The Game … First Time Sex : Part 14 – Webcam

*** Please read chapters 1 – 13 as a prelude for this story in order to grasp
the personalities of my friends and myself as well as understand the plots up to
this point. My caution, especially for the earlier stories, is to please
overlook my typos and logic errors. I have re-edited the early stories, but the
originals are the only ones available online. Use the search feature for “The
Game” to find the previous 13 stories to read in chronological order (or just
click on my author name to see all my stories list). Please accept my continued
sincere thanks in advance for reading and leaving any feedback. To answer a few
questions that continue in emails, my friends have not read the story, and I
will continue to remain anonymous even if you email me. Enjoy.
So, after the New Year’s weekend, we are all back in school. Our gifts for
Donna and Tonya are sitting and waiting to be used. Let me say that the webcam
is a great present but not a substitute for the real thing. The cams are a lot
better than the ones on a laptop because there is no blurring or lagging during
fast movements. Although Donna had a laptop with a webcam during the first year
that she and I were together, we never thought about using it in the evenings.
Laptop webcams are for amateurs, and our group demands more, lol. By the way,
if you are broadcasting yourself, make sure you have a secure connection if you
use WiFi. You don’t want your neighbors watching you, or in my case, I don’t
want my dad watching me. My dad is very tech savvy. I am connected through a
cat-6 cable connection because there are a lot of tech savvy people around my
neck of the woods, and I’m not taking any chances of someone tapping into my
wireless connection. If you want to win at life, just pretend that everyone is
smarter than you whether or not they are. In this case, with my best knowledge
of secure connections, I will at least pretend that there is someone who can
circumvent any security measures that I use. Consequently, I don’t use wireless.

Tonya hadn’t set up her webcam since I gave it to her a couple of weeks ago.
We got to see each other so much during the holidays that it wasn’t necessary.
So, on Tuesday evening after New Years weekend, I call and walk her through
setting up Skype to use for the webcam. Afterwards we talk. After a while Donna
and Marcus join us and all four of us talk. Since my father and I are attending
the CES show in Las Vegas starting Thursday, I will be leaving tomorrow,
Wednesday, and won’t get together will Tonya this weekend. It will be pure
torture not seeing her even though the Las Vegas trip will be exciting.
“Well, the good news is that Tonya wouldn’t be in fully available this
weekend anyway,” announces Donna.
“And why not?” I ask.
“It’s that time of the month,” says Tonya who evidently already cued Donna
about her status before we talked.
“I will sit this weekend out although the three of us could have plenty of
fun without you,” Tonya laughs at me.
“Hey, you know I’m not jealous, but I would be very envious thinking about
you guys.” Envious hell. Marcus would probably fuck Tonya’s rear anytime he gets
a chance. Hell, I haven’t done it to her there much. Tonya doesn’t mind Marcus’
curiosity, but I’m a little glad she won’t be participating in the weekend
without me. I guess that’s selfish of me, but I want her hot and ready for me
when we get together next.
“Are we going anywhere?” Marcus asks Donna while worrying about his dick
workout for the weekend.
“Oh. You expect me to come over just for you?” Donna teases.
Marcus catches on to Donna’s tease for once and says, “Well, since I can’t
have both of you, I can wait.”
“Don’t push it, or I might not show up,” admonishes Donna playfully.
“You know you can’t stand being without me anymore than I can hold my
feelings when I’m not with you,” recoils Marcus.
“Well put, Marcus. Nice save there after going out on the limb,” I compliment
“Well, I’ll pick you up. You know we have never been alone together since the
first time, so this will be a special weekend for us,” says Donna sounding very
“Well damn, I’m feeling guilty that I haven’t been alone with Tonya either,”
I say somewhat remorsefully.
Donna consoles me, “Hey, not to worry. I’ll make sure that you and Tonya have
a night alone too in the future.”
“It’s Ok. We don’t worry about your guys once we start snuggling in the back
seat,” says Tonya.
“Except when Donna watches us over the backseat,” I laugh.
“Or when you throw Tonya’s panties at Marcus or when you watch Marcus do his
specialty on me,” Donna laughs back referring to when Marcus lies on his back
face up while Donna squats on his face to get her pussy sucked.
“Touch,” I say.
We offer the light banter back and forth for awhile longer and say our goodbyes
since I am leaving tomorrow after school for Las Vegas.
