of the
music intermingled with the soft cries of the ladies,in the back.

Turning around,I looked at
Katya who smiled back.’Komme Hier’she said.Without a second thought,I opened the
rear door.Renate was lying across the bench seat,with one stocking clad
leg,against the seat belt anchor point.She wore no knickers and Katya now
proceeded to bury her face in Renate’s crotch.Renate’s moans grew louder,and
Katya’s expression more passionate,as they saw me taking in the view.Katya was
licking her friend’s cunt,with a passion.Katya’s dress was unbuttoned,at the
front,to reveal a stunningly large pair of breasts,encased in designer
lingerie.It was clear that she was also wearing stockings with her sling back
shoes.Clearly these girls had dressed with something in mind!Renate now turned
over,with her knees on the seat,showing a wonderfull suntanned bottom.Since she
was shaven,both her cunt and arsehole were clearly visible in the half light.The
odd vehicle passing by,seemed not to disturb them at all.Katya was adopting the
dominant role with Renate,and now proceeded to lick around her cunt,at the same
time prising her arse apart.Not a word was spoken,as the moans increased in
volume.Cigarette in hand,I watched the proceedings with interest.Katya now spoke
in german to exhort Renate to greater stimulation,and with one hand,groped on
the floor of the car,for her bag.Her hand went inside and produced a medium
sized buttplug,which she held in one hand,below the line of the car seat.Prising
Renate’s buttocks wide open again.she now started to tongue her,all around her
arsehole,but without entering it.This clearly got Renate in quite a lather,as
her moans now became gutteral screams and grunts,as if running out of
breath.Renate’s own hand was skidding across the opening of her cunt,and with
increasing speed,was stimulating her clit.I wondered if I should light another
cigarette,but thought better of it!Katya now attacked Renate’s arsehole with her
tongue,snaking it in and out of the sensitive area.Renate’s cries now reached a
peak.Katya now took the buttplug and forced it harshly into Renate’s arse.’Genug
Yetz Shatze’said Katya,as she slapped Renate with two stinging blows on the
arse.The plug reappeared,with the sudden shock of the blows,and Katya forced it
back into Renate’s arse,with some force.

Both girls now sat up,and I
suggested that we carried on home.I hit a couple of bumps in the road,on the way
back,which must have caused Renate to gasp,with the buttplug in her arse.On
arrival at their place,we entered the dimmed cafe,and moved up to Renate’s
living area.Katya disappeared,while Renate,slumping on a sofa,lit a menthol
cigarette.The only light came from a street light,outside her apartment,and it’s
shaft fell on the slim legs of Renate,highlighting her choice of material to
cover them(almost).I found the kitchen,and made myself a coffee,as I waited to
see what might happen next.The thought of leaving,at this stage,did not occur to
me.A noise came from the back of the apartment,of a shower being switched
on.Katya,I presumed.

Lighting a Marlborough heavy,I
took in the peacefull scene,as I sipped coffee,and waited for the shower to
quieten.My seat was opposite the sofa,on which Renate was slumped with,I
presumed,the buttplug still in her delightful arse.Her legs were splayed
apart,and her knee length skirt in some disarray.A noise to my rear,showed that
Katya was certainly not sleeping.She came up behind me,gently covering my eyes
with her hands.A tongue snaked into my left ear.’Hallo’ said the voice behind
me.Putting my hands behind me,I sought to discover,in detail,the person with the
hands.My hands moved over a soft warm body.The hands were now removed,and Katya
moved past my shoulder,to stand in front of me.Wow!Katya wore nothing save for a
big smile,very strappy high heel mules,and carried a strap on cock,in her left
hand.I was imagining what might happen next,but have always preferred reality to
imagination.Katya sat astride my legs,facing me.Her sweet face was topped with
her blonde hair,piled high,and she wore a small chain,around her middle.One of
her formidable tits had a large silver ring,placed through a nipple.I flicked it
lightly with a finger,and she put her arms around my neck.This caused a
small,but noticeable shudder,in her body. My hands moved down her back to her
arse,as I explored it gently.Her cheeks were round and firm,and she also
appeared to be a shaved lady.How dirty was she,I wondered?I lifted her off my
legs and placed her across my knees.Tweaking her nipple jewelry with my left
hand,I then spanked her a few times on her bottom.The shock made her cry out,but
a rapid inspection of her cunt,with my fingers,showed that it was having a very
positive effect on her libido.I moved my fingers in her hairless crack,and
dallied,from time to time,in the pit around her arsehole,making circular
motions,as I went.Her breathing then became a little ragged,and a mixture of
Channel and women,wafted upwards,towards my nostrils.I could see the outline of
her splendid tits and feel them moving against my left leg.

