The Affair

It started out innocent enough. A friendly weekend getaway in Vermont had
introduced her to a new friend and eventually a new lover. A friendly smile, a
casual knowing glance in her way, a few subtle passes had all started her on her
way to where she is now.
It had all started when some friends had invited them to a friend’s house in
Vermont for the weekend. It had been an eternity since they had all had a family
weekend and seemed like forever since they had seen each other without one of
them rushing out the door to work, or for an evening out “with the guys”. They
jumped at the chance to spend some quality family time together. They would be
driving up, so that would add to their time together. They had heard about Clark
and had seen pictures of him, but neither had ever actually met him. They felt
as if they had known him, though, because of his name coming up so often in
conversations with their friends, Sharon and Dean.
Clark had recently bought an old country house and was in the process of
refurbishing it. A large 2 story house with a basement in the country just at
the height of fall when the leaves were on fire with color. It was a quiet
quaint town away from the hustle and bustle of city life that they had been used
to. It was to be the perfect weekend for them.
They arrived there late Friday night; everyone had already gone to sleep. The
next morning when they awoke they found that their host, Clark, had gone to the
store to get some groceries for breakfast. She had heard in a low, deep voice,
say there was coffee on if anyone wanted any, on his way out the door. Being an
unfamiliar voice, she knew this had to be his. She finally had a voice to go
with the face she had seen in pictures so many times before. She decided that
she would head for the shower before anyone else had a chance to use up the hot
water before her.
After her shower she began straightening up their bedclothes from the previous
night and making sure their kids were dressed before going out to play in the
fall leaves. She hadn’t even noticed that Clark had returned from the store. As
she passed through the kitchen on her way out to holler at the kids, she didn’t
notice him standing in the doorway watching her. Then suddenly he appears in
front of her, his hand is out stretched, presented to her. “You must be Teri,”
he says. She takes his hand, shakes it and returns the greeting. She does not
notice at the time his large stature or his large sapphire blue eyes. She is
after all still in love with her husband of 18 years, college sweethearts she
thought would be together always; soul mates as she liked to think of their
The day progressed like any lazy family weekend. The guys turned on the TV to
watch football and the kids ventured outdoors to soak in the crisp autumn air.
Her friend Sharon had decided to take a nap, knowing they would be up late. Teri
decided to join their kids outside who had started a small game of football. She
did not notice the pair of eyes that followed her from the picture window in the
family room. He watched her every move. When she laughed with the children, he
smiled. When she blushed in embarrassment to a wrongfully thrown ball, he
noticed the heat that arose in her cheeks. He noticed her round buttocks when
she bent over to play center, and he noticed her breasts as she pulled her arm
back to pass the football. She wasn’t his, but he began to think of how he was
going to get her. He had to have her.
Dinner was uneventful as far as they were concerned. They ordered pizza and ate
in the basement, which had been turned into a playroom. There was the usual
amount of laughter and playing around which always seemed to accompany children
at the dinner table. After all, these weren’t sophisticated adults at a formal
dining table. This was pizza in a basement. A belch was heard here, a burp
there, another one was called a pig for the amount of pizza consumed, kids’ play
over pizza and soda.

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