The break in

“This was just too easy,” thought Vic Tabor, as he carefully opened the unlocked
window on the first floor of the secluded farm house. Climbing silently into the dark
room, he snapped on a small but powerful flashlight and surveyed the surroundings, and
pulled out an old pillow case from inside his coat. Moving quickly to the buffet, he
found a drawer full of expensive antique silver ware, which he quickly looted of its
booty. Over the desk, a bill fold was emptied of all credit cards and two hundred dollars
in cash. “Not bad for five minutes work,” he said half out loud, while getting ready to
leave by the same way he had entered. All at once Vic was interrupted by the sudden
flash of a light being turned on and the sound of a man’s voice! “Who’s there,” the man
yelled?!? Frozen for a second, Vic looked over his shoulder to see a man of about forty
five standing in the far doorway. “Hey,” shouted the man, “what are you doing in
here?!?” Now turning to face him, Vic reached into his pocket and produced a snub
nosed .38. “Hold it right there pal,” he said with a snarl, “don’t move and nobody gets
hurt!!” Coming up behind the man, Vic could see the outline of a woman who asked,
“What’s going on Howard,” while peaking over his shoulder? “Get over here lady,” Vic
ordered the woman, “both of you,” he said, “and get those hands up!” Faye and Howard
Wells both slowly lifted their arms and walked over to the middle of the now brightly lit
dining room. “What are you going to do with us,” asked and obviously shaken Howard
Wells? Ignoring his question, Vic asked, “Anybody else in the house?” “No,” answered
Faye a little to quickly! Vic looked the two of them over for a minute, trying to decide
what to do with them when Faye pleaded, “Just go, we won’t say anything!!!” “Yeah
sure, lady,” replied a more than skeptical Vic! How could he make sure that they never
would finger him, that was the problem! Just then another voice echoed through the
room, “Mom, what’s going on?” Standing in the doorway was a girl about eighteen years
old. Looking over at Faye, he smiled, and turned back to the girl and said, “Come on in
and join the party!” Chelsea Wells, now grasping the situation at hand, joined her parents
in the middle of the dining room. “Any more surprises,” question Vic? “No, she’s our
only daughter, please leave her alone,” cried out Faye, as she held her daughter tight!
Looking the three of them over, Vic smiled, because he had come up with a plan!
“Got a camera,” Vic asked? “A 35mm and a video camera, why,” asked Howard Wells?
“Get me the video camera,” he told Faye, “right now, and no tricks!” Faye practically ran
into the family room, returning with the camera and battery pack. Taking the camera
from her, Vic turned it on and hit the rewind button. While he was waiting for the tape to
rewind, he pointed the .38 at them and said, “Everybody strip, all your clothes, off,
now!!!” All three Wells’ looked at each other and then slowly removed their pajamas.
“W-w-why do you want us to take off our clothes,” asked Faye fearing the worst? “Just
do it,” snapped Vic! When all three were naked, Vic took his time in checking out their
bodies. Faye, even though she was in her forties, had kept herself in good shape, with
dark brown hair, fat tits, plump butt, and nice, if not slender legs, along with a pretty face
which made for a very attractive woman indeed! Howard, being a farmer, had one of
those dumb farmer tans that looked ridiculous when he was shirtless, he was however
heavily muscled with just a slight paunch hanging over a nice sized dick. The best was
for last! Chelsea, the eighteen year old was a knockout! Slim with big tits, pretty face
framed by blond hair, a thin blond bush that couldn’t hide her pouty pussy lips, tight little
ass, and long slim legs that were enough to give any man an instant woody! “I can see
from the pictures on the wall that you’re all church goers, am I right,” asked Vic? “Yes
we are,” answered back Howard. “Well, as you can see we have a problem here, I can’t
just leave hoping you won’t call the cops, you’ve seen my face and I can’t take that
chance. On the other hand I don’t want to kill you, not over a lousy bunch of silver ware,
so the question of the day is, how can I be sure that you won’t go to the cops as soon as I
leave here? The answer is right here in my hand. I’m going to take some rather, how
should I say it, explicit home movies of you three in action! If I get picked up by the
cops and charged with this burglary, copies of this tape will be sent to every member of
your church!” “You wouldn’t dare,” cried Chelsea Wells! “It’s either that, or a bullet,”
shot back Vic, “take your choice!”
Chelsea, trying to cover herself, hid behind her mother and father, while the two adults
looked uncertainly at each other, both realizing that there was no way out of this mess,
except to do what they were told. “Let’s go into the living room and get comfortable,”
ordered Vic. The three captives walked slowly into the next room, with Vic bringing up
the rear. “We’ll start out nice and easy,” said Vic, “you, mom and pop, over to the sofa.”
“You kid, take that big chair,” and they all moved to the places Vic had indicated. “Now
momma, let’s see you give pops here some head!” Very slowly, almost in slow motion,
Faye lowered he head into her husband’s lap and gingerly took his soft cock into her
mouth. “Come on bitch, suck him harder,” Vic commanded! Faye Wells looked up at
her husband’s face with sad eyes, but went to work sucking his now growing member. As
her mother was sucking her father, Chelsea looked away, not wanting to see her parents
being degraded. “Hey kid, what’s your name,” asked Vic? “Chelsea,” she answered back
in a soft voice.
“Well Chelsea, I don’t want you to feel left out, so I want you to watch
momma and daddy and play with that cute little slit while you’re doing it,” ordered Vic!
“No, please don’t make me,” she cried, as she turned and looked away. “Pops, better tell
Chelsea here that she better do as she’s told or bang bang,” said Vic! “Please honey,”
pleaded her dad, “do what he says!” Slowly the young girl turned to face here parents.
By now the prick in her mother’s mouth had grown to it’s full eight inches, and her
mother was moving her head up and down as she deep throated her husbands cock.
Chelsea spread her legs and started rubbing her cunt with her middle finger, while Vic
was busy video taping the events as they unfolded in front of him. “Rub your clit for the
camera, you little cunt,” ordered Vic to Chelsea. The girl found her hard little nub and
ran her finger over and around it, causing her to gasp. “Hey folks,” chortled Vic, “little
Chelsea’s gonna blow her nut on TV!”

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