The next evening my dad and I are in Las Vegas. The next three days are really
spectacular. The Consumer Electronics Show is full of new electronics every year
and innovations of stuff that is hot on the market now. You have to be
affiliated with a company in the industry and 18 to get in. Well, I made up my
own cards and I.D. along with using an advanced registration and am able to get
in without any hassle. The show just doesn’t want a bunch of brats running
around at such an important event where literally billions of dollars in
profits, jobs, and stock prices are on the line. I think I’m a good ambassador
for the products, so no harm done.
I don’t swipe my card at any of the booths which would provide false leads to
the vendors, but I watch a lot of demonstrations. I make sure I find the
companies that use gorgeous models with legs all the way up to their necks using
an old, old Rod Stewart quote. I’m sure the models are getting fucked in the
rooms of the bigwigs at night. There is too much money and there are too many
hot girls not to know that, so I had a lot of material for my fantasies.
The models that I see aren’t interested in guys like me anyway. They go after
the money. I mean with the lights down low, you might as well have a dick that
is attached to a guy with a lot of money in your pussy instead of fucking a guy
in high school, so all I can do is look. If I did work up an offer, I couldn’t
act on it since I am with my dad. Oh well, my fantasies will build up my urge
even more to be with Tonya when I get back.
This year the show highlights 3-D televisions once again, Apple Ipads and
Iphones, and 4G connectivity for speedy connections of phones to the internet.
Companies are touting the LED passive 3-D for television which by-passes the
need to wear glasses for a 3-D effect on your TV. The pictures look great
although Donna, Marcus, Tonya, and I use our phones more than watching TV. I am
going to get an Ipad or an Android equivalent to download my textbooks before
school starts next year. The idea of not carrying books around in a backpack is
one of the best ideas that I see at the show for me.
I spend a lot of time in the LVCC North Hall where the gamers are set up.
Microsoft shows an Avatar Kinect where your avatar can talk to other avatars
which are supposed to be your friends. What is different is that the program can
pick up your body motions and facial expressions. That’s OK, I guess, but if you
are going to do that, why not just use a webcam and see the real you? Geezus, I
guess an Avatar is OK if you want to talk to people anonymously on the web, but
I don’t see talking to Donna, Tonya, and Marcus using an avatar. On the other
hand, who am I go second guess Microsoft when they have sold nearly 2 million of
these things?
We have tickets to “O” a Cirque Du Soleil production which produces the absolute
best entertainment that the world has to offer. In “O” the music and performers
do a lot of acrobatics with a water theme with costumes that are so visual that
the memory of the show will be implanted in my mind for years. Entertainment
like that is absolutely the best the world has to offer, and it’s not that
expensive. I had previously seen Mystere which is my still my favorite.
Well, Las Vegas is great for entertainment, but I’m not 21, so it leaves a lot
to be desired because after the shows, I can’t stay in the casinos or drink at
the bars. My favorite restaurant is at the Mirage, but I can’t drink one of the
fabulous looking margaritas at Sambas. There are more expensive restaurants, but
my dad watches his money.
I am on my own Friday night because my dad is has a business dinner, so I walk
to the Chris Angel shop in the Luxor. I am taking it all in so that when Donna,
Marcus, Tonya, and I come here someday, we will be seasoned enough to find the
best places. It just doesn’t get any better than Las Vegas for fun,
entertainment, and romance.
We fly back Sunday evening. I have been talking with Tonya each night but not to
the extent that we normally do, so I call her as soon as I get my junk unpacked
in my room.
“It was a long day and weekend without you,” says Tonya.
“It’s gonna be another long week since I wont get to see you until next Friday,”
I say.
Dang, I wish Tonya lived closer to me.
“You can see me every night now,” she says.
“Yeah, but I want to touch you too,” I say.
“Same here,” she reassures me.
“I didn’t think you wanted to just see my face when I opened your present,” she
“How could that even cross your mind?” I quip back in order to let her take the
“If I stand up, you can see more than my face,” she continues to tease.
“I thought we were going to just talk about school,” I tease back allowing her
to continue the erotic gesture.
“OK, then we’ll just talk,” she says forcing me to beg.
I lose the tease-talk and laugh, “Stand.”
Tonya stands, and I see her from the waist down. I see her sheer negligee at the
top of her knees creeping up her thighs, but it stops short.
