The Experiment

I had been out clubbing these last few weeks, trying to screw my name into
the record books after the break-up of my marriage. I had been lucky on this
last occasion and had met twin sisters. They were both extremely beautiful, 5’4″
tall and exuded an air of permanent sexuality. Claire was the youngest by about
six minutes, she was a real tearaway and, seemingly up for anything. Rachel
however, although extremely pleasant, was much more demure, the professional
type with her head securely on her shoulders.
I am a professional sound recording engineer with liberal opportunity to use the
sound studios free of charge. My hobby however is hypnotism and for months now
I’d been cooking up a very interesting idea that I really wanted to try out.
Hypnotism, through ‘Subliminal Message Transference’. The whole idea was that I
could suggest things to a person deeply enough that they would obey my
instructions implicitly, all at the use of a trigger word that I’d implant into
their subconscious mind.
The twins seemed to be the perfect opportunity for me to try out my little
‘experiment’. During some free time at the studio I began to hatch my little
plot. Firstly I recorded my voice in a smooth baritone, gently laying the
instruction that whomsoever was listening to the music on this tape would love
it so much that the subject, would need to have a copy of their own. I continued
to lie this deeply into their minds, changing the way that they were told but
always imprinting the same message. Next I lay some very catchy trance music
over the top of my voice so that only the music could be heard by the conscious
mind. The message however would, I hoped bury itself deeply into their
subconscious. I repeated the process using the same music but this time, the
subliminal messaging was far more explicit. It instructed the listener to obey
my voice whenever I used a trigger word. I made several copies of each and
returned home, ready to try out my plan of action.
I’d already invited the twins over that evening for a home cooked meal and
drinks. They knew that I’d been mixing some music tapes and I’d told them that
I’d appreciate their input and critique. They arrived promptly at eight and I
played the first tape immediately as background music, knowing that the longer
they listened, the more likely it would be that the subliminal messaging would
take effect.
After dinner, I poured us all some drinks and played the tape again but louder,
asking them both to listen carefully and make any comments afterwards.
The first tape worked wonderfully and both girls asked me if they could have
copies to take with them. I agreed readily, handing them both the second tapes
with the order to obey me subliminally working on them.
They left about midnight, promising to return for another evening of drinks and
cards the following week. I knew that they’d be listening to the tapes
throughout the week that followed and hoped intently that my trigger would work
the next time that we all met.
The next weekend.
True to their word, the girls returned the following Saturday evening and we
chatted inanely about all and nothing. The trigger word that I’d implanted was
‘Poker’ and sure enough, as soon as I suggested we play it, they both seemed to
get a far away look in their eyes. They seemed to return to normal, yet each was
eager to agree that we played. I wasn’t sure if the trigger had worked so, I
suggested that we make the game interesting and play strip poker rather than the
ordinary type. Once again at the mention of the word poker, they both seemed to
glaze over a bit and, once again they agreed readily. Still unsure of myself, I
decided to try a little auto suggestion to see if they would obey my
instructions. I made a vague comment about it being very warm in the flat and
wouldn’t they feel more comfortable if they stripped to their underwear?
Much to my glee and excitement, both girls stood up and stripped of their outer
layer of clothing. I was certain now that my trigger had worked and decided to
have a little fun.
We began by playing strip poker, as agreed, but no matter what cards I held, the
girls always believed that I had won. Slowly but surely, I watched as they
peeled off item after item of clothing until both were naked as the day they
were born. Having reached this point in the game, I suggested that we continue
to play but that if the girls lost again, they would have to accept a forfeit of
my choice. Without hesitation, both girls agreed and giggled at the thought of
what they might be gambling away. I decided to lose a few hands, just to make
myself more comfortable and soon I was sitting in just a t-shirt and my boxer
Claire, being the most receptive and open minded of the two in everyday life,
was the girl I chose to lose first. She looked over at me questioningly and
said, “So, what’s it to be then?” My mind was agog with possibilities but, at
this early stage, I decided not to push things along too quickly.
“Put my tape on, would you? Then you can do an erotic dance for us both to
enjoy. Your first forfeit will last for five minutes.” I said to her, sounding
more confident than I felt. Immediately and without argument, Clair started
playing the tape and the rhythmic dance beat of my compilation filled the air.
As if she were a professional lap dancer, her lithe body began its sensual
movements as she swayed and rocked her limbs in front of us. Graceful and yet
erotic moves burgeoned from her torso, as she began to bump and grind her body.
Her hands started to caress her skin, starting at her neck and moving slowly
down over her pert breasts. Her nipples reacted suddenly, rapidly becoming erect
and tensile. She continued her caress, lowering her hands until they were
tickling her inner thighs. She bent in front of me as she did so, her pussy only
inches from my face. I could see her lips beginning to glisten as her fingers
brushed over them. A faint whiff of her juices reached my nose, tempting my
olfactory senses teasingly. Without a word, she knelt right in front of me,
bending backwards and arching her back, exposing her delicious mons to me. Her
fingers eased her lips apart and she stopped. “That’s my five minutes. Let’s
play another hand.” Throbbing deliciously, my member strained against the
material of my boxers as we sat to play the next hand. I decided to turn my
attention to Rachel this time and, sure enough, she lost the next round. “I
suppose that means that it’s my turn to forfeit.” She commented coolly. “You’ll
have to give me a chance to top my sister’s performance though.” She said