‘Was Gibst’,said a detached
voice from my front.Renate must have awoken!There then followed a dialogue
between the two ladies,which I will not bore you with,except that many improper
suggestions were made,but the bottom line,was that Renate was feeling left
out!She then stood up,undoing her skirt,so that it feel in a pool of fabric at
her feet.She still wore no knickers,but her slim legs were encased in silk
stockings,held up by very small straps to a white half corset garter belt.As she
removed her top,her tits sprung free,in all their magnificence.They were large
and drooped slightly,but were,from my point of view,extremely womanly.Each
nipple had a bar through it,connected to a horseshoe shaped silver bar.Now I
know why she always wore very loose shirts in the cafe!She turned round,kneeling
on the sofa,and pointed her bottom into the air.In the half light,it was a
wonderful sight,with a shaft of light falling upon it.Time to finish my coffee
and cigarette,I thought!

Advancing towards Renate’s
proffered bottom,I saw the flat end of the buttplug protuding from it.Her cheeks
were picked out by the thin suspenders connecting her stockings with the half
corset belt.All in all,she looked a sight to behold,and hold.I gently ran my
hands over Renate’s bottom,tweaking but not removing,the buttplug.As I moved it
in and out,Renate stirred.Gentle instructions in German,which I ignored,combined
with low moans,emanated from the subserviant lady.Kneeling down,I proceeded to
lick her cunt and the area above it,near the buttplug,with gentle abandon.Behind
me,Katya was gently urging me on.Suddenly I felt a hand snake between my legs,as
she encouraged me manually.I now inserted two fingers in Renate’s sopping
cunt,and with my thumb,rubbed her clit.Turning around on the floor,I faced Katya
as I continued to lick Renate,from her underside.Holding her bottom firmly ,I
moved it over my snaking tongue,in and out,deep into her cunt.I then removed the
buttplug very quickly from her arse,which caused uncontrolled shaking of her
bottom.Meanwhile,Katya had moved to my old seat,and was looking on,I felt,from
the shadows.I replaced the buttplug with one and then two fingers,to find her
arsehole very damp,and in no need of lubrication.Gtting Renate to stay as she
was,I stood up,as Katya moved towards me.As we kissed deeply,I tasted her
sweetness,as she started to undress me.As she was using both hands,I imagine
that she had dropped the strapon somewhere.Katya took my prick and popped it
straight between her upper lips(not the lower ones.Later.Later).She was left
handed I thought,since she wanked me with that hand,as her tongue snaked around
my prick.Her right hand went up and around my balls,touching that area,and my
arsehole,very gently,but leaving me in no doubt that she needed no geography
lessons.Behind me,I felt Renate’s tits in my back and her stockinged limbs
against the back of my legs,as she joined us.While I could-probably-have just
layed back and thought of Anglo-German understanding,that has never been my
way.I wanted to be in charge,and give these ladies something to
remember,particularly after their remarks about the British.Lifting Katya onto
her seat,and putting a finger over my lips,to encourage her to wait,I turned to
face Renate.Taking her gently back to the sofa,I sat on it,and quickly tipped
her over,onto my knees.I picked up the buttplug,and hid it at the end of the
sofa-for later.I then proceeded to spank Renate,who held onto my leg,her lovely
hair cascading towards the floor.From time to time,I checked the fluids in her
cunt,which were becoming morre abundant with each stroke.While she wriggled as I
spanked her,her hands held my leg,ever more tightly.As quickly as I started the
spanking,it now ceased.Rolling Renate off my knees and onto the sofa,I now
placed her,so that she was in the sitting position.I now began,what I
hoped,would be an extensive tongueing of her cunt and her arse generally.I
lifted the hood around her clit,exposing the small nub to my lashing
tongue,while at the same time,inserting a couple of fingers into her sopping
cunt.Her body now began to move energetically,so I was getting to her.Moving my
left hand up to one breast,I pressed the nipple and bar,deep into the fleshy
recesses of her tit,and moved it very firmly around.This caused her to moan
loudly,and Katya to move forward to see what I was doing to her.’Ach So’,said
the small voice of Katya.I removed my fingers from Renate’s sopping cunt,and
using both hands,forced both of her nipples deep within her titflesh.Long deep
moans came from Renate,with the word’Yan’being uttered,from time to time.Getting