“Did you expect to see more?” she whispers, her face still off-camera as I gape
at her from the waist down. The sight of her panties covering her pussy turns me
on, and I want to see them badly.
I decide not to be comical at this point and say, “please, more.”
As my shoulders lean back against my seat and I stare at my monitor, Tonya’s
negligee creeps up further exposing white, lacey panties. Through the lace, I
can faintly make out her darkish hair between her legs. As my excitement grows
so does my dick. It is pointed down, and I adjust it so it can expand upward.
Suddenly the camera goes blank, and I see a black screen.
Tonya announces matter-of-factly, “One moment. There seems to be a technical
I’m thinking, gawd damn. This is innovative and unexpected and wonder if she
planned this all day or just did it spontaneously. If I had been underestimating
Marcus, I am surely overlooking Tonya’s abilities to be innovative and tease me.
The camera comes on, and I see Tonya from the waist down once again. Her
negligee is creeping up her thighs until I notice that there are no panties
covering up what I want to see. Tonya stands innocently naked from the waist
down like Eve in the Garden of Eden.
Tonya pulls her negligee over her head and steps back so that I can see her
fully naked on my 24″ screen. Geezus, she is beautiful on camera, and I wish it
was 3D. Next, Tonya sits down in her chair with her knees spread wide apart.
Using the tips of her fingers she opens up her pussy for me.
Oh geezus, I thought I would like the webcam, but it is just one big tease. It
hasn’t been five minutes, and I’m already aching to lick the open lips of
Tonya’s pussy and stick my tongue into her. I want to put my dick into that open
pussy. I’m not sure if l like or hate this webcam. My dick is hard and pushing
on my pants. So now what do I do?
“It’s your turn,” says Tonya breaking my concentration and fantasy about fucking
I stand and frame my waist into the camera. The focus is perfect and I drop my
shorts showing my underwear being pushed out by my fully erect throbbing dick.

“More?” she asks in that sweet voice that always makes me melt.
I can’t talk. My throat is tight, and I want to fuck her now. I need to fuck her
now. This is fucking torture. I pull my dick out my pee hole and turn sideways
so that she can see it in profile view. I pump a little pre-cum out the top not
that it needed to be pumped. I am dripping already. OK, I’m dying. It’s only
been a couple more minutes, and I am sure that I hate the fucking webcam. Gawd
damn, I need Tonya here now. If she were here, she would have my dick in her
mouth and moving her tongue up and down the length of my shaft. Can someone die
from the urges and desires built up for the one you love?
I turn back toward the camera and pull my underwear down and take off my t-shirt
but don’t take time to take off my socks. Tonya has her finger inserted into her
pussy, and I am thinking that it could be my dick if I were with her. I know
what I want to do, but I can’t jack off until after our conversation for the
night. Geezus, we haven’t seen each other in a week, and the conversation could
last a couple of hours. I hurt.
“I want to watch you,” she says, and I react immediately to give her a show.
I rub my dick and pump it up and down slowly for her.
“I want more,” she coaxes me on.
“How much more?” I ask really not sure how to proceed.
“Are you going to do it?” she asks.
Oh geezus, does she want me to cum in front of her?
“You mean shoot off?” I ask to make sure I am clear on her request, but I kind
of know she wants me to.
“Yes, please,” she whispers in a breathy voice close to the microphone.
“You want me to shoot off?” I kind of want to but suddenly feel a little shy on
camera. Masturbating is kind of personal although everyone does it.
“If you don’t do it now, you’ll just do it later,” she states the obvious.
“I’m gonna sit down then,” I say as my urge to cum overcomes my inhibitions of
which I don’t have many.
Geezus, I can’t believe I’m doing this on a webcam. Tonya is slowly moving her
middle finger in and out of her pussy, and I’m thinking about my next move.
Tonya spreads her legs wide for me and uses her thumbs and forefingers to
massage her erect nipples. Oh geezus, I am so flushed that I am shaking a bit.

Suddenly, I stand up and announce, “Just a minute.” I disappear off camera and
get a tiny amount of oil, you know, the present that the girls gave us a couple
weeks ago.
Back on camera, I drop a little on my dick as I lay back in my chair facing the
camera. I adjust the camera and zoom in a little to put my dick in the frame.
