Paying off debts

Linda Kwong-Norton was full of foreboding ahead of the meeting with Wang Sze-wing.
The slim 37-year-old Hongkong Chinese beauty and her American husband, Brad,
owed him a lot of money after their business got into trouble. As they sat in
Wang’s office, she gave her husband a quick glance, raising an eyebrow ever so
slightly. He gave her an almost imperceptible shrug in response. She made a weak
smile and returned her nervous attention to the portly Wang seated behind the
desk before them, crossing her shapely legs in the tight black skirt.
“Things have really gotten difficult for us. Business has been real slow for
the past few months. But I’m sure things will pick up,” said Brad. Wang settled
back in his chair, appearing to be deep in thought. “We’ll take care of it as
soon as we can,” Linda added. She shook her head. “We’re just asking you to be
“You’re already three months behind in your payments,” Wang curtly pointed
out.”We know we are,” Brad conceded. “Like I said as soon as things pick up
we’ll pay all that we owe.”
 “But you can’t say if or when things might pick up,” replied Wang. “No,
I’m afraid not,” Brad admitted wearily. He cast a worried look over at his wife
and then returned his attention to Wang. “And so we continue to lose money and
the late fees continue to grow,” snapped Wang. He grunted shortly and shook his
head. “It won’t do.”
Linda glanced at her husband; sure she looked as dismayed as he did. She
shrugged slightly unsure how they were going to escape the hole they had found
themselves in. They had been married for ten years, had two children aged five
and seven. They had taken the loan to try to boost their business.
Unfortunately, there had been a serious slow down in the economy. Linda knew
they could possibly lose everything. “We’ll do all we can to repay the loan,”
Brad said weakly, getting an agreeing nod from Linda.
Wang settled back in his chair, alternating his gaze between Linda and her
husband. She shifted slightly as the silence continued, feeling he was letting
his eyes rest on her just a tad longer. Finally he said, “You’re suggesting that
maybe we could come to an arrangement.”
“Uh yes,” Brad said quickly, looking over at his wife for support.
“Whatever it takes,” Linda added.
“There might be ways for you to, say, work this debt off,” Wang said slowly.
He frowned slightly. “A way for you to do things and in turn I’ll lower the
remaining balance of your debt. “Would you?” Linda asked hopefully. “Yes, we
could make a working arrangement,” he said with a slow nod.
“Great, we really appreciate this,”Brad said eagerly. He shifted forward,
asking, “What is it you would want us to do?”
“Well, I have another enterprise that I manage and I’m sure you would do great
there,” he said, giving Linda a warm smile. She shifted, casting a puzzled look
at Brad. “What kind of business is it?” Linda asked, glancing at her husband.
She shook her head, saying, “I may not be qualified for the work.”
“Oh, you’re qualified,” Wang assured her.
Linda ran a hand through her shoulder length black shiny hair, asking,”What kind
of work is it I’d be doing?” “Well as I said it’s a private enterprise,” Wang
said, his eyes resting solely on her. Linda shifted, uneasy with his prolonged
gaze, she thought he had quickly lowered his stare to her chest. He smiled at
her, saying, “A very private enterprise.” Linda cast an uncertain look at her
husband. She cleared her throat, asking. “Just what exactly does it do?”
“It provides, shall we say temporary adult companionship.” Linda’s eyebrows
knitted sharply in confusion. Her stomach knotted severely, making it hard to
breathe. Wide-eyed she stared at Wang, hoping she had misunderstood him.
Open-mouthed she looked over at Brad; he was quietly staring straight ahead.
“What are you saying?” Linda finally asked in a breathless whisper. “A sort of
escort service,” Wang said matter-of-factly. Linda inhaled sharply and sat back
in her chair as if she had been shoved. “I’m not a prostitute,” Martha said
“I didn’t say you were,” Wang said with a chuckle. He waved his hand. “A
prostitute gets paid for fucking someone and you’re not going to get any money
for your services. It will just be put towards your debt. And with a body like
yours, it shouldn’t take too long for you to work it off. Maybe a year or two.”