I now returned to Renate’s
cunt,returning two fingers to it,while continuing to lash her unprotected
clit,with my tongue.Katya loomed above me,taking control of Renate’s
tits,concentrating on her now very prominent,nipples.Hopefully they were on
fire.Renate moved against my fingers,as I added to their number,inside her.She
pushed hard against them,which told me that she was expecting a fisting.After
some minutes and with a lot of care,my whole hand entered her cunt.At that
moment Renate screamed,followed by a deep series of grunts.I expanded my
clenched fist inside her,alternately extending and bunching my fingers,as her
juices swirled around my hand.I increased the tempo of my fisting,until she held
my wrist with both her hands,using increasing energy to hold on,as a massive
climax hit her.As she climaxed she lost complete control,and warm piss dropped
out of her cunt,via my wrist onto the floor.Wonderful dirty bitch,I thought.If
you can’t make a lady lose control,what can a Brit do?Renate flopped on the
sofa,completely shot away,and of little use to any man,or woman,until she
recovered.Picking up the remains of my coffee,and an ashtray,I took Katya’s hand
and went in search of a bedroom.Holding my hand,she drew me towards a dark room
in the rear,which was a chaos of lady’s clothes,underwear,suitcases and make up
strewn all over the dresser and floor.I could also make out the outline of a
large vibrator and a glove dildo(those clever Germans).Katya took to the
bed,rolling over onto her midriff,squashing her large breasts into the soft
mattress.Holding onto the headboard,she then said,in excellent english,’Ian-beat
me,hard’.I replied that she was so lovely that I might find it hard.’german men
don’t beat their women,and do not realise how erotic it is’she retorted.I do
like ladies who answer back-it shows that they’re concentrating!.Wanting to keep
the Brits in high regard,I reluctantly decided to do her bidding.However,before
starting,I wanted to lick her a little to warm her up,as she had taken little
part in the proceedings,since she was’a deux’in the car with Renate.It was now
about four o’clock in the morning.

Taking her firmly,I rolled her
over,moving her legs apart.Her shoes were still attached to her feet,and the
ankle straps gave more eroticism to an already,interesting situation.I dived
between her legs,and using the same technique as on Renate,forcing her clit out
of it’s protective hood,with my thumb.I then lashed it fiercely with my
tongue.It was apparent that her clit had been pierced at some stage,and my
tongue played on the wound tissue around it.Clitoral stimulation is an art,and I
considered myself an artist.Certainly I was pressing the right buttons,as far as
Katya was concerned.I placed her legs over my shoulders,forcing them as widely
apart as I could.This both stimulates a lady,and gives her the feeling of total
openness,to her lover’s attentions.I then turned her on her side,so that I lay
behind her.stroking her back gently,I sought the knotted erotic musles in her
back,and stimulated them firmly with my digits.Those around her shoulder
blades,were particularly sensitive.     With my other hand,I explored between
her legs,to find that my clitoral stimulation technique had caused a very wet
pussy to fall into my hand.Her bottom looked very inviting,but she now grabbed
my prick and literally forced it into her cunt.Long,slow strokes ensued,with my
hands,at the same time,squeezing her nipples,and driving them deep into her tit
flesh.Again,try to do more than one thing at once,to a lady,to increase her
level of stimulation.Katya climaxed fairly quickly,and I felt her juices envelop
my prick.Her moans rose to screams,as she announced-in German-that she was about
to cum!The heat and sweat of our bodies intertwined as she enjoyed a huge
orgasm.She then rolled herself into a foetal ball,pressing her back into me.I
put my arms around her,and hoped to get some sleep.

After a little time,Renate
entered the room.I saw her outline in the door,as the available light fell on
her body.She had a coffee in one hand(for me?)and the strapon in the other.She
still wore her heels,corselette,stockings and heels,and was a truly erotic
sight.The coffee was laid on the floor,by my side of the bed,and she sat down on
the tiled floor,beside me.her hand ran over my front,and her head lay against my
side of the bed.In my best German,I suggested that we went to her room,but she
announced that this was her room!The bed was big enough for three,and climbing
in,she interposed herself between Katya and myself.All of us,then fell into a
deep sleep.