“Am I in focus for you?” I ask.
“I can see the veins popping out on your dick as well as the hairs perfectly,”
she laughs.
Geezus, I suddenly feel self-conscious again and look for any imperfections from
shaving my balls and base of my dick, but I seem to look OK tonight. I gently
move my hand up and down my shaft feeling the oil as I watch Tonya finger-fuck
herself. I play like the oil is Tonya’s tongue. I am performing for Tonya and
don’t want to rush, but I am wanting to shoot off to relieve this urge. I am
completely surprised that I am so turned on by seeing Tonya naked on a webcam
with her fingers massaging and being inserted into her pussy. I guess the first
time is always a surprise, and no one can predict what turns them on or how they
will react. I’m surprised by my excitement for sure. Of course, not fucking
Tonya in a week adds to my urges too.
Tonya thrusts her finger into her pussy harder and moves it in and out a little
faster than before as I pump my oiled dick up and down while watching her,
staring at her, fantasizing with her, and then feeling my body becoming rigid.
My heels are pointed out, and I am sort of stretched out on my chair with my
eyes fixed on Tonya. She is staring back at me. Slowly, I feel that familiar
cold, numbing creeping up the backs of my calves and my temples going numb while
my groin and dick feel the sensations of climax, and I shoot cum all over my
chest. I mean all way up to my shoulder and neck. One shot hits my shoulder, the
next my neck and the rest spew on my chest. I am covered with a week’s worth of
cum that has been begging to squirt out.
Tonya continues staring and moving her finger in and out. My strokes slow down
as I continue to move my hand up and down my dick pumping all the cum out. As I
slow down, I watch Tonya intently. I have never seen her masturbate, and I am
fascinated. I know she has to do it, but I never asked the particulars. Finally,
I stop pumping and continue watching her as she closes her eyes for at least a
couple of minutes. I kinda want to clean up, but I continue lying back in my
chair as Tonya opens her eyes to look at me and my cum filled chest.
As I watch her and feel like I am watching an angel. Although my urge and desire
has tapered off to nothing, I enjoy seeing her lying backwards with her fingers
in her pussy. Yes, she looks like an angel, behaves like an angel, and cums like
an angel. Holy shit, she cums like an angel? Ok, let me explain. Angels are hot.
Angels are always pictured in long, white robes. Come on, everyone knows angels
are naked underneath. It is humans that invented underwear long after angels
were created, so angels have no reason to be wearing anything under those robes.

Angels like to have sex too. There is a reference in Genesis that refers to
angels as the sons of God who “came in the daughters of men and bore them
children.” Who “came” in the daughters of man? Angels! Holy shit, I bet that
passage is ignored by most people, but I know it’s there. Anyway, Tonya is my
angel, and I am hers, so I do my part to cum in her as much as I can so that I
can be just like the angels in Genesis. They are really good role models.
Soon, Tonya closes her eyes and breaths very heavily. She arches her back and
spreads her knees wide apart. In and out she massages herself deep inside her
pussy. I want to be with her and thrust my tongue far inside her, but I have to
be content in just watching the screen. As she lies backwards in her chair in a
45 degree angle, I see the tips of her nipples clearly atop her round breasts.
She peers at me as she squints her eyes toward the camera.
Suddenly says quietly, “I love seeing you on the webcam.”
“And I love you,” I say while suddenly realize once again I am very
self-conscious about cum all over my stomach and chest. I hadn’t planned any
cleanup and feel a bit embarrassed.
I can tell she is cumming. Her knees twitch a little and she moves her pelvis in
rhythm as she thrusts her fingers in and out of her puss. As she continues, she
stares straight at me on the screen, and I don’t take my eyes off of her. As she
slows down, I know she is coming down off her numbing feeling of ecstasy and I
am getting a bit aroused again watching her. She stops moving her hand and
continues lying backwards with her knees spread outward exposing her beautiful
pussy slightly worn out for the night. I wish I could have worn it out.
When I find the right time so that I don’t rush the moment I say, “Just a
minute.” I get up so that nothing drips on the floor and make it to the bathroom
to get a wash cloth. After hurriedly cleaning up, I rush back so that I don’t
keep Tonya waiting. She has a towel covering her as I see her once again on the
After I am back in view, Tonya says, “Nice show.”