brazenly, as she stared right into my eyes.
“Okay Rachel, then your performance will be to masturbate for us. Right here on
the lounge floor and again, for a full five minutes. The challenge though, will
be to see if you can make yourself orgasm within that time.”
Rachel didn’t even bat an eyelid, as she lay herself on the floor in front of
us. She began by caressing her entire body, sending frissons and shivers down
her spine. They in turn made her jump in little jerks as she reached down to
start working her pussy for us. Her digits worked expertly on her ever
moistening mons. Gently at first, waking the sleeping monster that lay within.
Gradually she began to insert her fingers, one at a time, pumping in time to the
music. Quicker and more energetically as she progressed, until she was thumping
four fingers in and out of herself, ferociously beckoning her orgasm to come.
Just as her time was nearly up, she bucked violently, moaning and grunting with
passion. Release came in the form of a scream as her pussy juices flowed freely
over her hand. She gasped and drew in breath as if she were drowning. Gradually
allowing herself to return to her calm and peaceful self. “How did I do?” was
all she said, as she grinned up at me happily.
“Very well, my sweet.” Was my reply. I turned to the two girls and said, “How
about one more hand, but this time winner takes all. Whoever has the highest
hand gets the other two as their sex slaves for the night?” I needn’t have
worried as the affirmative response I got was both immediate and sincere. We
played the hand out and, of course I beat them both. “Well then girls, I think
we should start with the two of you putting on a little show for Me.” Moving the
furniture from the middle of the room, I continued, “I would like you both to
make love to each other while I watch. Be sure to make each other cum and once
you have, we’ll take it from there.”
No sooner had I uttered my last word but that Rachel leaned forward and planted
a long, deep french kiss onto her twin sister Claire’s inviting mouth. Claire
responded passionately and grabbing Rachel by the hand, she led her to the
middle of the room, laying her gently onto the shag pile carpet. Pressing her
boobs into Rachel’s flesh she proceeded to massage her body in that way whilst,
all the while kissing and licking other areas that were afforded her. Rachel
responded by manoeuvring her face between her sibling’s thighs. She nipped, bit,
licked and nibbled until her mouth found Claire’s moist honey pot.
The instant that her nose plunged into this treasure trove, she redoubled her
efforts as her tongue went into overdrive. Claire was caught by the ferocity of
this attention and, in no time at all she was bucking like a bronco on her
twin’s face. She exploded as her orgasms fired through her body. Six, eight,
twelve times her cunt exploded with sheer ecstasy. As she began to recover, she
started her own onslaught on her sister’s mound. No more delicate teasing, there
was a score to be settled.
I watched in awe as Claire found each and every hot spot in Rachel’s vagina. She
pulled, she tongued, and she fingered her twin for all she was worth until, as
she nipped on the throbbing clit that was there in her mouth, Rachel finally
succumbed. Their goal achieved, the girls stopped their performance and hugged
each other closely. As if one they both looked up into my eyes, simultaneously
cracking a sexy, cheeky grin. Together they purred up at me. “Did you like the
My first experiment with the twins, Rachel and Claire, had been an out and out
success. In fact, I was agog at how receptive they had been, once I had used the
subliminal trigger word on them. Although outwardly, they were seemingly normal
in every way and what’s more, that they seemed completely in control of their
own will and faculties; they were in fact, completely submissive to any
suggestion that they heard me utter.
I had been careful to implant the command, instructing them to respond only to
commands that were spoken in my voice. They were to be my personal playthings
and not submissive to any old ‘Tom, Dick or Harry’.
The outstanding success of my initial trial, in the privacy of my own home, had
emboldened me considerably. The perverse nature of my personality was now, well
and truly pricked.
The next stage, I decided, would be much more exciting for me; though my humble
pair of servant girls might have found it considerably more humiliating. That is
to say, they might, had they been conscious of the acts they would perform at my
The really clever thing, I thought, about the way that I had induced the twins
to be receptive to my trigger word, was that I had first made them crave
listening to the tape recording, that contained my subliminal instructions. This
meant that the longer I waited between meeting them, the stronger the imprint
was, on their subconscious minds. The stronger the imprint of course, the more
willing that they would become upon hearing me use the trigger word on them.
We arranged to meet in the West End of London. I had told them that I wanted to
treat them and, that I would be buying them some clothes to wear. I also told
them that this would be for a special ‘party’ that I would be taking them to.

The girls were thrilled at my generosity. Little did they know that this was to
be my next little experiment for them both!
We met by the statue of Eros, near Leicester Square and, we walked into the
heart of Soho which, being London’s ‘Red Light District’ was full of seedy
little sex shops. I chose to visit one that was filled with shifty looking men
and, that was staffed by a similarly perverted looking man who sat at a counter
by the door.
As soon as we walked in, the girls drew lewd stares and leers.
Since I had not yet used my trigger, the twins looked uneasy and nervous. They
were used to me being the perfect Gentleman with them or, at least what they
could recall of their meetings with me expressed that notion.
I drew them close and said, “Don’t worry, Ladies. I’m just looking for some
‘Poker’ cards, for the next game of strip ‘Poker’ that we play.”
I deliberately emphasised the word ‘Poker’, making absolutely sure that they
heard me correctly. As had happened previously, they seemed to glaze over
briefly at each mention of the trigger. As soon as they returned to their
‘seemingly’ normal selves though, the nervousness had disappeared and a look of
excitement had replaced it.
“And we thought that you might be getting us our ‘Party Clothes’ from here.”
Chirped Claire, teasingly.

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