In the morning,the noise of
early risers,combined with the ringing of the church clock,in the
square,announced another day starting.The girls were both awake at about 7.I
showered and then went with them to the cafe,which,while not open yet,provided
an unhurried breakfast with coffee and fresh bread.Both the girls were pretty
bleary eyed,but after some black coffee,fortified with spanish brandy,they woke
up.There followed an animated discussion of the night’s events,with Katya saying
that she had completely revised her opinion of the British.Renate asked me what
I thought,and I told her that it was pretty obvious,from the way the two girtls
were dressed at dinner,that I might have more than a coffee at Renate’s place.’I
loved the way you fisted me’she said.’You were tough yet gentle at the same
time,but you would not let me come as quickly as I wanted-I like the feeling.Not
many men can keep me waiting’I have always felt that pleasure should be extended
for all parties,in lovemaking,so that’s why I do not rush things.Pleasure given
first to a lady,is usually returned manyfold.I agreed to go with Renate to
recover her car.Katya then said she would come,so off we set.It appeared that
Katya was a ‘sleeping’partner in the cafe-in more ways than one,and she visited
the island regularly from Germany.I asked her about her rings,commenting on the
scar on her clit.She confirmd that she had removed that one,when she separated
from her husband.Freedom?And those on her nipples?Those were a treat from
Renate,done on the island,she said.

We got to Renate’s car,and then
proceeded to return to the town,with Katya on board my vehicle.She was dressed
in jeans,a small top,and no makeup,and looked tired but great.Always remember
that you should be able to look at your partner,in the morning,I reminded
myself.And I could.Katya thanked me for last night,and enquired if we could all
meet again,before I had to go back to work,in Northern Europe.I agreed that
tonight would be fine.’We’ll eat in’ she said.Many a true word……After
dropping her off,I headed back to my own pad,to sleep,get my mails and generally
chill out(again!).Some hours later,I arrived at the cafe,just as closing time
was announced.Going upstairs,I found Katya preparing a meal-cold-and I
volunteered to open some wine I had brought with me.This time Katya was
wearing,what she declared,was her’seduction outfit’.I explained that there was
no need,as I already felt seduced.She said that she wanted me to fist her
tonight,and that a good cold meal,would get my strenght up.While not exactly
ancient,I am of a ‘certain age’,where guile has to replace outright physical
performance.She asked me what I might like to do,standing there in a
pinnafore,high heels,stockings and a small waisted royal blue corset.’I will
just let things develop’,I said.She thought this a rather staid remark,but
smiled wickedly.’Renate is my best friend’,she said.Clearly I had already seen
the result of this friendship,in the back of my car.(Remember to check if there
is any underwear in the back!!).I had enough confidence to think that the ladies
would like whatever I did to them,and progressed on that theme.Dinner was taken
in a lighthearted way,accompabnied by lots of wine.The lighting in the sitting
room was turned down low,and three large candles flickered by the window.After
dinner,I repaired with coffee and a cigarette,to the large sofa,leaving the
girls,talking in whispers and giggling.There then came a loud enquiry from
Renate asking what I really liked.’I like it when you enjoy yourselves with
me.That’s what makes me happy’.With that the two girls stood up,and moved
towards the sofa.Katya,as usual,seemed to be in charge,as she slowly stripped
her partner,from the rear,giving me a grandstand view.She then took a small
sleeping mask,from the sideboard and placed it over Renate’s eyes.Renate’s legs
opened to reveal Katya’s hand sawing up and down her cunt.With her other
hand,she twisted Renate’s nipple bar,harshly.Moving Renate forward,she took her
head and rested it in my lap,while the woman still stood teetering on her
heels.Katya then knelt down and buried her head between Renate’s arse
cheeks.Clearly she was sampling her friend’s arsehole,while continuing to bury a
couple of fingers in her cunt.I was not unmoved as Renate was finding out.Renate
was shaking and moaning as,I assumed,Katya’s tongue snaked inside her
arsehole,all the time her fingers moving busily inside her cunt.This was no time
to light another cigarette.

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