“It’s a great show,” I say. “No reruns. I want a new show every night.”
“Sounds good to me,” says Tonya.
OK, I’m the one who now suggests that we masturbate in front of the webcam every
night rather than Tonya. I can handle this. If my urge isn’t as great when we
see each other live, then I will just hold off a couple days before each
weekend. Sounds like a plan.
Holy geezus. It hits me. I just saw Tonya masturbate. I never thought about it
before. I just avoided talking about it with Tonya during all of these months,
but her needs and urges are the same as mine. When we aren’t together, she has
to cum by herself just like me. What’s wrong about getting hot thinking about
the person you love and then acting on it? I loved seeing Tonya cumming on the
monitor in front of me.
I guess it’s a little sexist to think that only guys have to relieve their urges
and girls wait. I’m learning. I sure don’t want to be sexist because I love and
really respect Tonya. She is my equal in every way and I want to treat her the
best I can. Geezus, did I say respect? That sounds so adult, but I think my
feelings are as mature as any adult, so I will say it. I respect Tonya as well
as love her. Wow, I don’t know where that came from. Can the Peter Pan in me
feel adult emotions?
“I’ve never seen you do that,” says Tonya. “But I think about it when I’m
“It is a bit personal, but we’ve shared everything else, so what the hell. Can I
ask you a question?” I ask as if she would deny me.
“Of course,” she answers.
“When was the first time you did that?” I ask. Geezus, I can’t even say
“Well, I was a late bloomer. It wasn’t long before last summer just before I met
you. I was kinda curious one day, and it just happened. Then after it happened,
all I could think about is doing it for real,” she recalls for me.
“You mean with a guy,” I help her with the words.
“Yeah, of course,” she admits.
“What about you,” she asks in return.
Oh geezus, I can’t lie, and I hadn’t anticipated being asked back.
“Well guys seem to find out earlier,” I say in defense of my coming answer. “For
me it was in the second grade. A kid talked about it on the playground, and I
went home a tried it immediately.”
“And what happened?” asks Tonya wanting more details.
“It worked,” I laugh not wanting to give more details.
“You couldn’t cum, so how did it work?” asks Tonya with uncharacteristic
curiosity trying to figure out the mechanics of male climaxes.
“Well the feeling cums, but you don’t cum, cum. You know, nothing cums out. That
happens later when you get older,” I explain.
“Oh. Just wondering. So it felt just as good even though you couldn’t cum?” she
continues to probe.
“Yes. No different. It felt just as good as now,” I assure her.
“So you continued to do it?” she asks.
I laugh a little uneasily having to confess, but Tonya is just filling in the
blanks in her knowledge about guys.
“Yes. Most guys do it every day once they learn,” I reveal the male
no-so-secret activity.
“Wow. All those years and we could have been doing it together like Donna and
Donnie,” she laments and surprises me with the thought.
“I hadn’t thought about it, but I sure fantasized about doing it with a lot
of girls through the years until I met Donna and you,” I say being forced to
regret not knowing Tonya earlier. The thought of fucking her instead of
masturbating all of those years is really profound. What if I had known her like
Donnie knew Donna. Wow, the thought blows my mind.
As we continue talking, I ponder over what just happened. Tonya has never
seen my cum shoot, so maybe this is an extra-exciting time for her. I didn’t
think shooting cum all over my chest would be exciting, but I’m not a girl. Is
this what we are going to do every night that we aren’t together? Geezus, I
guess I can get used to it, but I’m not Marcus who beats off every night and
still has plenty of urges for Donna on the weekend. I can beat off every night
too, but I try to save up my cum and desire for the weekends with Tonya just as
I had done for Donna. I guess I will just play it by ear and see how much we do
and then see how the weekends go. In the meantime, I won’t be with Tonya until
Friday, five days from now. So whatever we do on the webcam will be fine with
**** Thanks for reading my continuing story. We are all back in school, and I
am really swamped with work this year, so my installments may not be as
frequent. I am anxious to continue the story, so keep watching the website. I
hope to catch up to the present in a few chapters. Over the summer, many of you
asked about the timing of the story, so I hope that it’s very apparent now. You
may send emails to galaxysign at hotmail dot com. Also, feel free to leave
feedback below. As always, I keep your correspondence confidential and
anonymous. Thanks again. Enjoy yourself and keep your partner happy.

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