Prison Puppy

From my bunk I could see into the cell across from mine.
It was occupied by this sweet looking blond kid with
an angelic face and cute bubble butt.
He was new to the county lock-up, and
judging from the fear in his huge, blue eyes, it
was safe to assume this was his first time behind
As usual in mid-July, the cells were hot as
hell. The dim light from the corridor
cast a soft, warm glow over the boy’s
resting body. The only thing he wore was a pair of
boxer shorts. The rest of his slender body lay
My mind began to wander as I laid staring
at the new kid. He couldn’t have been
more than eighteen. I could hardly
wait for morning to arrive so I could check him out,
close up, in the showers. In the mean time, I
could only rely on a vivid
imagination to fulfill my fantasy, and the
lust burning between my legs. Pressing my
naked body against the cool steel, I stuck
my eight inch cock between the bars. My man flesh
pinged like a homing beacon, lusting
for the vibrant, young flesh that lay
so near, but was impossible to reach. A generous
flow of pre-cum lubricated my hand as I vigorously
slapped my throbbing pud. The lewd
sound of wet, pounding cockmeat got
the kid’s attention. Only his head turned to investigate
the seductive sloshing of my jacking
off. His sensual eyes widened as he
stared down the muzzle of my loaded weapon. “Show me
your cock, kid. I want you so bad. This is
for you, sweet thing,” I grunted, as I launched
long whipping strands of gooey spunk
into the corridor.
The kid turned away, refusing to
acknowledge my gesture of friendship,
but I wasn’t insulted. I knew he was scared.
His fear would pass, once I took him under my wing.
The current population in lock-up was down, there
was just me, three other inmates and
the kid. It made the job of
protecting my prize a whole lot easier. I wasn’t about to
share that cherry ass with anyone. He was all
The next morning all eyes were on the kid as he
stepped naked into the shower.
Christ, he had a body that would have
given a straight arrow a hardon, and I wasn’t altogether
straight to begin with. It didn’t
take long for a couple of the guys to put some
moves on the young, fresh meat. They quickly had him
pinned in a corner groping his firm,
silky, baby smooth ass.
“Please stop,” the kid
pleaded, attempting to push their
hands away. Fortunately my reputation had preceded me. I
got the dogs to heal by simply clearing my
throat. With his back to the wall, he
stood cowering, hands cupped tightly
over his budding manhood. Terrified eyes expressed his
silent gratitude. “Don’t
worry,” I said, putting my hand on his trembling
shoulder. “You can relax. They won’t be bothering
you anymore. “I guess
I should thank you,” the kid stammered,
dropping his hands to reveal his alluring cylinder of
boy meat. “That’s a
start,” I said, admiring his uncut cock. He
was the most beautiful person I’d seen in a very long
“I guess if you want to”…. I put my fingers to
his soft, full lips, stopping him
before he could finish his thought.
His expression was one of naive bewilderment. I
wanted him so bad I thought I would burst apart at the
seams, but now was not the time, nor
the place.
“We can talk later. Right now, you’d
better get your shower. You’ve only
got ten minutes.”
The kid and I stood side by side,
lather rippling down our bodies. I
couldn’t get over how his smooth, wet skin
seemed to glow. To make him feel more at ease, I tried to
be discreet in my observations, but I
wasn’t overlooking a single inch of
his glorious body.
With envious greed, I watched his
soapy hand glide down his flat,
washboard abdominal to tend his luscious limp
organ. I held my breath as his thin fingers retracted
the generous flap of soggy foreskin
sheathing the crest of his cock. The
water cascaded down his satiny torso, washing over
his sensitive, purple knob with a cleansing caress
that made him shiver. The wispy tuft
of blond man fur surrounding the root
of his ivory tool lay wet, and matted, against his pubic
bone. His tender, young balls hung low in their
velvety pouch, weighted heavily with
his abundance of succulent boy cream.
I was deeply obsessed by the spell this teenage jock
had cast over me. The kid
tried to divert his eyes from the thick slab of
horse meat rising up between my hairy thighs, but I
caught him staring. I sensed the
adolescent-like curiosity trembling
in his hands as he fondled the slippery mounds of
his narrow, round buttocks. I was met
with little resistance as I reached for his
hand and placed it on my hot, pulsating cock. “You
like dick, don’t you, kid?” I asked.
He pulled his hand away, but I knew
the truth. I could see it swelling between his legs.
I put my mouth to his ear. “Don’t worry, so do
I. Your secret is safe with
me.” That
night I made a deal with the guard that would allow
me to visit the kid in his cell. My intentions were
purely sexual, and the guard knew it,
but that sort of thing happened
around this place all the time. A few bucks in the
hands of the right guard, and you could have any piece
of ass in the joint.
When he heard his cell door open, the kid sat up,
drawing his knees up against his chest. he
didn’t seem at all surprised to see
me. He may have been young, and
beautiful, but he obviously wasn’t stupid. I could tell
just by looking into those
baby-blues, he knew exactly why I was
The cell door closed behind me and the
guard left us alone. “What’s your
name, kid?” I asked.
“Patrick. And you
“Simon. “How long have
you been in here, Simon?”
“Six months.”
“I appreciate what you did for me, you know, this
morning in the shower.” I sat
down on the bunk beside him, putting my hand on
his knee. “Glad to be of service, kid. I don’t think
you’ll have anymore trouble with
those guys. They know not to fuck
with me.” I
felt goose bumps rise up on his hairless skin as my
hand crept up his thigh. “I saw you last nigh in your
cell,” he said. “I’ve never seen
another guy jack off before.” “Welcome to
jail, Patrick. You’re probably going to
wind up seeing a lot of shit you’ve never seen
My hand had nearly reached his crotch
when he jumped up from the bunk and
put some distance between us. “What is it
you want from me, Simon? I’m not gay, if that’s what
you’re thinking.” I
shook my head and laughed. “Why is it people think
two men have to be gay to enjoy one anothers company?
I’m attracted to you. I’m tired of
sitting alone in a dark cell beating
my meat.”
“I don’t think I can do what you’re
asking,” Patrick mumbled.

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