Brad now jumped to his feet. “How dare you. This is disgusting. You fucking
bastard.” The door behind Wang had opened and two very large chinese men stepped
out. Mean faced, eyes glaring, They were obviously triad thugs. “Please be
sensible Mr Norton. These gentlemen would like nothing better than to
demonstrate their ability to protect me.” Brad stood as the thugs looked at him
contemptuously, then slumped into his chair, white faced. Wang motioned at
Linda, saying, “You’ll still be with your husband amd children. It’s just now I
will say who else you’e going to fuck. Who, how and when I say.”
Linda’s stomach was balled tightly, feeling like a lump of cold lead. She
took a shaky breath, hoping to keep down the bile that had crept up her throat.
Her mind was spinning. She’d heard stories of women forced to whore for the
triads to pay off debts. But she was a middle-class, educated woman from a good
background with a foreign husband. The only man she had ever been with was Brad
and now she was being forced to be a whore. She was literally being sacrificed
to anyone that had enough money.
“You needn’t worry. This business is tightly controlled” Wang said calmly.
“You are not the first woman by any means to have had to drop her panties over
debts, including some – if I may use the expression – high grade pussy such as
yourself.” His grin only increased Linda’s anguish as he said, “Now it’s a pity
you are not younger. Thirty seven is too old to be one of my really top call
girls. But you have the advantage of being new to the trade and there will be
number of men in this town who would love to fuck the wife of a business rival.
I’m sure your husband has made some enemies.” Brad groaned and buried his head
in his hands. “Then there may be a spell in brothels after the novelty has worn
off. Even at your age there would be a big demand.”
Linda stared dumbfounded at Wang, dimly hearing his words. She was horrified
by what he was saying, for her to become a whore. She had been raised with
traditional Chinese values; that sex was meant to be done only by a husband and
wife. That prostitution was wrong, terribly wrong.
“Now first off, like any good business man I’d like to check out the
merchandise,” Wang said. He leaned back and motioned for Linda to stand up.
“Please take your clothes off.” linda felt as if someone had punched her in the
gut. Her breath caught and she staggered slightly, feeling the floor tilt
beneath her. Brad was the only man that had seen her naked and now this relative
stranger wanted her to undress. Added to that he was acting as if he was just
checking out a piece of equipment. She hesitated before slowly standing up. She
was doing this for her family, her husband.
Sniffing heavily, Linda took hold of the lower edge of her red blouse. She
cast a pleading look at Wang but he remained impassive. Blinking repeatedly to
clear her tear-filled eyes, Linda slowly began to pull her blouse up. She shook
her head to settle her tousled hair after she had drawn the blouse over her
head. Unsure she looked about and then laid it on the chair where she had been
seated. With trembling fingers, she undid the clasps on her hip; she held the
waist of her long black skirt for a long moment. Closing her eyes she gave the
skirt a slight push and allowed it to drop, clustering around her ankles.
“Oh one thing,” Wang said as she stepped from her skirt and lightly shoved it
aside with her foot. He motioned at Linda, saying, “No more pantyhose. A lot of
men don’t like them. At least our customers don’t. You can wear stockings if you
Dumbly she stood there wishing her nightmare would end. She was about to
uncover her private parts to this man and while her husband watched in silence.
Except for Brad and her doctor, no other man had ever seen her naked body. Even
when she was a teen, she hadn’t fooled around. She had dated and even kissed
some guys while she was in high school, but that was as far as it had gone. She
had been taught that good girls didn’t do things like that. She could still
recall how nervous she had been on their wedding night.
Nervously undressing, revealing to him her most private parts. The wonderful
feeling he had given her when they first had made love. She had never even
fantasized about being with another man and now she was going to be made
available to who knew how many. Linda shivered as she noted Wang’s blatant
eyeing. Except for the few times when she was younger and her little brother had
walked in on her when she was dressing, no one had ever seen her this way.
“Don’t stop,” he told her with a touch of eagerness, “Take the rest of your
clothes off.”
Taking a shuddering breath she nodded stiffly and arched her back as she
reached up behind herself. Her fingers were oddly inept as she fumbled with the
clasp on her plain white bra. She sensed Wang’s impatience as she continued to
try and undo the clasp. Keeping her head bowed, she allowed the straps to slip
off her shoulders and then her bra silently dropped to the floor. There was
laughter from the two thugs and dirty comments about her chest as she revealed
her firm, large breasts. A big pair for a Hongkong Chinese.
