Tempting Faith

***This story contains adult themes so you need to be 18 or over to continue.
Location:- Scotland : Chapter 1. A Change for Faith.
The Scottish spring had not yet yielded any hopeful signs of a break in the
cold damp weather that it was famous for. The City of Edinburgh architecture was
straining to cope with the rain, and gutter down pipes gushed water into the
storm drains. The homeward bound city dwellers huddled under umbrellas, most of
which showed some of the scars of the strong winds blowing along Princess
Faith Munroe pulled her long hood over her head as she hurried out of the
library staff room in the City centre of Edinburgh. The evening was dreich (
foggy, cold with incessant rain) with slippery pavements. Her flat shoes
struggled to keep out the damp, while she scampered for her bus. As usual, there
was no unused seat on any public transport during the evening rush hour, so she
held on to the hand rail and dreamed of a little hot food and a warm room to
rest and relax in. Her feet were tired from the daily toil of walking the length
of the library floor stocking and cataloguing the new books, and placing the
returned books into their rightful positions. She fervently prayed for a change
in her fortune that might include a change of job and even better, some hope of
a love life!
As she got to her own corner she called into her local convenience store to
get the ingredients of her supper. A helpful store assistant packed up her
groceries, and packed a local free paper into the carry bag. Faith hurried to
her small 1 bed studio flat, to prepare her food, and settle down for the
remainder of the evening.
She admired her lithe 5ft 7inch frame as she began to undress and get into
her warm PJs and pink fleecy dressing gown. She smiled absentmindedly as she got
out of her wet tights and obligatory size 10 black skirt and blouse, to dry her
feet before getting into the ridiculous looking but incredibly cosy slippers.
She quickly put her soup into the microwave and toasted her wholemeal roll
before placing the enticing result into a bowl on to her TV tray.
She set up her TV to menu mode to select a movie she could get absorbed into
for the evening. An American romantic comedy didnt hold her attention beyond
the few minutes it took to eat her supper, so she cuddled up on her sofa to read
the free sheet. She idly coasted past all of the local events and car ads to the
situations vacant column.
An intriguing advert caught her attention. It sought a single female with no
family ties to work in the highlands for a family, to assist in the rearing and
home schooling of a six year old boy. The advert required the candidate to have
a teaching or academic background, with an interest in art and music. The advert
included a web address to download an application form from and a Post Office
box to return the completed form to.
She quickly logged on to the internet to view the advert in detail, and
review the application form which included the imprint of a major Oil company,
owned by the Fergusons. The form itself seemed to be very thorough, quite
detailed, and sought a lot of detail on her personal life, some of which she was
more than a little uneasy about. However the salary on offer seemed to be very
tempting and was a huge increase on her current Edinburgh Council stipend so she
downloaded the form on to a memory stick so that she could print it out in work
the following morning.
She decided that the time she had spent as a temporary teacher might come in
handy, along with her secondary duties in the children’s section of the
Municipal Library.
As she got ready for bed, she brushed her shoulder length auburn hair. She
cleaned off her make-up and applied a little night cream while her mind focused
on whether she should apply. In her usual forthright manner she didn’t hesitate
to make her mind up quickly to do so. She then stretched in front of her
dressing table as she reviewed her strategy. She decided to make the most of her
University qualifications and limited teaching experience, while not revealing
too much about herself.
Her hazel eyes appraised her hairstyle in the dressing table mirror, and
studied her slim 34b bust and 25inch waist. She happily swayed her tush as she
decided that she would not reveal her hobbies which included writing erotic
lesbian stories and helping to staff a drop in shelter for the lesbian and gay
community. She was sure that her sexual orientation, voluntary work and hobby
had no bearing on the job offered and would only hinder any remote chance she
had of getting it.
*** Chapter 2. A Stunning location.
The highlands of Aberdeenshire to the east of Aberdeen and south of Aviemore
offer a stunning location that offers the recluse a choice of castles, and
luxury loch side villas that would rival anywhere in the western world for
location. The Queen’s summer residence of Balmoral, and the Highlands Games town
of Braemar were just two examples of well known locations in this Shire, which
the Fergusons had long called home.
