Romantic Evening

For well over three years I had constantly fantasized about the idea of
watching my 49 y/o girlfriend sleeping with another man. After some time she
became aware of this fantasy of mine and made it quite clear that she didn’t
share. At first, I thought she only meant that she wasn’t willing to share me
lol. But then I realized that what she had really meant was that she wasn’t into
sharing herself.
Months went on and nothing changed, until one day I stumbled upon an Australian
on-line Adult dating site. After reading through the various profiles, I came
across an all male group that went by the name of Sydney Troops. Troops held
parties for married, attached and single females and catered for almost
anything. The group itself comprised of married, attached and Single men and
could arrange a one on one situation for the woman, or literally provide a group
of Men . One of the groups “apparent” trade marks was that each member was
required to be medically tested for STD’s on a regular basis. I couldn’t help
but wonder how safe such an arrangement could be. The thought of Beth being even
potentially involved in such a scene, gave me more that enough inspiration to
get in touch.
After secretly sending Troops an email explaining what I wished for (of course
along with a photo of Beth), I nervously waited for a reply. The next day some
guy called John rang, and said he had sent Beth’s pic to the others. Apparently
everyone agreed that Beth was very sexy for a 49 y/o and John confirmed that my
situation was quite common. He had a standard plan and left it up to me to
One week later the following Friday evening, Beth and I prepared for our
romantic evening out that I had promised her. She knew I had booked a very
private table for two at a cozy Restaurant at Eastwood in north western Sydney.
I noticed she was laying out her black medium length dress, black stockings with
frilly tops, little lacy black panties and matching heels. She had even spayed
herself with extremely seductive perfume. I called out from the shower that I
would love to see her wearing her long earrings.
The dinner went well and after one or two white wines, I suggested to Beth that
we go over to The Eastwood Hotel for a drink. I was extremely excited at this
point and despite having second thoughts, continued walking with Beth toward The
Back Bar which had its own side entrance. Once inside I noticed 10 or 11 average
looking men in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s talking together. From photo’s John and
I recognized each other and John immediately called out “Richard – what on earth
are you doing here ???”
As planned, I introduced John to Beth, explaining he was my old Dentist who
often visits Sydney on business. John then introduced the others to us as
Members of the local Rotary Club. I couldn’t help but notice that Beth was quick
to spot the two black men amongst them. We had a few drinks, talked and
generally got on very well with this group of almost completely strange men. I
had to visit the Men’s room and whilst there couldn’t help wonder what was
happening. I rejoined Beth and cut a longer story shorter, after about an hour,
it was getting close to closing time, John suggested that we all come back to
his Motel to have Moet Champagne, in which we all agreed.
Once back at Johns Mecure Rosehill Motel room, I could tell that Beth had
absolutely no idea that everything was pre arranged, but could also tell that
she also seemed excited to be the only female among 12 men in this 5 star Motel
After 4 or 5 white wines that evening, and yet too pee, Beth excused herself to
Johns Bathroom. Unlike the others, I was half drunk, but was still clearly able
to notice that Beth had hardly disappeared when without warning, the whole group
of 11 Men, simitaneously smiled at me whilst quietly stripping off all their
Can you imagine how I felt at the instant ? Put yourself in my shoes for a
second. Just imagine it was your wife or girlfriend in this guys Motel bathroom
doing what ever women do in bathrooms, and genuinely having no idea that just
outside standing all around the bed and side lounge, are 11 very virile strange
men, now with enormous erections. It was a mixture of total anxiety because the
situation has reached the point of no return, pure excitement and fear that she
is going to completely freak out and what then. The guys seemed to have it down
pat. They talked and laughed a little so as it didn’t seem strange too totally
unsuspecting Beth. FINALLY, about 4 minutes after we heard the toilet flush, we
noticed the bathroom door opening.
I looked to see a (not at all angry but) completely shocked look on Beth’s face.
What the ….. She muttered.. But then within a couple of seconds I could sense a
smirk coming and I was right. With the men all standing their in the full glory,
She said Richard, I’m pretty pissed off and shocked about this, but I can’t help
but admit that its excites me to no end seeing all you guys waiting for me. With
that the men moved in on Beth. Within a minute they had my girlfriend out of her
black dress and sitting on the end of the bed. Here was my Beth now thoroughly
surrounded by cock while completely naked accept for black stockings and
I got angry that they got straight into intercourse without seeming to care (at
all) whether Beth was wet enough. Luckily (understandably I guess) she was. She
expressed concern that there were no condoms in sight, but just as John started
to explain…… suddenly the first guy inside Beth really started giving it to
her and John could hardly be heard over Beths moans. So for the next 4 hours
until about 5:30am, I watched Beth fuck these increasingly less so, 11 strange
men. Like usual anal was a big no no, but these men gave Beth so many orgasms
from fucking and licking her that I seriously lost count. This was very
humiliating because normally she only has just the one. In fact the black
stockings were ripped in no time….. It had been hard to imagine Beth with
another Man, let alone seeing her with 11 decent sized cocks cumming deep inside
her one after another.

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