“Very nice Martha, very nice indeed.” murmured Wang appreciatively.
Deciding to ignore his comment, Martha kicked her shoes off knowing he was
eying her breasts. She could almost feel his eyes on her 35C bust. A part of her
wondered if she would find it as exciting to have her breasts fondled by a total
stranger as she did when her husband would. She was dismayed that she was even
wondering what it would be like to be with another man. Forced to be with
another man. Briefly, she recalled how wonderful it had felt that first time
Brad had caressed her breast. The electric thrill that had coursed through her
when he tweaked her erect nipple. The wild rush when he had longingly kissed and
sucked on her rust colored cones of flesh.
Linda kept her eyes trained to spot on the floor as she jammed her thumbs
inside the waistband of her pantyhose. She hesitated; hoping somehow the
nightmare would end, but knowing it was only just beginning. Roughly, she shoved
her pantyhose and panties down off her hips. Quickly she pushed the garments
down her slender legs to her ankles. Shakily she worked her feet free and then
straightened, letting the crumpled pile remain at her feet. Instinctively she
placed her hands over her bare snatch as she quietly stood there.
“Very nice,” Wang said quietly. He shifted forward. Resting his forearms on the
desk, saying, “Turn around.”
On rather wobbly knees, Linda slowly turned around. She paused when she had
her back to him, assuming he wanted to get a look at her ass. After a few
seconds, she resumed turning until she was again facing him. Linda knew she was
an attractive woman. Oddly, she was hoping that for some reason Wang would not
want to use her as he planned. That maybe she wasn’t good enough for his private
enterprise. Linda’s stomach tightened even more when from the edge of her vision
she saw him stand up. With growing dread, she watched as he came around his desk
to where she was standing.
“Very, very nice” he said in Cantonese as he stood next to her. He grunted,
saying,” As a matter of fact, there are some favours that you might help me
repay.” Linda gasped loudly when he smacked one of her tight buttocks, gripping
it firmly. He gave it a hard squeeze, grunting approvingly as he did. He gave
her globe of flesh a shake, muttering, “Real nice.”
Linda tensed when he reached over and cupped his hand to her breast. He
firmly pressed his hand to her mound, giving it a slight jiggle. She shuddered
when he slid his fingers over her nipple. He chuckled softly as he tweaked her
tingling nipple, causing her to tense. He released her nipple and firmly traced
the quarter-sized areola that circled it. Linda took a shuddering breath and
closed her eyes as he moved his hand from her breast down her front. He gripped
her wrist, made her move her hand from in front of her crotch, and then brushed
her other hand away. She didn’t try to stop the soft sob as he began to rub her
smoothly shaved pubic mound.
“Spread your legs,” he quietly directed her. She wanted to refuse but she
knew it would be useless. Trembling she awkwardly moved her feet apart. Once she
had, he thrust his hand between her legs. Linda inhaled as he pushed his pudgy
middle finger between her pussy lips. With a single thrust, he drove his finger
into her warm, moist vagina. She gritted her teeth, trying to block any
sensation from her crotch as he kept his finger deep in it. Slowly he began to
pull his finger back, until just the tip was still between her pussy lips and
then again shoved it deep into her. To her dismay, Linda felt her violated pussy
beginning to moisten. With increased speed, Wang continued to silently finger
She twitched slightly when he rubbed her clit and heard his soft chuckle;
apparently he had seen her reaction. “Guys like to watch girls finger
themselves,” Wang calmly said. Linda sagged slightly when he abruptly pulled his
hand from between her legs. He motioned her to turn around as he moved past her
and sat down in the chair she had been seated in. She cast a forlorn look at
Brad as she turned; he was watching her helplessly. She just wanted to cry,
being forced to degrade herself in front of him
“Do you like to suck cock?” Wang asked after a few seconds.
“I never have,” Linda nearly gasped.
“What? Wang exclaimed. Through partly opened eyes she saw him look over at
Brad, asking, “Surely she sucks your cock?” “No’ Brad said with a slow shake of
his head. “Well I guess we’ve got a lot of training to do,” Wang said with a
grin. He turned towards the thugs, asking, “Would you like her to suck your
cocks?” The grinning men both laughed. “Sure boss. We teach the stuck up bitch,”
laughed one. “Get over here and suck the cocks of Rong and Cheung.

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