A relatively recent upsurge in the Oil industry in Scotland had lead to a
huge uplift in the local economy around Aberdeen. Multinational Companies were
basing their European Headquarters along the east coast of Scotland, making the
most of the excellent University complexes, and sponsoring major sporting
events. Their senior executives were being housed in sumptuous locations around
the St Andrews golf course and inland to make the most of the limited skiing
In the centre of this Oil industry were the companies that specialized in Oil
exploration and Oilrig construction and Maintenance. In this sector, one name
stood among the best of its type. The Ferguson name came from a long line of
engineers, one of whom was credited with the invention and patenting of the
breach loading rifle. The Fergusons headed up an Oil Exploration and Maintenance
Company, famous for its quality, admired by its competitors as a model of
management. This company was well supported in the European financial markets,
and it’s portfolio of investments in worldwide Oil fields had yielded a
fantastic return for this influential family and it’s investors.
The family or Clan as they preferred to be called was very united, and
supportive of each other. The Clan’s elders had always nurtured its children
allowing them to develop and mature. This ensured that their skills were used to
their own benefit and ultimately to the benefit of the Clan and its companies.
Even the more outlandish parts of the family found that there was room for them
in the organization.
However one branch of this family had a very troubled history, including a
recent car crash tragedy which left a 6 year old heir alone without his parents
in the hands of a loving Aunt. Although this woman, Rhona Ferguson, had a
fearsome reputation in business she left this part of her character in the
boardroom to undertake the parenting of this introvert boy who was called Finlay.
Because of her boardroom workload it was agreed to advertise for a teacher
companion for Finlay, and see if a suitable applicant could be found for this
demanding job. The person they were looking for would need to be able to offer
as close to 24 hour care as possible, so it was vital to ensure that the chosen
candidate have no close emotional ties, to a partner, husband or indeed a
demanding family.
On a personal level Rhona needed to feel an empathy with the candidate
chosen, to feel that she could trust the judgment of the candidate. So she
decided to personally review the applications, draw up a short list of likely
candidates and interview each one herself. She would of course have their
background checked by a reliable company, who did all of her staff accreditation
checks, after all Jim Guthrie had to earn his yearly fee!.
Rhona was a 5ft 9inch statuesque woman, in her mid thirties, with stunning
red hair and candid green eyes. Her figure was a sumptuous 36D, with a slim
waist and full hips. Her lips were full with a hint of humor, unless she felt
Her home was west of Aberdeen in a beautiful remote glen, facing south
towards a small river. The house sat on 15 acres of ground and had an
unparalleled view of the road in both directions. It was secured by a massive
wall with a sturdy gate and an extensive security system. The house itself was a
renovated old stately Manor House, which Rhona had modernised sympathetically.
Her nephew Finlay, affectionately known as Finn, loved staying with her.
Finn had been through an awful lot, trying to grieve for the Mother that he
so loved and a Father who had meant so much to him. His broken hearted sobbing
left a gut wrenching feeling in the pit of Rhona’s stomach every time he cried
in his sleep.
She growled every time she thought of the driver who caused her brother and
sister –in-law’s death on that lonely hill road, and heartlessly drove off. It
was just as well that she never found out who it was, because nothing would save
them from the anger and wrath she felt towards them.
Rhona didn’t love many people, but those she loved, she loved deeply.
She spent an entire evening reviewing all of the applicants and her heart
jumped for joy when she saw one which she recognised. She had noticed this girl
who gave some of her time to a cause dear to Rhona’s heart. She began to
formulate a plan to get this girl hired, and once she had done that, she would
move to phase two of her plan.
She would begin a seduction offensive.
She recalled an episode of Tales of the Unexpected in which a beautiful girl
succumbed to the charms of a wily recluse who spent a week pretending that she
didn’t attract him. She decided that she would try the same tactics, using all
of the underhand tricks she could think of!

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