Sleepover Bliss

I was excited to be leaving home for
college. It hadtaken me a year after graduating from high school
to decidewhat I wanted to study, a year needed to get my head
onstraight.Closing my suitcase, I took one last look
around theroom I had shared most of my life with my brother,
Brad.Approaching footsteps drumming up the hall forced me
toquickly get a grip on my emotions. It was time to
leave.Time to begin a life of my own.My eagerness made
the ten-hour drive to the campus seemlike an eternity. Traffic
was light on the interstate. Thesun had not yet peeked over the
horizon. I drove down theseemingly endless highway, wondering
what college life wasgoing to be like. I hoped my roommate would
be cool andattractive.I would be eternally grateful if
it turned out to be ahot young stud with a great body, an
inquisitive mind and aprick that was always stiff. I thought
about Troy, one ofBrad’s friends. If only my roommate looked
like Troy. God,what a hunk! Tony had wavy dark hair,
smooth skin, hugepuppy-like eyes and firm, full lips that turned
into one ofthe sexiest smiles I’d ever seen. Just thinking about
himgave me a boner.I’d seen Troy around with Brad, but I
didn’t get to knowhim until last summer. One evening, after
hanging out withsome of the guys, I came home to discover Brad
wasentertaining an overnight guest. This in itself
wasn’tunusual. Brad often had someone spend the night, but on
thisparticular night his guest was someone special. It was
Troy.Until that night I had admired Troy only from
adistance. He was so hot, I locked myself in the bathroom
andsat on the toilet, stroking my eight-inch cock into a
frenzywhile I fantasized about licking his well-rounded little
ass.Driving down the highway, thinking about that night
hadmy cock aching. I unfastened my seat belt and opened
thefront of my jeans. My stiff cock filled my jockey shorts
tooverflowing. The plump, flared head of my restless snake
hadcrept over the top of my briefs. I took my eyes off the
roadfor an instant to glance down at my weeping,
one-eyedserpent. The sheer delight of that night had been
nothingshort of spectacular.The three of us had stayed
up well past midnightwatching old horror movies. I wasn’t at all
tired, butdecided I’d been enough of a nuisance for one night.
Aftersaying goodnight, I began taking off my cloths for bed.
Icouldn’t help noticing Troy seemed somewhat distracted by
myundressing. He was very subtle, but very interested. By
thetime I’d stripped down to my underwear and slid between
thesheets, my cock was as hard as a rock.Brad got up and
turned off all the lights except for asmall dim lamp sitting on
his dresser. I listened to theirconversation, pretending to fall
asleep. An hour went bybefore their boring chatter took an
exciting turn. Troysuddenly asked Brad if he’d ever jacked off.
Brad was silentfor several seconds. My brother and I had been
jacking offtogether for years. I was curious to see if he
trusted Troyenough to confess the truth.I could tell by
the way Brad seemed to squirm thatTroy’s question had made him
uneasy. But finally, somewhathesitantly, he admitted to jacking
off every fucking chancehe got. Troy didn’t seem at all
surprised by my brother’sconfession and readily admitted that he
too was particularlyfond of the act. My cock leapt with
excitement when he added,in a very matter of fact tone, that he
was feeling horny andwanted to jerk off. But he simply wouldn’t
feel comfortabledoing it unless Brad did it too. I was surprised
Brad had tobe asked. That guy was always horny.Through
squinted eye slits, I watched as Brad and Troytook off their
cloths. Once they were naked, they just stoodthere for a moment,
admiring one another’s magnificentbodies.Brad was my
brothers but I had never been able to ignorethe fact that he was
also a very attractive young man. Hisbuild was impressively
muscular and he possessed a generousration of thick,
heavily-veined man-flesh.Troy was far less muscular than
Brad. His was veryslim. His stiff young cock was smaller than
Brad’s, butappeared to me to be every bit as
desirable.Brad beamed with pride as he fingered his
glorifiedmanhood. The two of them then settled back on Brad’s
bed andbegan leisurely fingering their aroused pricks.My
cock ached for attention. I desperately longed tosubmit to its
persistent beckoning, but I didn’t dare. Thiswas hot stuff. I
was afraid if they even suspected I wasn’treally asleep, they
might bring down the curtain on whatcould turn into an
award-winning performance.The sudden screeching of tires and
the blaring of carhorns snapped me out of my hormonal fantasy.
Driving inheavy traffic makes me nervous, but I was so horny
mythrobbing cock remained aroused, completely unaffected by
thedense traffic and impatient motorists. I was tempted
topull off the road and wack off, but this was hardly the
timeor place for such an intimate activity. I tried to ignore
mysexual urgency and concentrate on my driving, but
myrecollections remained devoted to the youthful,
nocturnalantics of that celebrated night.Brad had never
been one to take his time when he didanything, and that included
jacking off. As usual, he washammering away on his cock with a
vengeance, interested onlyin getting his rocks off. Troy, on the
other hand seemed tosavor every slow and deliberate thrust of
his hand, giving methe definite impression he had a whole lot
more in mind thana quick yank.He suggested to Brad that
he slow down and take histime. I was surprised when Brad took
his friend’s advice andabandoned his throbbing cock to fondle
his enlarged, passion-charged balls. The sight and sound of them
had set me onfire.Since I was such a deep sleeper, Troy
asked Brad if hethought it would be possible to sneak a peek
beneath my sheetwithout disturbing me? Brad shrugged confidently
and theyheaded over towards my bed.I closed my eyes
tight, as their bare feet crept almostsilently across the thick
carpet. Gently they folded backthe sheet and gazed down upon my
all but naked body.I lay on my back and remained completely
motionless, onearm up over my head, the other folded across my
smooth, barechest. My long legs were spread wide apart with one
kneebent slightly to one side, creating a sensuous gap between
mythighs. Troy saw immediately that I had a
pulsatingerection.When Troy suggested they pull down my
underwear so theycould inspect my cock more closely, Brad didn’t
hesitate.Hooking his fingers under the elastic waist, he pulled
downthe front of my jockey shorts and exposed my
impressivemanhood. Troy readily acknowledged the fact that I
possessedthe biggest dick he’d ever seen.With a
mischievous snicker, Troy reached out and beganrubbing my
thick-skinned organ with his cool, slenderfingers. Brad took a
step back, dumbfounded by Troy’s sexualdaring.Troy was
close enough now that I was able to scrutinizehis manly physical
attributes much more closely. It wasn’tuntil then that I
realized Troy’s rigid six-inch cock wasuncut. A thick fold of
flesh lay just behind the flare ofhis cockhead. His cock was
slender and his ball sac smooth.The only noticeable hair on his
entire body sprouted at thebase of his cock to create a
triangular crop of dense manlythatch.Troy took my big
cock in his fist and squeezed it. Heran his fingers over my
sleek knob, covering them with the pre-cum that was seeping from
my pisshole.A painful catch in my neck snapped me back to
reality.I stretched in an effort to relieve my tension.
Mypersistent boner had become a painful affliction.
Thepurplish head of my cock glistened wet with pre-cum.
Ipulled down the front of my shorts allowing my sweaty,
achingballs to pop free. Steering the car with one hand,
Ipassionately worked my lusting cock meat with the
other.Again, I became lost in my hot fantasy.

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